Two Friends, One Dog and a Very Unusual Week

Two Friends, One Dog and a Very Unusual Week
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
April 18, 2023
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Take Pippi Longstocking’s joie de vivre, blend it with a 21st century urban setting, toss in a dog named Otto for good measure and what do you get? This joyfully carefree story about two unlikely friends.

It’s a pair of silver sequined sneakers that unexpectedly flips Emily’s comfortable, predictable world upside down. Or, more precisely, it’s the girl wearing them.

The shoes belong to Rani, who moves into Emily’s apartment building—and her life—with absolutely no one but her dog Otto. (Her research scientist mother is away in Patagonia.) And that’s only the first rule that Emily watches Rani break without hesitation.

But it’s not just that Rani breaks rules. Most of the time, she doesn’t seem to know the rules exist. Why can’t she bungee jump off their building? Or bring an ice cream truck to school?

For steady and orderly Emily, Rani’s approach to life feels impossible . . . and more than a little irresistible. But is there a place for her in Rani’s world? And should she find a way to make space for Rani in her own?

Editor review

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Funny Middle Grade Novel
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Two Friends, One Dog, and a Very Unusual Week is described as reminiscent of Pippi Longstocking, and I believe that is an accurate statement. There is just something about one of the main characters Rani that gives off Pippi vibes and her energy and personality are the star of the book.

Emily lives with her parents on the third floor of an apartment building. A new neighbor moves in above them and thus begins a friendship between Emily and Rani. Rani is the same age as Emily but is living by herself on the top floor with her dog Otto while her mom is far away for photography work. Emily and Rani are opposites and that is what makes their friendship so interesting.

Rani has never been to school and has no understanding of society's rules. Emily is a rule follower who worries about what other people think of Rani's unusual behavior. Children at school are captivated by Rani's stories of animals she encountered on her travels. Sure, some of the details seem embellished, but that is what makes them so fascinating.

While Rani learns to navigate society, she gets into several humorous escapades. As the book progresses Emily learns to let go of worrying about what others think of Rani, while Rani discovers what a true friend is.

If you are looking for a funny friendship book for middle-grade readers, this is the book for you.
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