Vampire Academy: Frostbite (Book 2)

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Frostbite (VA 2)
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A really great book. It kept me hooked especially the last chapters. I absolutly LOVE it.
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Excellent Contribution To The Vampire Academy Series
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Reader reviewed by The Fable Fairy

I initially did not want to read the Vampire Academy series. I find that it is difficult to come across an authentic vampire book, especially lately, that has a unique concept. Having a novel named Vampire Academy had alarms wailing in my mind. I thought to myself that obviously this was going to be very to Twilight/Harry Potter-esque. Maybe I am a bit rash when it comes to my opinions of books formed from covers and names but I was just not having it. Yet, every time I went into the bookstore Erin pestered me to get it until finally I could no longer take it and broke. After reading Vampire Academy I knew I had to have the entire series.

Frostbite was just as great as the first. No, wait! I take that back. It was even better! Everything we know about Rose, Lissa, Moroi, Strigoi, and their entire existence is heightened. Mead gives her readers just enough to appease the curiosity so they do not become fed-up with so many unanswered questions but also allowing room for theories to flourish and cause that page-flipping maniac to come out.

This novel started with a bang. We all know Strigoi are dangerous but within the first few chapters we realize just how dangerous they can be. It's this danger that propels the story to take a new direction and whisk the St. Vladimir students and their families off campus. This new setting combined with multiple life-threatening occurrences creates an interest plot for the reader. The suspense created at the end of Vampire Academy is tenfold in Frostbite. 

New characters are introduced, including Adrian Ivashkov. I usually tend to stick to the underdog/boy next door but there is just something about Adrian. The compulsion he uses on the characters is so intense that it must leap off the page and affect the reader. That is my only conclusion. However, since I have yet to read the other books remaining in the series I cannot say I will stay Team Ivashkov for very long. 

Rose & Demitir's perplexing relationship also takes it turn in the spotlight. Given their situation, we know that they cannot possible having a lasting relationship. Although one can dream and dream I do. The heat that takes place between these two is enough to melt your insides. However, I will note that their relationship does take a turn in this book. For the better or the worse, that is something you will have to find out yourself. 

Through all the suspense, fury, sadness, and happiness, I could not put this book down. Unlike sitting down and eating a tub of ice cream, devouring Frostbite in one sitting will not leave you sick but rather leave you yearning for more. This book was an excellent contribution to the Vampire Academy series and I cannot wait to see what lays ahead for those attending St.Vladimir's. 
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As Dark and Deep as Blood
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Reader reviewed by Linda L

*previously posted on my book blog, Most Important Letter*

Author: Richelle Mead
Publisher: Penguin
Release date: April 10, 2008
Copy: Paperback, gifted

L: Frostbite, I believe, was harder to get into than Vampire Academy. I think it was gloomier than the first book; then again, this made it more believable. Because it didnt focus so much on the everyday doings of high school cliques and so forth, I found it more understandable.

I tend to find that romances in books that are the second in series tend to be more downplayed than the first. Usually, Im right like in here. Rose and Dimitri are going through tough times; Dimitri seems to have taken interest in someone else, and Rose is busy trying to deal with her friendship that could possibly turn into love life with Mason, her friend. And wait until she meets &

At first, I found this book to be what I call a filler a book to fill the gaps of the series. But in the end, when the book reached its climax, I changed my mind.

Rose, gradually turning from the sarcastic girl we met in the first book to the person who started to deeply understand others, changed, giving me insight into the other parts of one of my favorite kick-ass heroines. The influence from Dimitri and Lissa both changed her. And then, then came the tragedy &

Rating: 4 out of 5 letter blocks

Sexual content: Kissing and references to sex
: Slight swearing
Violence: Mostly only training
Other notables: Drinking, smoking

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Reader reviewed by Erica

Frostbite: Vampire Academy Book 2
Richelle Mead
Release Date: April 10, 2008
Publisher: Razorbill
Pages: 336
Rose loves Dimitri, Dimitri might love Tasha, and Mason would die to be with Rose...

It's winter break at St. Vladimir's, but Rose is feeling anything but festive. A massive Strigoi attack has put the school on high alert, and now the Academy's crawling with Guardians--including Rose's hard-hitting mother, Janine Hathaway. And if handto- hand combat with her mom wasn't bad enough, Rose's tutor Dimitri has his eye on someone else, her friend Mason's got a huge crush on her, and Rose keeps getting stuck in Lissa's head while she's making out with her boyfriend, Christian! The Strigoi are closing in, and the Academy's not taking any risks....This year, St. Vlad's annual holiday ski trip is mandatory.

But the glittering winter landscape and the posh Idaho resort only create the illusion of safety. When three friends run away in an offensive move against the deadly Strigoi, Rose must join forces with Christian to rescue them. But heroism rarely comes without a price...

This was an outstanding continuation of the Vampire Academy series! I am 100% hooked on them now. The plot in this one was not less thrilling then the last. Once again, readers are hooked in with the first sentence. Richelle Mead's style of writing is fascinating to read.Once again, readers fall in love with the characters especially Dimitri. Who could be more perfect than him? The entire series is a must read!

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good sequel
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Reader reviewed by cintia

not the best of sequels but it was pretty good!! rose and her mom better their relationship. unfortunately one of the good characters die. rose gets two molninja marks and her and dimitri kinda decide to stop fighting against their feeling.. i love how rose is kinda maturing but still reckless sometimes!!
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Reader reviewed by Megan S

This book was one of the best!!! they went to a place to stay for a while sorta i guess a trip and a hideout! then there was another attack and mias parents got killed! so her and mason and some others decided to leave and run after the strigoi so rose and christian decided to go after them and got kidnapped by strigoi! then rose and all of them got out of their room and ran into the top dogs! rose ended up killing both but in the way was mason...He got killed also :o( but in the end dimitri and her mom came to save them...Very sad at the end but i loved loved loved this book and the series!!!
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Reader reviewed by Julie

This book was way better than the first one. You didn't have to learn as much new stuff and it had more action. I thought this book would be predictable, but it was the complete opposite. The ending of this book, was awesome, but really sad. This book was a great read and I would recommend it to everyone.
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Reader reviewed by Brooke

This book is even better than the first book of this series. This book tells almost all of the secrets that you would love to hear. The two Shadow Hunters finall notice each other. I mean its the perfect love story that any one could get addicted too. It fun for anyone to read. If I loved it, then EVERYONE will love it, because i'm a picky reader.
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Reader reviewed by mirian

omg, i can't believe what happened to Mason its so sad. i can't believe Rose and Dimitra can't be together, but ther would make a cute couple. Lisa might the shy but she is get braver by the minute. omg i totally thought Dimitra was going to go with that woman; when i was reading it i was yelling put NO
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Not the best for fans of Dimitri
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Reader reviewed by Katelin

For those of you who fell in love with Dimitri in Vampire Academy this is not the most exciting. When Vladimere Acadamy goes to a ski resort for break Mason and Rose become closer friends which Rose uses his crush against her to make Dimitri jealous for being to friendly with Tasha Ozera (Christian Ozera's aunt) and since Chiristain and Lissa are together that means she sees to much of them. Then along comes Adrian, a moroi with a bad boy reputation, who seems to be falling for Rose. The most intresting thing about Adrian is he's a spirit user just like Lissa. When Rose's mom is along on the trip to conflicts arise between the two. Dimitri tells Rose of a place where there are supposed strigoi are. When things between Rose and mason heat up she turns him away and he decides to chase after the strigoi. Rose and Christian hunt after their friends before anything disastrous can happen but that wish does not come true, with a horrible turn out for Mason and Rose's first two strigoi kills. This installment has a little more of a dreary ending and does not spend enough time with Dimitri!  
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