Review Detail

Kids Indie 664
charming story celebrating trees
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
BE THANKFUL FOR TREES is a colorful picture book about all the amazing things that come from trees. The book uses rhymes to describe all the wonderful ways that trees feature in our and animals' lives. Trees make musical instruments, furniture, paper, and more, but the book reiterates that we need to take care of them and be thankful for what they give us.

What I loved: This is a fun book to read with quickly turning pages and rhymes. The colorful and imaginative illustrations really steal the show, bringing the story to life and showing children how trees feature all around them in everyday life. Each page only has a short phrase, which means that although it is a large book, it reads very quickly. Children can slow down to enjoy the images more as desired, which will work well for young readers.

The font is clear and large enough to easily read aloud, and the rhymes really roll off the tongue. The book is grouped by type of use for trees, beginning with foods, before moving to comfort, and more. It brings together all sorts of different uses, which will mean some resonate well with readers.

What left me wanting more: This is really surface-level information about trees, and I would have loved more educational material about trees, such as how they eat or types of trees. The focus of the book really remains on what they do for people and how we use them, which would work better for toddlers and preschoolers rather than older picture book readers.

Final verdict: BE THANKFUL FOR TREES is a beautifully illustrated picture book that celebrates all the ways that trees feature in our lives. Recommend for toddlers and preschoolers who will appreciate the quickly turning pages, colorful illustrations, and rhyming text.
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