The Pigman

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the pigman
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Reader reviewed by derrick keller

Book title and author: The pigman by Paul Zindel

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Number of stars (1 to 5):5

The pigman by Paul Zindel is a book about two kids and a man the kids names are John and Lorraine and the mans name is the pigman.

The story starts with the boy john telling the first part of the story and then Lorraine starts writing the rest of it on the third chapter. John and Lorraine and there friends Dennis and Norton call peoples house and Lorraine call the pigman house and say they work for a charity and ask for money.

John wants money for beer and cigrates but when John goes over to the pigman house Loraine does not want to take the money because it was a lot back then.

John, Lorraine, Dennis and Norton can the pigmans house and ask for money but when he says to come pick it up Lorraine does not want to take the money but John does.

My final review on this book is that this book is a really good book.

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Pigman Review
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Reader reviewed by Ashleigh S

Book title and author: The Pigman by Paul Zindel

Title of review: Why read The Pigman

Number of stars (1 to 5):  3

The Pigman was not my favorite book in the world, but it was not my least favorite, either. I did enjoy parts of it, and I would probably re-read it at some point.

The Pigman was interesting, I guess, but it did get confusing from time to time. It was pretty well written, if you like realistic fiction. The story is told by two teenagers, John and Lorraine. They befriend Mr. Pignati or, the Pigman in the oddest of ways: A prank call. While pretending to be collecting money for some sort of charity, John and Lorraine go to Mr. Pignatis house to get the money he would be happily donating. After the first visit, John and Lorraine start visiting Mr. Pignati more and more. The two teens dont usually feel comfortable at home, at school, or anywhere else, but they do at Mr. Pignatis home. John and Lorraine do cause an accident, and then they make a big, big mistake. Read the book and find out what that mistake is.

The characters were different then most characters Ive ever read about. I really felt like I could relate to them all, most of all Lorraine. The setting was also different, too. I never really realized were it took place, perhaps somewhere in New York. Honestly, it mostly took place at Mr. Pignatis house. I think that the theme was either friendship or guilt, or maybe a little of both. I liked the style of this book because Ive never read anything like it.

My conclusion is that the book is strange, has many twists, and is full of surprise. It was a good book with a good plot, but like I said, it can be confusing. I might recommend this book.

The book is nice. I recommend it to anyone from the age of eleven and up. I do still feel a bit confused, but most of my questions were answered.
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The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Jennifer F.

    This book is about 2 kids, Lorraine and John, who are misfits. What they do for fun is they do prank calls and Lorraine picks Angelo Pignati, who is a lonely old guy looking for friends. So he takes the kids shopping and lets them stay over like their his own kids. The book was a well written book. The way its written from a first person point of view of both the main characters. The part about them being misfits is a big point in the story.
    One of the main points in the story are that John and Lorraine are misfits. Thats big because the reason they do what they do is because theyre misfits and you wouldnt understand why they do the things they do if you didnt know they were misfits. Another main point is the bond between Angelo and the kids. Angelo had lost his wife,Conchetta, so hes lonely and the kids sort of cheer him up so he doesnt feel as bad.
    Lorraine is a misfit because she doesn't have a father and John is a misfit because he doesn't have a bond with his father and he drinks. The fact that John and Lorraine are misfits throughout the story is a key point in understsanding the book. They are not like everybody else. For example, when John was talking to Norton about the pigman, Norton wanted to know what was in his house to see if there was any thing worth taking and John was being protective of the pigman so he told him nothing.
    Overall in the story, John and Lorraine are misfits, and the bond between the kids and Mr.Pignati was very interesting and kind of sad. In conclusion, I think this was a good book and I recommend it to anyone interested in reading a good book.  

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Reader reviewed by KATIE FROM WV

The Pigman is Paul Zindles first young adult book about two high school sophomores, John Conlan and Lorraine Jensen and a lonely old man known as Mr. Angelo Pignati. The story takes place in New York.

In the beginning of the story John and Lorraine meet on the bus go to school. Then later on Lorraine and John are playing a phone game with their friends, it is Lorraines time to choose who is she going to put her finger on? She picks an old man by the name of Mr. Angelo Pignati.

John and Lorraine be come very good friends with the Pigman. They called him the Pigman because he collects all kinds of pigs.

John, Lorraine, and the Pigman go to the zoo to meet the famous Bobo. Bobo is the baboon at the zoo. Then something terrible happens to the Pigman, if you want to know further read the book the Pigman by Paul Zindle, trust me you will not be disappointed.

The Pigman is a very good book, it is very suspenseful and hilarious. I recommend this book to anyone who doesnt even read that often or people that read books in two or three days. If you can read a forth or fifth grade level you can read this.

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The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Brittany WV

Lorraine is the new girl at school. She has no friends. When she is at the bus stop she sees this guy she thinks is good looking. His name is John. One day he has to set with Lorraine on the bus. He laughs the whole way to school then she starts laughing with him thinking that he is laughing at her. When he is not laughing at her, he is just laughing. Then they became friends.

One day they go to their friends house to make prank calls. The point of making the phone calls was to see who could talk on the phone the longest. When Lorraine turn is next she decides to peek. She ends up picking guy by the name of Mr. Pignati. Lorraine said that she picked him because he lives on that street. When he answers he talks so cheerfully. She tells him that she is part of a L & J Fund. Mr. Pignati says that hell give them ten dollars. When they go to collect his money, Lorraine and John gets scared that Mr. Pignati might hurt them. Know they go to his house everyday to see him. They also go to the zoo with him sometimes. One day Mr. Pignati asks them if they want to see his pigs. They thought he had real pigs put he just collects them. Then One day Mr. Pignati has an heart attack. He has to go to the hospital.
While Mr. Pignati is at the hospital the kids are at the house alone. One day they are looking in his room and find out that his wife is dead. Then on en Mr. Pignati, Lorraine< And him got at the store e day John decided to have a party. The party got a little to out of control. When John gets out the skates, from when Mr. Pignati, Lorraine< And him got at the store. Then Lorraine goes into his room and gets out his wifes dresses and puts it on. Then Mr. Pgnati comes home unexpectedly. When he comes in he gets mad because on of his wifes dresses is ripped, some of the pigs are broken, and the house is a mess.

Lorraine and John call Mr.Pignati and ask him if he wants to go to the zoo to see one of Mr. Pignatis favorite animal Bobo. When they get to the zoo Bobo is not there&& Youll have to read the book to find out the end of the story.

I thought the story was okay. It wasnt one of my favorites books. I had to read it for an assignment at school in reading. I thought it wasnt bad but not a book I would read for fun.
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The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Jaclyn from wv

The Pigman written by Paul Zindel is a very good story about the friendship between an older man and two teenagers. I would recommend that you read this book. In the beginning it is not very interesting at the begining but as the book goes on a great story is revealed.

The story starts out with two teenagers, their names are John and Lorraine and they do prank calls after school in the evenings at their friends house. The object is to pick a number out of the phone book with your eyes closed then call the number and see how long they can stay on the phone talking to the person they picked. When it is Lorraines turn to pick a number she picks Mr. Pignati. As she begins to talk to him she tells him that she is calling about a donation to the L&J Fund. Mr. Pignati tells her to come by his house the next day for his donation of ten dollar. When they go to the house he starts to talk to them and ask if they would like to go to the zoo. So the next day they go to the zoo with Mr. Pignati and while at the zoo Mr. Pignati introduces them to his best friend Bobo. After a while they get to know him and start to go to his house and hang out after school. Then one day when they were rollerblading around his house Mr. Pignati has a heart attack.

After Mr. Pignati is in the hospital, they went to go to visit him. He told them that it was ok to go to his house to hang out. So after school they went there to hang out in the evenings. Then one night John decides that they should have a party.

As the party progress the music gets louder and the kids get crazier. A cab pulls up and Mr. Pignati gets out he is home early from the hospital. Will the ladies next door call the cops? If they do how much trouble will John and Lorraine get in with their parents. Will Mr. Pignati forgive them for making such a mess at his house? You will have to read the book to find out the ending.

Its a very good book and I would advise you to read it. If you read it I hope you enjoy it.

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The Pigman
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Reader reviewed by Sierra WV

Book title and author: The Pigman by Paul Zindel

Title of review: The Pigman Review

Number of stars (1 to 5): 3

  The book The Pigman is a book that I think will never get old. This book is interesting and funny.  There are many different feelings this book cause. The Pigman is the book that you could set down and read all night long.

   In the book The Pigman many things happen. The thing that is shocking when Mr. Pignatis pig collection is broken. Mr. Pignati is the Pigman is a nice old man. I think he is the nicest character in the book. Lorraine and John met the Pigman  by prank calling him.

     I think this book a some what suspenseful. Some suspense happens when John and Lorraine have a party at Mr. Pignatis house and someone ended up breaking the Pigmans pig collection. In the end the Pigman forgave them for what they had done. 

      For forgiving them John and Lorraine take the Pigman to the zoo. Although they thanked him by taking Mr. Pignati to the zoo, it still seams that they used him. Like when they used his house to through the party.   

       I would recommend this book to anyone. This was an excellent book. A great book for summer reading. 

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Pure Amazement
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Reader reviewed by Wesley

The teenagers pick on the old man. Norton slams her thumb in a car door. Jon gets arrested by a policeman with a beer belly. The pigmans pig collection gets broken.  When sophomores Jon and Lorraine played a practical joke a few months on a stranger. They had no idea what they were starting. Overnight against there will the two befriended.

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review of Pigman
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Reader reviewed by kevin from WV

The book I read is call The Pigman by Paul Zindel.It is about two teenager name John and Lorraine who played a joke on a old man Mr. Pignati. But soon after spending some time at his house the felt more comfortable there than their own houses. This book has a lot of important meanings about life, it aloes has a lot of facts about life. Like when they said I took a puff on the cigarette, and I could hear Lorraines voice saying I was killing myself This book has a lot of important meanings about life, it aloes has a lot of facts about life. Like when they said I took a puff on the cigarette, and I could hear Lorraines voice saying I was killing myself The book The Pigman was a unusually but interesting book. I like this book a littel bit
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review of Pigman
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Reader reviewed by kevin from WV

The book I read is call The Pigman by Paul Zindel.It is about two teenager name John and Lorraine who played a joke on a old man Mr. Pignati. But soon after spending some time at his house the felt more comfortable there than their own houses. This book has a lot of important meanings about life, it aloes has a lot of facts about life. Like when they said I took a puff on the cigarette, and I could hear Lorraines voice saying I was killing myself This book has a lot of important meanings about life, it aloes has a lot of facts about life. Like when they said I took a puff on the cigarette, and I could hear Lorraines voice saying I was killing myself The book The Pigman was a unusually but interesting book. I like this book a littel bit
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