Goddess Crown

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Goddess Crown
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Release Date
September 12, 2023
‎ 978-1536226522
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Kalothia has grown up in the shadows of her kingdom, hidden away in the forested East after her parents were outed as enemies of the king. Raised in a woodland idyll by a few kindly adult caretakers, Kalothia can hunt and fish and fend for herself but knows little of the outside world. When assassins attack her home on her sixteenth birthday, she must flee to the king’s court in the West—a beautiful but lethal nest of poison, plots, and danger, overseen by an entrenched patriarchy. Guided by the Goddess herself, can Kalothia navigate this most worldly of places to find her own role? What if she must choose between her country and her heart? Excitement, romance, and a charismatic heroine shine in this first book set in the unforgettable kingdom of Galla.

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So much more then just a girl
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What I liked:
Kalothia is a female, soon to govern the world, which is a strike against her. Women are not meant to rule, not to travel alone, not educated. Kalothia has to overcome this once she learns she is to be queen, though they want her to take a man to rule. The level of corruption in the court, the lies she uncovers, and the strength she needs to take her rightful place is the main plot that kept me turning pages. I wanted to see her take her home and make things right for the females she would be queen over. The literal fact that she worships a female goddess yet thinks she would never put a female in a place of leadership was so mind-blowing. How can you worship a female yet think so little of them.
Final Verdict:
Kalothia's character grows quite a bit over this novel; her two caretakers train her to rule, and she doesn't even know it. Kalothia is a character who has been lied to from the moment she was brought into the world. Her mother was killed over a vicious plot to take over the throne, and though she holds a belief her parents are out there, she soon learns just how alone in the world she is.
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Goddess Crown Review
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Kalothia had grown up in the forest her whole life. She was told it was for her protection. Kalothia's parents were supporters of the traitorous queen and she had to be tucked away for safety. During her time in the forest, she was taught by Teacher and cared for by Aunty. There was always a guard in place too and Nahir, the Captain's son who helped trained her and ensured her safety. The day before Kalothia decides it's time to leave and try to find her parents, her home is attacked and sends her on a quest to fulfill her destiny.

The things I liked: I loved this world. This whole culture was created and there was so much history behind it. I also really like Kalothia's personality. It was clear that without Teacher, she wouldn't be as independent as she was. Through the Goddess' teaching (as told by Aunty) women aren't supposed to be thinkers or readers but rather supportive. Teacher neglected this and taught Kalothia how to read and write and how to think for herself. This obviously comes in hand later down the line and I'm grateful for Teacher's persistent. I also really liked the relationship between Nahir and Kalothia. It was natural and I enjoyed how it played out.

The things I didn't like: All of the best aspects of this story felt incomplete. The beginning would have been such a good opportunity to learn more about this world and Galla. I felt like I didn't know anything about what I was reading except for the conflict with Padma. But why was Galla so strong and revered? What about their other neighbors? I just wanted more from this world than what was provided. The Goddess' interventions. While I understand why she doesn't show up more - I wish there was still more of her. It didn't have to be intervention but the fact that the Goddess' shows herself to Kalothia is so interesting and I wish that was utilized more. Kalothia's "proving". The way Kalothia was supposed to prove her lineage was summed up in a chapter. A single chapter. It didn't present any danger or really much of anything. It was there and done. The pacing was off for me as it felt like it jumped from one idea to the next without fully flushing it out.

Overall, Goddess Crown by Shade Lapite was an okay read. It absolutely was not horrible but it fell short for me as I wish there was more to it. The premise was great and I enjoyed the characters but the best ideas of this book were just there. Nothing more to it than just presented. I do recommend this book to those who like Political Fantasy stories where your main girl comes in and crashes everything in the best possible way. There is a little bit of murder mystery here which I enjoyed as well but don't expect the most interesting parts of this book to be anything more than there.
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