Review Detail

Kids Fiction 228
Charming story with breathtaking illustrations
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Winter: A Solstice Story is an enchanting tale about friendship and hope among the woodland creatures.

The illustrations are charming. Each spread features a woodland animal sparking their light on the darkest night of the year with fun details throughout (like the animals making snow angels or dancing around their tree).
Liwska's soft images pair wonderfully with Gross's enchanting words to make this book one that will be read over and over again, whether child or adult.

We read this story when learning about the Winter Solstice this year. Winter: A Solstice Story made for a winsome read with our hands-on activities and lessons. We were not only able to use this book as a reference to the astronomical event, but for the Pagan holiday as well.

Winter would make a great bedtime story, or even a mid-day read cuddled in front of the fireplace.
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