We Can Work It Out (The Lonely Hearts Club #2)

We Can Work It Out (The Lonely Hearts Club #2)
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Release Date
January 27, 2015
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A return to the world of THE LONELY HEARTS CLUB -- in a novel that gets to the heart of how hard relationships can be...and why they are sometimes worth all the drama and comedy they create. When Penny Lane started The Lonely Hearts Club, the goal was simple: to show that girls didn't need to define themselves by how guys looked at them, and didn't have to value boyfriends over everything else. Penny thought she'd be an outcast for life...but then the club became far more popular than she ever imagined it would be. But what happens when a girl who never thought she'd date a good guy suddenly finds herself dating a great one? She doesn't need a boyfriend...but she wants it to work out with this particular boyfriend. And he wants it to work out with her. Only, things keep getting in the way. Feelings keep getting hurt. Words keep getting misunderstood. Penny Lane worked hard to declare her independence. Now she needs to figure out what to do with it -- and how to balance what she wants with what everyone else wants.

Editor reviews

2 reviews
Enjoyable Sequel
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What I liked: Elizabeth Eulberg never fails to disappoint me as a reader. Her stories and engaging and her characters are memorable. It has been a while since I have read The Lonely Hearts Club but I jumped right into We Can Work It Out without missing a beat. This book gave me enough background information to jog my memory without overwhelming me with too many past details.

Penny Lane struggles with balance in this book. I think her situation is something we can all relate to, young and old...She wants to do it all and be everything for everyone, except she doesn't know how. She doesn't want to disappoint anyone and ends up putting a strain on many of her relationships and her own health. Along the way, she realizes how important relationships are and how lucky she is to have her family and friends.

While the romance is sweet, (I think that everyone is rooting for Penny and Ryan), the main point I took away as a reader is to value all of your relationships. And when you build your friendships on respect and trust they can endure anything. Penny and her friends are lucky to have each other--and I think if we could see into the future, we would see some lasting friendships.

What left me wanting more: At times, the pacing seemed a little off to me and jumped around a little more than I would have liked.

Final Verdict: If you are looking for a story that doesn't shy away at the importance of having a loving family and wonderful friends than look no more. The Beatles references make this story unique and Eulberg's voice is fun as always. Read The Lonely Hearts Club and then follow up with We Can Work It Out.
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