Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

4.8 (60)
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Best book ever
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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is the beginning of the end. This book is very intense. There is a war going on between Voldemort and other wizards. Some wizards are on the evil Voldemort’s side and others are on the good wizards side. One of the things I like about this book is that it shows that you can never do something on your own. Harry and his friends, Hermione and Ron, go on a secret adventure. They are collecting objects that are “possessed” by Voldemort. The reason? They are trying to defeat him. It’s the only way they can get rid of him for good. I like these parts because although Harry is not fighting with Voldemort yet, it is quite interesting and I’m always wondering what will happen next. There are many problems along the way that make it more uplifting and interesting. They have to be in hiding for sometime. Death Eaters have been searching for them for a while. They’ve been close to being caught a few times. One day they were caught. Hermione acted quickly and used a spell on Harry to make his face puff up so no one would recognize him. Will the Death Eaters Recognize him? Will Harry and his friends be taken away. Will Harry be able to defeat Voldemort? Will it be the end of the war against Voldemort or the end of Harry? There are many reasons why I love this book. I will definitely read it again. It’s intense, adventurous but also you learn that friends and family play a big roll in your life. If you have no friends and family to support you, what’s worth fighting for?
Good Points
This book is so good. It's very well written. Intense and touching.
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Epic Finale
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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, wow, what a book! This book made me laugh, shiver, whoop and collapse into tears. It has everything, the evil villain (Lord Voldemort and his followers (Bellatrix, Malfoy, blah blah blah...), the double agent (poor Snape, poor, poor Snape), the good guys (all those in the Order and fought for Harry), and the hero (Harry, of course!), plus his best friends (Ron and Hermione). With these characters, plus action, romance, horror and hope, J.K. Rowling weaves a beautiful ending to a spectacular series.

Out of all the characters in the books, I must say that Luna, Neville, Fred and George are my favourites. I want to narrow it down to one, but we all know that is impossible. I love Luna for how she is different, and is not afraid to show it. I love Neville for his clumsy but heroic personality And I just adore Fred and George for the humour they bring to such a dark time: "I'm holey Fred!"

I think that nothing can ever truly compete with Harry Potter. It is just so perfect, every single word. Harry Potter is just truly magical.
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Fantastic Finish!
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What a way to finish the series! This book has everything I wanted: lush detail, relationship struggles, danger, plot twists, redemption, victory, and a happily ever after. It is AMAZING. I cried, cheered, cringed, cheered, and cried some more. So, so good. Thank you, J.K. Rowling, for a series that built such a fabulous world inside my imagination.
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Amazing adventure
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Reader reviewed by Kim

The final Harry Potter book is by far the most adventurous. It wastes no time getting into the adventure, when only a few chapters in you find that the wizarding world has fallen into the hands of dark forces. With little planning, the trio has to go right into their quest to find Hororuxes. Harry's desicions are the epitome of bravery, and friendship and heartbreak both ensue.
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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
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Reader reviewed by Wes Corrigan

It is the last chapter of the Harry Potter saga.Harry, Ron and Hermione spend there time in hiding trying to find the final horcruxes. Voldemort is gaining power over the Ministry of Magic. The three young wizards are trying to also deal with the loss of Dumbledore and the help he would have gave them. In the end the conquer him and peace is restored to the wizarding world.
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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
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Reader reviewed by Wes Corrigan

It is the last chapter of the Harry Potter saga.Harry, Ron and Hermione spend there time in hiding trying to find the final horcruxes. Voldemort is gaining power over the Ministry of Magic. The three young wizards are trying to also deal with the loss of Dumbledore and the help he would have gave them. In the end the conquer him and peace is restored to the wizarding world.
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Great book
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Reader reviewed by Wes Corrigan

It is the last chapter of the Harry Potter saga.Harry, Ron and Hermione spend there time in hiding trying to find the final horcruxes. Voldemort is gaining power over the Ministry of Magic. The three young wizards are trying to also deal with the loss of Dumbledore and the help he would have gave them. In the end the conquer him and peace is restored to the wizarding world.
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All time favorite book
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Reader reviewed by Kaitlyn

I love the entire Harry Potter series, but in my opinion, the books get better the higher up you go in the series. Meaning this one should be the best, and I think it is.

I love almost every scene in this entire book. I must have re-read it about thirty times since its release. The action is well-written, suspenseful, and emotional. When I was reading the book the first time, I tried to pace myself, because I didn't want the series to end. But that was impossible. It was just too suspenseful and I couldn't put it down. I read the whole thing in a day, pausing only to eat and use the bathroom.

Yes, a lot of characters die. That was horribly depressing. But it's understanding given that the context of the book is an all-out war between wizards and witches. Every time someone died, I would literally break into sobs, because their deaths were written out so well and because in the past books, they had been so greatly established that knowing they were dead broke my heart. I have never cried so much over a book, but in my opinion, if a book can make you feel that strong of an emotion, it must be a great book. I thought that the amount I cried over Dumbledore's death would never be matched, but yep. It sure was in the seventh book.

I didn't think that the epilogue was great, mostly given the names that were assigned, but that's just because the names are so ugly to begin with. I mean, I'm sure if Snape had a normal name like Sam instead of Severus, people wouldn't be so peeved that Harry named one of his kids after him. Albus Severus is an ugly name, but these were two people that Harry greatly admired/loved, so I get why he named his kid after them.

The only thing I can think of that I didn't particularly enjoy was the Harry-angst, but I am used to that, and Harry has never been my favorite character anyway.

Loved this book. Loved it to death. In fact, I think I'll go read it right now.
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Killing Two (Many) Birds With One Stone...
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Reader reviewed by Joe M. (The Boy Who Read)

The seventh installment of JKR's epic series is riveting and tear-jerking, while driving the plot itself into the ground. For the first twenty chapters or so, I felt utterly disappointed in Deathly Hallows. Rowling manages to take all of the learning, the quirky magical mishaps, the school environment, and every lighthearted romp from the other books and completely get rid of them in an attempt to make the last book "dark."

There are a few areas in which I thought DH failed:

1. It seems the only thing Rowling could think of to sidetrack us (seeing as how there's NO subplot this time around) was to make a list of every character from the series and go through them, randomly deciding which ones were to be killed off. It seems any character that DOES die is either cute, heroic, fun to be around, or just somehow close to Harry. (No, don't kill off Percy, everybody hates him! Might as well kill someone the fans like!) For this reason, the book should be renamed "The British Chain Saw Massacre".

2. A good chunk of the book takes place on a continuous camping trip, during which the Trio essentially hasn't the slightest clue what to do next.

3. Rowling has now given us reasons to hate practically every character in her series, or at least think that they aren't all that great. Harry is moody, emo, and a complete brat who really needs a good smack upside the head on more than one occasion. Hermione, no longer being anywhere near a library, chooses to entertain herself by constantly yelling at Ron and Harry or sobbing uncontrollably. Ron just doesn't have a clue, not that he ever did, and turns into a no-good...well, with the rules of profanity here, I can't say!

4. The rules of children's fantasy have been thrown out the window, or rather, burnt up like Dumbledore's hand. There are no lines to cross in the final struggle, as can be expected in the last book. Essentially, everyone's killing people, stealing, or  doing something else totally unlike themselves. Yes, friendship and love are the core themes of HP, cheesily enough, but apparently, it's okay to use Unforgivable Curses if you think someone's actions are slightly offensive, or it's no harm really to use false identities for the sake of getting something important.

While I will admit, this book is probably the most action-packed, emotionally-shaking book I have ever read (Battle. Of. Hogwarts. Period.) , it still fails to live up to expectations. Even the title of the book, the "Deathly Hallows" don't come into play until about halfway through.
The ending is hardly the satisfying finale I expected. It's the end. Whoo-hoo. That's it. There are too many gaps left open overall. Even if JKR makes the rumored HP encyclopedia in five years or so, she'll still have a lot of explaining to do. (Exactly what ARE the rules of the Fidelius charm, anyway!?)

This book still gets a 4/5, mostly because of the action.

If you, like me, finish the book thinking that there are questions left unanswered, please check out the controversial second book by MuggleNet.com's Emerson Spartz and Ben Schoen.  (I can't mention the title - it's a spoiler for book 7!)
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Sorrow abound. . .but smiles, too!
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Reader reviewed by Crimin

J.K. Rowling finishes up her best-selling series with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, where Harry not only has to defeat Voldemort himself, but he must do everything in his power to keep himself, and his friends, alive.  Its the only book in the series that Harry and Ron and Hermione did not attend Hogwarts and, instead, journeyed around the magical world to retrieve sacred items and solve clues.  Oi that was a run-on!

Personally, this was one of my least favorite books in the entire series, as the death toll was too unsettling high for my tastes.  And she killed my favorite character! After he had a child! Ugh!!  J.K. Rowling, why?!

Still, the ending epilogue made me glad I trekked through the horrible deaths and the unpleasant-ending fights.  At least, some of the characters got to have their happy ending.  And some achieved some glory in doing it! *coughNEVILEcough*

I highly recommend this for any and all Harry Potter fans.  But need I say that?  If you have been with him since year one, I highly doubt that youd quit before the end.
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