Divergent (Divergent #1)

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Wanting a taste of a perfect blend of Romance and Action? Try Divergent.
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I really enjoyed this book and it worked really well with the twists and turns. There were times when I just couldn't put the book down. I heard about it from a group of friends, and the movie was coming out, so i decided to try it.For a Fantasy Romance reader, I really didn't expect there to be high hopes, But, boy, was I surprised.
Tris was just beautifully written with her strong character, and I could clearly relate to her feelings. I also found myself being moved in a different way. Roth clearly had a clear image in her mind of what she wanted her protagonist to be like. She made a good choice writing from Tris's point of view.
Four was great. He wasn't shown much, but it was clear from the way that he was always there when Tris was in need made him a perfect love interest. Even I fell in love with him. His caring and protective feelings of Tris are not shown too much through out the book but they are clearly there.

I would really like to see more of Tris and Four's relationship through out the second and third books.
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Okay... So here's the thing:
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When I first read this book, I was so happy with it. I adored each and every character so much and the plot was to die for. And a couple of months later, I picked it up again...
I realized that the characters were somewhat of replicas of every other YA novel. Think about it; a strong leading female role who tries to show that she's strong enough to deny all possibilities of 'love' until it all falls into place. Does that not sound familiar? The plot to me had now become repetitive from other YA novels to after delving further into the basic story. Think again; a society divided because of a war that had happened, and it's to try and put things at ease between the government and the portions of a separated country? All too familiar.

I enjoyed this book whilst I had it in my hands reading it, so I'm not going to let my advanced future knowledge of reading this ruin any reputation I could have given it too much. I did enjoy it, so I'd rather not harm my affection for it until it becomes something of nothingness to me.
I know many dystopian fans will love this series.
(Oh and I'm not going to lie, I cried like a baby in the final installment of the trilogy; Allegaint.)
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I loved this book! I remember reading it only a month after it's release, way before I even got into dystopian novels. It captured me from the very start and I remember getting to the end of the book feeling emotionally drained from everything that happened, and was speechless at how amazing it was. I really connected with all the characters, and fell completely head over heels in love with Tobias/Four with his level headed demeanor and kind personality. Tris out shined everybody though, her courage and bravery were something to be admired, and I absolutely loved her.

Overall, this book was fabulous and I'm really glad I read it.
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Better than I thought
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Honestly, I was late to the party when it came to picking up Divergent and reading it. With all the hype, I didn't really think I would like the book, but I did. It was a quick and entertaining read. It was unique, at least to me, because I haven't really ever read a dystopian book before.

The idea was fascinating, but I didn't feel it explained enough about why things were the way they were, but I haven't yet read the other two books to see if more back story is given. Also some things in the book were just a little too convenient for the situation. But overall, I loved Divergent.

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Divergent (or the random acts of stupidity)
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I remember the first time I found out about „Divergent” was just as I was exiting the cinema and this big, bad-ass poster caught my attention and I was immediately interested so I looked up for the book. I am a sucker for Dystopian novels and I looked forward to get home and get my hand on the book.
The story had an interesting premise: in this futuristic world, sometime after “a Great War”, the people were separated into factions, according to their personalities, with strict rules: Abnegation, Erudites, Candor, Dauntless and Amity. They have to choose who they shall be according to their personality and fall in one of the categories. The world as they know it (which is just a city, really!) is enclosed in a high security fence guarded by the Dauntless to keep them safe (and of course they don’t wander of what they have to be kept safe of).
But 16 old Beatrice, born in an Abnegation faction discovers she is different, that she is what they call a Divergent, someone different that has to be eliminated by the system, a threat. She transfers to Dauntless where she reborn as Tris… or she should do so if not for her constant whining and lack of action.
Tris is so boring, that most of the times I wanted to shove her over the railing and be done with! She is now a Dauntless, but besides having that super cool self-control, cannot act in any direction and she’s quite dumb. She is supposed to question the system, find what’s happening and become a fighter and a leader, instead of waiting for things to happen. She disappointed me immensely.
When I bought Veronica’s Roth book I was looking for something gripping, enticing and new. I've read The hunger games and it’s impossible not to compare them, but I must say, that even if The hunger games wasn't great, at least I was gripped into a story filled with action, not bored to death by a girl whose only interest is jump off trains and moan that she misses abnegation and proves herself by getting another tattoo. Plus that, Katniss had a kick-ass skill with that bow that even I find it hot!
The side characters are doomed from the beginning and there is no real evil character in this setting. We cannot count Eric just because he looks weirdly tattooed and pierced and has a smart, evil mouth. The other competitors in the “arena” are so boring and predictable that makes me poke my eyes out with a fork.
I really tried to like Divergent, but I was halfway through the book and she was still wondering why she felt so weirdly hot around Four (Ha!), their mentor and awesomely hot and rarely talking leader.
Four, is her love interest, but there’s little love and even less interest as far as I was concerned. I’ve been shown more kissing and pillow talking in “The hunger games” than here. And of course that he is hot and drolly and if I wouldn't know better, I’d say British too, but he’s not, because using too many clichés would make any reader puke their guts out. Instead, Veronica made him aloof, mysterious and he also does the Stare Game, just like in Twilight. I swear to God, these people are falling in love only by staring at each other?!
The story took way too much to develop into something that would hold my interest and finish reading the book, instead of abandoning it at 80% and watching the movie instead. It’s a pity because it could've been great, but it failed miserably. I know it’s YA, but that’s not an excuse for poor writing and miserable characters.

**** You can follow my other book reviews on: http://janekelsey.wordpress.com/
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Excellent book!
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I loved this book! The story was addicting and I couldn't put it down. I can't wait to read the next book!
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A fun read
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This is a fast-paced easy to read YA novel. I enjoyed it, but there is a major plot flaw at the end which really annoyed me and discredits the whole book. I'd recommend it to teenagers despite that though.
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Awesome Book
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Honestly in my opinion this book is the best dystopian I have read yet. I normally don't really like read dystopian but lately people have been fangirling, fanboying, and gushing about how awesome this book and its sequel is. Plus, all my friends have read it and when they talk about it, I just stand there like a total weirdo because I don't have a clue who this number guy is and all this other stuff. So I read the book and... I was left utterly speechless. The ending is one of the most devastating endings I have ever read along with The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I love the two main characters in this book: Tris and Four. Don't get me started on Four... I just... I can't even... the feels!!!! This guy... I legit LOVE this guy! But who doesn't right?? Tris... I liked Tris, she changed a lot from the beginning of this book and we see that in the end of this book when she was with her dad and his reaction to how she has changed.
So yeah, this book was freaking AWESOME and I HIGHLY recommend this to people who want to read a freaking awesome, and original book. =)
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I loved this book
(Updated: November 07, 2013)
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** spoiler alert ** The story of a society where people choose to separate themselves into 5 different groups ; the brave, the honest, the knowledge seekers, the selfless and the amity, who i guess just want to get along..?
However people are not just honest or just selfless or just brave. Some people have more than one faction in their blood. Those people are considered dangerous rebels.

The entire society is based on understanding how people think according to their disposition to each faction and anticipating their behavior. Not only that but putting them with other like minded people so they all kinda reinforce each other's behavior.

People are discouraged from associating with other factions.

While on the fringes of this society live a group of people who failed to belong to any specific faction. they are called the factionless; they are the proletariat of this world. They live in poverty and only get the odd job that no one wants now and then.

The world this novel is set in thinks of independent thought as a crime punishable by alienation and a life without the basic necessities of existence.
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Hooked to Divergent, or was it Four?
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Divergent, if you haven't heard of it(I doubt it)it the story of an future dystopian world were people are classified as factions: Abnegation, who put everyone needs first instead of their own, the Dauntless, who are fearless, the Erudite who are into learning knew things, the Amity who are peaceful and earth loving, and the Candor who are brutally honest. It started by telling the life of Beatrice, a sixteen year old who loves under the factor of Abnegation and has to choose if she wants to stay or transfer to another factor like everyone does when they are sixteen. It started a little slow for me, but maybe is the way it's written making Beatrice(Tris) the narrator telling the story from her perspective. (Would love the perspective of Four, I just love him). It did pick up and when it did I was hooked to the very end. Divergent has plenty of action, adventures, secrets, mystery, humor and a bit of romance making it a great story about what make us human. My favorite character (if you haven't figured that out yet) is Four (Tobias). He seems the most human and real to me. He is flawed but gifted in many ways. Love how he evolves through the story. I liked the feels of the Hunger Games in the story but unlike the Hunger Games, I do want to read the sequel. After reading it, all I keep thinking is Why it took me so long to pick up this book. What was I thinking? because it's a wonderful piece of work. Insurgent here I come. 4.5 Stars (OK maybe 5 stars for Four)
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