Where Kids Go to School Around the World

Where Kids Go to School Around the World
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
June 20, 2023
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In this book we visit 15 schools in various corners of the world to see how kids learn in different countries or cultures.
Kids go to school all around the world, but the types of schools or the school systems vary from place to place. Would you like to see where kids in Japan or in Himalayas go to school? Would you like to know how a school on a boat works? Or what a school in a rainforest looks like? This book will show you that while some schools are pretty similar to what you know, others can be completely different and surprising.

In each chapter a local kid poses as a guide who introduces us to the type of school or a school system of a certain country or culture. Kids will learn that every nation has its own way of learning and that difference is what makes each culture special.

Editor review

1 review
Schools Throughout the World
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Learning Value
“Where Kids Go to School Around the World” by Stepanka Sekaninova and Helena Harastova, illustrated by Michaela Bergannova, depicts a wide variety of children, from all races, cultures, and countries. Readers learn that children start school in different places at different ages. Questions that are answered include information about whether all children go to school, how there are schools in the rainforest, as well as sports schools, ballet schools, schools in refugee camps, boarding schools, schools in hospitals, and so many other types.

Each country and/or type of school represented is introduced by a child who tells more about the pages that relate to their type of school. These same children are represented on a map at the beginning of the book that shows where they are students.

While some schools have no grades, others are not co-educational, and they have girls and boys come at different times of day. While schools in America often have fire drills and tornado drills, schools in Japan prepare for earthquakes, as they are common in that country. Some schools cost money while others are free to attend. There are so many differences and lots of similarities as well among the vast variety of schools throughout the world. Learning more about what each offers and how they work will only serve to enhance one’s knowledge of the world and its many people and cultures.
Good Points
There are so many differences and lots of similarities as well among the vast variety of schools throughout the world. Learning more about what each offers and how they work will only serve to enhance one’s knowledge of the world and its many people and cultures.
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