A Ranger’s Guide to Glipwood Forest (The Wingfeather Saga)

A Ranger’s Guide to Glipwood Forest (The Wingfeather Saga)
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Release Date
November 07, 2023
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A Ranger’s Guide to Glipwood Forest expands the legend and lore of this treacherous land of fatal flora and fanged beasts—and the history of the first adventurers daring enough to brave the forest depths. Through detailed line art, maps, and directions, travelers can safely marvel at the majestic glipwood trees, poke around the (possibly haunted) Anklejelly Cavern, dip their toes into the Mighty River Blapp (if they dare!), and avoid falling off a cliff edge into the Dark Sea of Darkness and being swallowed by a sea dragon. 

Both longtime Wingfeather fans and readers new to the series will be enthralled, tickled, delighted, and occasionally disturbed by never-before-known nuggets, familiar factoids, and all-new stories about the forest and the brave rangers who made passage into its dark depths possible. Don’t attempt an exploration, journey, or meander through Glipwood without it!

Editor review

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Navigating a dangerous forest
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What worked:
The guidebook is divided into sections and subtopics but it’s narrated by a character named Owin Groverly who documents his past adventures through Glipwood Forest. He presents descriptions of the Glipwood Rangers first and then addresses the essential gear needed to survive in the forest. Owin has a special affinity for plants due to his upbringing on a farm which is explained in the book’s introduction. The “story” itself chronicles his trek through the forest and describes directions readers should follow in order to successfully navigate the wilderness and survive. Readers may feel uncertain when they’re told to ignore signs saying “Private, or else” or “Trespass and die”. Needless to say, the narrative projects an air of levity to it.
The author’s descriptive writing style is the highlight of this book. The members of the original Glipwood Rangers are introduced and they each present unique, quirky personalities. The widow Yana has too many knives and daggers to count and she’s content sitting by the campfire sharpening her blades and listening to “her lads”. Brobby and Chobby are twin brothers although Brobby sports an extremely long mustache while Chobby has grown an impressively wide beard. Ratoona had been “phoobed” onto a trader ship but later escaped into the lushness and greenery of Skree. The author/narrator often includes footnotes at the bottom of pages that sometimes help to explain things in the narrative. However, many of them suggest readers can receive discounts or special considerations by mentioning Owin’s name or the book in different situations.
What didn’t work as well:
I’ve read the first book in the Wingfeather Saga and connections between it and this book are limited. The plot doesn’t have a definitive conflict although the goal is to locate a thiefess roaming the forest. The book is still entertaining if readers keep in mind that it’s a guide or handbook.
The final verdict:
This book is actually a good choice for those who plan to read in short increments of time. Most of the early topics are only a page in length and the later sections span several pages. The author’s writing style is the most enjoyable part of the book as he adds a humorous tone to a dangerous adventure. Overall, this is a fun book to read and I recommend you give it a shot.
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Fun extra to the series
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I've recently joined The Wingfeather Saga by reading the first two volumes (of the 5 available).

A Ranger's Guide to Glipwood Forest is the perfect add-on/ companion guide to this series which is also an animated series. Whimsical and humourous writing. Amazing characters: foes and allies.

I wanted to be a GORG too (from the GlimpWood Official Ranger Guild)

and explore this amazing forest, characters, tools, herbs, plants, and tips for discounts eheh. With different areas, there is so much to learn about each. I wanted to visit the Fingap Observery. "... a bookish and fanatical bunch of sea waters and star mappers, but they're nice enough. They also make a delectable glipp chowder (which you might be able to sample at a discount if you mention me)"

If you never read this series this is a great teaser that will make you jump into the series without a doubt. I love the covers and illustrations a lot. If you have read this series, this is a great add-on to collect.

"Are you Edible?
If the answer to this question is yes, then you'll want to take extra care before you embark on your journey. (Trust me the answer is yes)"

Could have been a pick-your-next-page-tiny-adventure. Just an idea.

Got a copy from a giveaway.
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