Loki: A Bad God's Guide to Taking the Blame (Loki: A Bad God’s Guide Book 2)

Loki: A Bad God's Guide to Taking the Blame (Loki: A Bad God’s Guide Book 2)
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Release Date
May 09, 2023
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When Thor’s hammer goes missing, trickster god Loki, still trapped as a cranky eleven-year-old boy, is determined to prove he’s innocent (for once!). The hilarious and doodle-packed series continues in this second volume.

Norse god Loki records the highs and lows of living on Earth as an eleven-year-old in grumbles, snarks, and doodles in his enchanted diary. He might not have shown any moral improvement (yet), but Odin has given Loki another chance to prove himself worthy of Asgard. Earning everyone’s trust isn’t easy, however. So far, Loki has managed to make only one human friend, Valerie, but is now irritated to learn that Valerie has made another friend, Georgina. Then, at Thor’s birthday party (a pointless mortal ritual, though luckily there is cake), the magical hammer Mjolnir is stolen—and everyone suspects Loki! Can Loki find Thor’s hammer, discover who the real thief is, and clear his name—or will his jealousy over Valerie’s new friend cloud his judgment? From dangerous Frost Giants to disappointing parent-teacher conferences, Loki’s riotously funny illustrated adventures continue.

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Hilarious Book About Loki
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Everybody's favorite Norse god is back. Forced to live on Earth by his father, Loki spends his days as an eleven year old boy with too much time on his hands. When Thor's hammer is stolen, of course Loki is the one who is blamed. He is the trouble-maker after all, but he didn't do it. Not this time at least. Now, Loki must do what he can and take on the trials ahead of him to prove his innocence. But it isn't about being innocent. No, he just likes to be the person who is right and wants to rub it in Thor's nose. To do so, his path leads him to new students who are threatening to take his place.

LOKI: A BAD GOD'S GUIDE TO TAKING THE BLAME is packed humor, cute doodles, and Norse Mythology. It's honestly the first book I've read in this series but I don't feel like I missed anything. The format is a mix between a middle grade novel and a graphic novel. The doodle-like cartoons bring even more laughs to the story. This book is the perfect look into Loki's mind and how we can all imagine him to think. His comments just make the story and I couldn't get enough. There are hints of mythology splashed throughout the plot to keep things interesting. I love watching as he interacts with humans while he thinks they're beneath him. Even though I haven't read the first one, I can see Loki grow the more he's around humans and how it's helping him learn right from wrong, even though he's so good at being bad.

Final Verdict: I would recommend this to children aged 9 and up who enjoy fantasy, magic, humor, and Norse Mythology. Since it reads like a diary, it's an easy read will bring a laugh to children who dare to open it up. Like it's crazy how much humor is packed into this one book and I love every second of it.
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