Camp Prodigy

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Camp Prodigy
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Release Date
June 11, 2024
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Perfect for fans of Victoria Jamieson and Raina Telgemeier, this heartwarming middle grade graphic novel follows two nonbinary kids who navigate anxiety and identity while having fun and forming friendships at their summer orchestra camp.

After attending an incredible concert, Tate Seong is inspired to become a professional violist. There’s just one problem: they’re the worst musician at their school.

Tate doesn’t even have enough confidence to assert themself with their friends or come out as nonbinary to their family, let alone attempt a solo anytime soon. Things start to look up when Tate attends a summer orchestra camp—Camp Prodigy—and runs into Eli, the remarkable violist who inspired Tate to play in the first place.

But Eli has been hiding their skills ever since their time in the spotlight gave them a nervous breakdown. Together, can they figure out how to turn Tate into a star and have Eli overcome their performance anxieties? Or will the pressure take them both down?

Editor reviews

2 reviews
A Cute Graphic Novel at a Summer Music Camp
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
 A middle grade graphic novel, CAMP PRODIGY is a cute story about two nonbinary kids at a summer music camp. We spend time with Tate and Eli as they become friends, practice music, and learn more about themselves. The story is told over the span of 4 weeks spent at the camp.

What I Loved:
The illustrations in this book were beautiful. The vivid colors and clean-cut images will draw readers into the story. The artwork is especially detailed when Eli or Tate is playing the viola and when their anxieties are becoming overwhelming. Despite some scenes having a lot of characters or background work, the text is still clearly readable.

The casual way that the two characters being nonbinary was handled was amazing! Eli had already come out by the beginning of the book and Tate is working on figuring themself out. There are anxieties associated with Tate’s journey, but them being nonbinary was handled well. Both characters’ identities felt authentic and handled well.

The story in this graphic novel is a sweet read, that felt perfectly geared towards summer. The tone is one that matches a middle grade level but it can also appeal to an older crowd as well, allowing many readers the opportunity to enjoy the book. While at camp, the two characters are having experiences that readers can relate to. There is enough conflict to allow for the story to keep moving forward, but it always maintains a lovely summery tone.

The author’s depiction of these characters and their experiences was well-executed. Both characters had moments where they suffered from anxiety or nerves and those emotions were never brushed off. They were taken seriously and the kids were given space and encouragement to work through their emotions. The author didn’t try to sugarcoat or dismiss the experience, rather the author showed ways in which the emotions can manifest and what helped the characters during those times.

What Left Me Wanting More:
The handling of Tate and Eli’s final issue at the end of the book felt a bit rushed. It felt like both the stress and the solution were rushed. They both work in the realm of the story, but it left the story feeling like it had started racing for no specific reason.

There were a lot of characters to keep track of in this book. A large cast allows readers to find a character that they identify with, but it may also leave some readers confused.

Final Verdict:
CAMP PRODIGY is a fun story with an enjoyable plot and a great message. The author wrote authentic characters who were struggling, but who were also learning that it’s okay to struggle and to lean on people. As a book geared towards kids, especially after the pandemic, that is a particularly important message to get across. Add in some gorgeous illustrations and likeable characters and readers will hopefully discover a fun read.

Centering on a tone of understanding and growth, CAMP PRODIGY turns into a beautiful symphony with the addition of vibrant illustrations and a note of summertime fun.
Good Points
The illustrations are fun and full of color. It lends a beautiful touch to the story.

The depiction of anxiety was authentic and the way their anxiety and stress was handled was also realistic.
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Summer Music Camp
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
In this graphic novel, we meet Tate Seong, who became enthralled with the idea of playing viola after hearing a prodigy his age, Eli Violet, backstage before a concert. Unfortunately, Eli (who uses they/them pronouns), was so anxious that they didn't go on stage, but Tate did pick up the viola. He isn't very good, but his parents are behind him 100%, but also want him to think about playing a sport, since that would make him a well rounded young man. Tate is uncomfortable identifying as male, but isn't sure how to go about telling anyone this. At Camp Prodigy, there are a lot of different campers, some of whom, like Xin, are very driven, and others who want to take advantage of typical camp activities like gimp bracelet making, hiking, and swimming. Tate meets Eli, who reluctantly agrees to help tutor Tate as long as he keeps their secret about erstwhile fame. Tate works hard, but struggles with not only the viola, but with a lot of anxiety about playing in public as well as a deep seated feeling of confusion about what to do about his nonbinary status. Eli is a good ally, and he seeks their advice about when they came out to their moms. When Tate gets a big solo and is unsure whether he can stand up in front of the audience, his new friends come to the rescue, reminding him that he doesn't have to do everything alone, and there are other people who can step in to help. At the end, Tate comes out to their parents, retaining their name, and the parents are very supportive.

Good Points
Palmer's illustrations are solid, and often fall into the popular Manga style eye pops and dramatic emotions, which graphic novels tend to love but remind me of Speed Racer. The characters look different enough from each other that I was never confused, and it was very helpful when the new campers were introduced and appeared on the bottom of the page with their names. I'd love to see more books do that. There are notes on the evolution of the drawings at the end of the book.

Many middle grade readers have struggled with anxiety since the Pandemic, and Eli and Tate's journey toward understanding the underlying causes of their stress and fear are well portrayed. The other campers, counselors, and parents are all supportive, and even a character that is very competitive at the beginning, Xin, helps in the end.

Readers who are huge fans of Raina Telgemeier's Drama or Chmakova's Berrybrook Middle school will enjoy this look at a high pressure, elite musical camp.
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