Disciples of Chaos (Seven Faceless Saints, 2)

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Disciples of Chaos (Seven Faceless Saints, 2)
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Release Date
February 20, 2024
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In this thrilling sequel to Seven Faceless Saints, Roz and Damian must face their destiny as the world crumbles around them—perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo and Kerri Maniscalco.

Damian Venturi isn't aware of it yet. But as small shifts start to crack the foundations of the Ombrazian power structure after the Rebellion's attack, cracks are beginning to show in Damian's own facade. Uncontrollable anger is bubbling to the surface and can't always be pushed down. Can he keep everyone safe, even from himself?

Rossana Lacertosa should feel victorious. She accomplished everything she set out to do, and more. The Rebellion's attack set countless prisoners free and brought attention to the unfairness in the Palazzo's structure. And Damian is back by her side where he belongs. Yet the war with Brechaat rages on and government officials are hellbent on keeping the status quo.

Then an Ombrazian general arrives from the front lines, and orders dozens of arrests, shipping Roz and Damian's friends up north. Determined to free those who matter most, Roz and Damian set their sights on Brechaat. But their journey is dogged by strange magic, and Damian shifts further from the boy he used to be.

The complications of love, magic, faith, and war will keep readers eagerly turning the pages as they head towards the gripping conclusion in the Seven Faceless Saints duology.

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Disciple of Chaos Review
(Updated: June 06, 2024)
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Disciples of Chaos takes a different approach than Seven Faceless Saints. The first book focuses the murders happening throughout the city. While this mystery is solved, their troubles aren't over quite yet. Disciples of Chaos focuses more on the lore of the Gods and the world itself. The setting took us farther than the Palazzo which was interesting to read. The story kept me wanting to know what happened next but as it expanded, it became more predictable. It missed the mystery the first book contained, which was what captured my attention. The ending gave the closure it needed with a little extra. It was nice to read an AFTER the after.

I do love these characters. Ros and Damian are just so different but that's what makes them perfect for each other. It was interesting to see their roles switched though as I think it made them less predictable in what they were going to do. While the plot itself was easy to follow, I enjoyed reading their roles. These two are definitely what holds this book together and helped me push to the end. The side characters had a little more development as well and I'm glad they weren't lost in this story.

Overall, Disciples of Chaos by MK Lobb was a good ending to this duet. The intrigue and mystery the first book brought wasn't really found in this one. While it deviated from the murder mystery and gave us more of the world - the predictability was way more prevalent. Even though I didn't find this story to be as engaging, the characters didn't let me down. All the angst and tension from Damian and Ros were still in this book - and let's be real, that's what we're here for. I do recommend this book, especially if you enjoyed the first one. It's a solid ending to this duet.
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Truth or Lies
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Disciples of Choas is the second book in the SevenFaceless Saints series, where some are favored and are disciples of one of seven gods and those that are unfavored and are the poor and oppressed. As far as everyone knows, there are no disciples of chaos as he is the one who should never be worshipped and whose disciples are killed and never seen again. But as we all know, in fantasy, when something is told, it is poorly and has been extinguished; it is never really extinguished. What is the palazzo trying to cover up about the disciple of chaos, and who is keeping this war going? There are a lot of truths and lies in this series that are uncovered as Roz, a Disciple of Patience, starts to want to fight for those who are unfavored. There is the trope of the excellent character downward spiraling as he learns he is actually not good, and I especially loved the Romeo and Juliet-type sacrifice we get at the end. It is an exciting series that shows that questioning what you have been told is true sometimes leads to complicated truths, but truths need to be known.
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Good Conclusion
(Updated: February 19, 2024)
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In Disciples of Chaos Roz feels great hope that things can change for the better in how those born without magic are treated by the Disciples born with magic. However, that proves a naïve hope as things go wrong quickly when they are all arrested, her friends are shipped off to the frontlines of war, and those in power are bloodthirsty - only wanting to keep the status quo.
Inexplicable magic saves Damian, Roz, Sienna, and Dev allowing them to capture a boat and try to save their friends. I would have thought being in close quarters, the chemistry between Damian and Roz would have been intense. However, something in Damian is changing and it is pulling them apart.
As a reader, the big reveal about Damian’s magic was not really a surprise but the fact that the characters kept attributing it to other things was not engaging. What is a surprise is the resolution to his plight and the war. How nice it would be if complex problems could be so easily swept away in real life.
Overall, this was a good conclusion to the duology. I lament that the sizzling relationship from the first book changed so greatly in the second book. However, there was a sweet evolution in their love story and a solid ending to the established conflicts making it a worthwhile read.
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