Heaven (Halo #3)

Heaven (Halo #3)
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Release Date
August 21, 2012
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Bethany, an angel sent to Earth, and her mortal boyfriend, Xavier, have been to Hell and back. But now their love will be put to its highest test yet, as they defy Heavenly law and marry. They don’t tell Beth’s archangel siblings, Gabriel and Ivy, but the angels know soon enough, and punishment comes in a terrifying form: the Sevens, who are rogue angels bent on keeping Beth and Xavier apart, destroying Gabriel and Ivy, and darkening angelic power in the heavens.

The only way Bethany and can elude the Sevens is to hide in the open, and blend in with other mortals their own age. Gabriel and Ivy set them up at college, where they can’t reveal their relationship, and where there is still danger around each corner. Will Bethany be called back to Heaven – forever – and face leaving the love of her life?

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Not quite the Heavenly end I anticipated.
(Updated: August 27, 2012)
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I have mixed feeling about this book. On one hand, I enjoyed the cover and the overall positive message of God's love, mercy and forgiveness but I also struggled to finish it.

There were parts that seemed overly dramatic and the ending was a bit predictable. I also felt like there were unanswered questions that an epilogue could've helped with. Overall this final chapter in Bethany Church's story fell flat for me but I've no doubt die-hard fans of the series will enjoy it.

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My Heaven Review
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When the predator becomes the prey, what will happen? Bethany is used to hunting down the evil in the world and bringing her Father’s righteousness to people.Yet, one choice shatters her whole world. I kind of saw it coming. I mean they were young and in love. Marriage seemed the right choice for their situation. But never did I imagine the wraith of Heaven. They are being pursued by The Seven. These are Heavens soldiers to bring justice to the world. Although, I am not sure if their idea of justice is what I would have seen Heaven agreeing with. They took out anything in their path and killed unmercifully. It left a sour taste in my mouth. I did not like how Heaven was perceived at this point. To all such injustice was beyond me.

This was a book I could relate to, though. The setting takes place where I grew up, Mississippi! Not to mention my sister is currently a student at Ole Miss and I lived an hour away from Oxford. I was happy with how accurate the details were. Oxford is a quaint, clean little town filled with plantation homes and college students. Ole Miss is definitely known as a “party school”. The fact that Beth and Xavier had to retreat here to stay undercover made me happy. It was great to read about my home town. It did make me quite homesick, though. It was very tragic that they had to pretend to be two different people.

Beth (Laurie) and Xavier (Ford) were forced to change location and identity after being tracked down by The Seven. They were a married couple under the pretense of being brother and sister. It was actually quite comical. I could never imagine playing the same role with my own husband. I would probably feel the same way as Beth (Laurie) angry, jealous, and degraded. Could you imagine allowing other girls to flirt with your husband and not be allowed to show him affection? They have suffered tremendously for their feelings for one another. I was just ready to finally see a reprieve, but unfortunately that did not come about until after much heart ache and tragedy. They had to endure the death of close friends, the desecration of Gabriel’s body, a possession, and separation. By the end, I was even exhausted for them.

Although I wished for a happy ending for these two, I felt the ending was a little disappointing. I wanted more of a bang and instead was presented with a boom. I had so many unanswered questions by the end of this series, and I felt extremely cheated when it ended so abruptly. I just felt that too many new discovers were thrown into this book. Yet, a lot of them where left standing without a worthy wrap-up. Although I know it is not supposed to happen, I was always a big fan of Gabriel and Molly and I secretly wanted them to end up together. That would have been one awesome twist indeed.

I am not really sure how I felt about this series as a whole. I would have to say that I was left unsatisfied with the ending. It felt like I was left sitting in the dark waiting for someone to shed some light on things. I am not sure I would recommend these books, but if you like Angel stories you might find some interest in these.
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Nice ending
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Beth and Xavier go against Heaven’s will and marry. Heaven sick’s its dispensary force on them and they decide to hide in plain sight at college. Under the cover of brother and sister, the newly weds must try to hide their love and stay off the angel’s radar. They discover things in Heaven aren’t a simple as they seem, Xavier’s more special than they knew, and sometimes you have to give up everything to be with the one you love.
This book was the perfect ending to the series. Bethany holds strong to her faith and realizes she is exactly who God intended her to be. It leaves the reader completely content.
Good Points
You never know what is going to happen next!
Top 100 Reviewer
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