Review Detail

Kids Indie 184
Inuit Retelling
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
The Raven Boy tells the tale of an Inuit village long ago. There was an old woman with no one to care for her so she modeled a boy out of meat fat and gave him a raven beak. The boy helped her until he followed the hunters to catch a great beast in the sea. There he caught and raised an island. His actions on the island were questionable and the ending felt abrupt. I wish there had been backmatter to better describe the history behind this tale. I expect in a folktale that when the character doesn’t behave well there will be a moral that is easy to glean from the tale, but there doesn’t seem to be. I was left wondering what happened to the old woman whom he abandoned for his quest. Overall, I am left curious about this story's place in the Inuit mythology.
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