Water Day

Water Day
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
August 22, 2023
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A joyful picture book from acclaimed author Margarita Engle about a young girl and her community celebrating the arrival of the water man who visits weekly to distribute water to the village.

Water days are busy days,
grateful, laughing,
thirsty days.

A small village no longer has a water supply of its own, but one young girl and her neighbors get by 

Editor review

1 review
Eye Opening Read
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Water Day shows the importance of the Water Man and the Fish Lady to bring potable water to the community. Water is scarce and they depend on these services that arrive every five days. Then they can bathe, wash clothes, water trees, cook, and flush toilets. Since keeping a tank of potable water can lead to mosquitos the fish lady comes to give them the fish that can eat the larvae of the mosquitos. This book is meant to be joyful and celebrate the important jobs the Water Man and Fish Lady have in the community. I live in a water-rich place and this level of strife was eye-opening. This is a powerful read in conjunction with lessons about conservation and the importance of protecting our Earth’s resources. It is easy to believe we need to conserve water but to read a book that shows the level of deprivation nearly 2 billion people worldwide are experiencing adds a new perspective to the issue.
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