Rise of the Vicious Princess

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Rise of the Vicious Princess
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Release Date
June 14, 2022
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The first in a YA political fantasy duology about a fierce princess determined to bring lasting peace to her kingdom regardless of the cost to her heart —from C.J. Redwine, the author of the Defiance series and the New York Times bestselling Ravenspire series. Perfect for fans of These Violent Delights, And I Darken, and Ash Princess. Princess Charis Willowthorn is the dutiful sword of Calera. Raised to be ruthless and cunning, her only goal is to hold her war-torn kingdom together long enough to find a path toward peace with their ancient foe Montevallo, even if the cost is her own heart. When violence erupts in the castle itself and an unseen enemy begins sinking Calera’s ships, Charis realizes a threat much greater than Montevallo is coming for her people. So she forms a plan. By day, she is Calera’s formidable princess intent on forging an alliance with Montevallo. By night, she disguises herself as a smuggler and roams the sea with a trusted group of loyalists, hunting for their new enemies. And through it all, she accidentally falls in love with the wrong boy. But her enemies are much closer than Charis realizes, and her heart isn’t the only thing she has left to lose.

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That Ending!
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You had me at CJ Redwine! I love her books, and this start to a new duology was a solid addition to my collection. Charis Willowthorn has been raised to be the most vicious one in any room she’s in. However, under all her walls is a girl who cares deeply for her family, her servants, and her country.
I like that Charis is a capable fighter and a skilled strategist. I love that instead of being a damsel princess in distress she can use her smarts and her skills to save her country. Poor Charis finds herself in quite a corner when an 18-year-long war with Montevallo is getting worse and now ships are being sunk off the harbor. The solution works but at the cost of her very heart when she offers her hand in marriage in exchange for peace.
It's obvious from the start that there are spies and someone from the nobility who is a traitor. It made me on edge the whole time waiting to discover who it would be. I couldn’t fall for Tal’s character because I kept waiting for him to end up being a spy or a prince with his uncanny deep knowledge about Montevallo. But, I fell for him anyway and loved the deep respect he has for Charis. Even when their relationship was progressing it was never about taking advantage of her just because he was attracted to her. I am rooting for them and am hopeful in the sequel they won’t spend too long before being reunited.
Overall, this book laid the groundwork for our characters to have deep-rooted feelings for each other. The time the author gives these characters to form their relationship gives me all the hope that they are going to have a happily ever after eventually. The deaths and surprises at the end make for a major cliffhanger. I am so glad the sequel is out because the wait in between books would have been hard with that ending!
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Rise of the Vicious Princess Review
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Well, CJ has done it again. I fell in love with CJ's writing when I stumbled upon The Shadow Queen and this book just proves it more. From the description of the book, I honestly thought this was going to be something completely different. Personally, I thought this was going to be more of a vigilante book but it was absolutely none of that. Her sneaking out at night is such a small, small portion of the book. And honestly, I'm so glad for it. The plot of this book is so much better than I would have imagined if this was more of a vigilante story. Nothing about this book was slow and when there was no plotting or assassination attempts, my attention was still captured. The ending is just plain rude because I don't have book 2 in front of me. While I did guess 2 of the 3 twists in the end, I still wasn't emotionally prepared for this to be it and have to wait for the next one.

One of my favorite aspects of this book was how the relationship between Charis and Tal worked. Charis is a princess in the middle of a war. And even if she wasn't a princess in the middle of war, her status does mean a political marriage rather than one for love. It is common for that to happen and a lot of fantasy books don't really follow this ideal. While obviously I would rather have Charis marry for love than for political reasons, her choices make sense. And then the reaction of Tal is understandable as well. Of course Tal is going to be upset but he understands her position. This is clearly not a spoiler because OBVIOUSLY Charis and Tal are going to fall in love and pleaseeeee tell me who doesn't love a good bodyguard/royalty story.

Let's talk about Charis. I LOVE HER. Honestly, with the title of Vicious Princess I was assuming she was going to be this horrendous character that I didn't enjoy because of how "vicious" she was. But let's be real, Charis is such a sweet, caring person but knows when to get that sword in her spine straight. I love this about her because she is never dislikeable. She does what she needs for her kingdom, as a good princess would, and follows what her mother teaches her. In the middle of war, she can't appear weak in front of her enemies which makes sense. But when she's in private, her real self shows and it is clear how much she cares for those around her. I loved her bravery, confidence, and compassion.

Overall, Rise of the Vicious Princess by CJ Redwine was so good, but did we expect anything less from her? I was hooked from beginning to end. The politics in this world were intriguing as Charis tried to figure out everything that was going on while trying to end the war. While I figured out two of the three ending surprises, I still wasn't ready for the book to be over and have to wait for the next one. I absolutely adored Charis and her relationships with everyone, obviously Tal. Her character was so much more than I was expecting and I am here for it. And her. Charis forever.
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Rise of the Vicious Princess Review
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I honestly do not know how to review this book because I don't know how to accurately explain how much I love it.

I have been a fan of C. J. for years now, and she continues to amaze me. Rise of the Vicious Princess might just be my new favorite of hers.

This story is full of political intrigue, incredible world building, and fantastic character development. Charis is the heir to a kingdom struggling against another. They've been at war for her entire life, but the attacks are getting worse. Not only that, but she's been taught from an early age that she needs to be fierce and not trust anyone. With several attempts on her life, she has no reason to doubt that lesson.

Until Tal comes into the picture. After a failed assassination attempt on the queen, Tal is assigned as Charis's personal bodyguard. She, of course, argues this because she knows how to protect herself, but it's her ailing father's wish, so she reluctantly agrees while keeping him at arm's reach. At least, that's the plan. The problem is, they start becoming friends, and she starts questioning whether she actually needs to face the world alone or if she can let people in.

I loved seeing Charis grow. Not only did she slowly start trusting Tal and enjoying his company, but she started seeing that her two cousins were genuine friends as well. She begins to realize that it might be better to face all these struggles with people supporting her. The relationship between her and Tal felt so real and natural, and there was so much tension in this slow-burn romance. I adored it!

The writing was great, as expected. C. J. has such a skill for sucking me into a book and keeping me there. She's truly a master storyteller, and I just want to stay in her magical worlds forever.

At this point, Rise of the Vicious Princess is my favorite book of 2022 so far. It is full of action, secrets, romance, betrayal, and fantastic characters. This is absolutely one I will re-read in the future. I cannot wait for the next book!
Good Points
- Incredible world building and storytelling
- Great character development
- Political intrigue and plenty of action
- Slow-burn romance
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A battle for peace at all cost
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What I liked:
Charis has been raised to show no fear, give in to no feelings, and the kingdom's peace is what matters above all else. Descriptions by the author of the dresses, the hairdos, and the relationships Charis forms are all crafted to show strength to all she interacts with.
The harsh punishments handed down by her mother to those who could have been to blame for the various attempts on her life are heartbreaking but necessary. Struggling to forge peace, she even gives away her chance at love by agreeing to a marriage with the enemy.
Final Verdict:
A politically fueled fantasy with various attempts on the royalty's lives and the massive plot twist cliffhanger, you will find it hard to put this one down. Be prepared for dark times, but they are balanced with hope by our brave vicious princess who is willing to lay it all on the line to have peace for her people.
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engaging YA fantasy
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RISE OF THE VICIOUS PRINCESS is an intriguing YA fantasy. Charis is the princess of Calera, a kingdom at war with their neighbor, Montevallo. Her life changes when an assassination attempt leaves her mother wounded. An overzealous guard means they cannot question the assassin nor the spy found in Charis's bath. Knowing that there must a spy in their midst, her mother, Queen, delivers a drastic ruling, leaving Charis feeling alone, grieving, and beginning to take on ruling responsibilities while her mother heals.

As Charis navigates the politics of the kingdom, she also finds herself developing feelings for her new bodyguard while also fighting off assassination attempts of her own. She must consider what is best for her people as she forges a new path forward- even if it sacrifices herself in the process.

What I loved: Charis is a really compelling character, raised to understand that everyone is her enemy and still looking for kindness and friendship anyway. She has faced every betrayal and still come through wanting to trust the people around her, luckily with the support of her father who wants happiness for her future. As her life is threatened, she becomes closer with Tal, her father's bodyguard who has become her own and her closest confidant. Tal is quiet but grows to also care for Charis as much as he is able to, given the differences in their stations.

Charis's world is kept limited by her role and the dangers posed to her, so the reader only explores this world through her rule around the castle/capital. However, through this, we get to learn about the politics, surrounding kingdoms, and non-human beings that are also entering into the conflicts. These elements were really fascinating, and I am hoping to learn more about the other kingdoms in the sequels.

Themes around duty, trust/betrayal, war, politics, dangerous alliances, and following your heart make this a really engaging read. Charis is really coming into her own and navigating a world where everyone has expectations of her. Her life is not her own, and she wants to do the best for her kingdom while also feeling the tug of her own heart.

The twists at the end I absolutely did not see coming, and I love that I was surprised by the way things played out. Highly recommend for people who love a fantasy with a good mystery and shocking reveals.

Final verdict: An engaging and twisty YA fantasy, RISE OF THE VICIOUS PRINCESS features endearing characters, an intriguing world, and thought-provoking themes. Highly recommend for fans of ASH PRINCESS, STOLEN SONGBIRD, and YEAR OF THE REAPER.
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