Review Detail

Middle Grade Indie 381
Rome and Julian suffer a great loss
Overall rating
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What worked:
This title has more action scenes than the previous books in the series. Rome and Julian are still learning to synchronize their abilities as they face Darkbrand creatures from The Void. Rome is better able to wield his fire dragon powers to inflict damage on their enemies while Julian can now summon his various, mythical weapons almost instantaneously. The fact that he needs to roll a die to access them is unusual but it adds to the charm of the characters. The monsters they face have been presenting escalating strengths and devastation since the first book and that pattern continues. The creatures are seeking out the boys and their allies around the world and it’s only a matter of time before they meet in battle.
The author includes some significant twists to the overall story and hints at more to come. It’s revealed in the previous book that the principal, Mrs. Case, is a wizard but her abilities become much more enhanced in this one. She does something that shouldn’t be possible but it changes the whole paradigm of relationships between dragons and their knights. A seemingly unimportant character from the first book returns but his new role in the plot is very unexpected. Julian’s father has been a snobby jerk since he first entered the picture but the author provides clues that intimate there may be something else hidden beneath his obnoxiousness. It will become clear to readers that Julian and Rome will be facing monumental challenges in the future.
I’ve been wanting Rome and Julian to display more formidable abilities in their confrontations since they talk big but are often knocked around by the monsters. I must reluctantly accept that this probably won’t happen until the series climax. I was wondering why Julian’s sister couldn’t help them properly complete their Great Synergy ritual but I now realize they don’t possess the correct talisman. Their allies always seem to have more advanced powers but they had the talismans needed to bond dragons with their knights. Even though I’ve been anxiously anticipating Rome and Julian’s Great Synergy, I understand the author is creating my anxiety so he’s accomplished his mission. I can appreciate it even though my mind is still distressed.
What didn’t work as well:
Julian’s younger sister Camela joined the series in the previous book and her nagging and demeaning comments were amusing. However, this time their relationship is improving, which is a positive, but readers may miss Camela’s snarky talk.
The Final Verdict:
As mentioned, this third book offers new twists to the characters and plot with the most significant change lurking until the very end. They bring a freshness to the series and have me anxious to read the sequel so I recommend you give these books a shot.
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