The Tugboat and the Silver Moon

The Tugboat and the Silver Moon
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
July 09, 2024
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A timeless picture book from the creator of the Red Truck and Friends series about a ship stuck in a canal and the moon that set it free.

The silver moon sails through the vast blue sky as a cargo ship down below is stuck in a canal. The tugboat tugs until the line goes taut. The diggers scoop up enough sand for a castle. The dredger glugs all the silt he can. But it's no use. For seven long days, the moon watches as the ship stays put, becoming fuller, brighter, closer, until she's finally strong enough to pull the ocean into a mighty tide and save the ship.

Editor review

1 review
Problem-solving and Adorable Vehicles
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Inspired by the cargo ship incident in 2021, this adorably illustrated book tells the story of a tugboat and the moon, and how they work together to help free a stuck cargo ship.

I love the illustrations, these are some of the cutest ships and diggers ever. The story demonstrates problem-solving through team work, and also includes a fair bit of science facts. Tugboat gets help from diggers and graders, and there’s a full informational spread at the back of the book explaining the Supermoon phenomenon and how it was instrumental in freeing a large ship when it got lodged in the Suez Canal.

Pick this up for a cute story with lots to learn along the way.
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