Travel Guide for Monsters Part Deux: A Canadian Adventure

Travel Guide for Monsters Part Deux: A Canadian Adventure
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
April 15, 2023
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Wrangling your monster to a rodeo? Or sharing the stands with him at a hockey game? Buckle up for another cross country trip with your favorite monster--from British Columbia to Newfoundland and all the Canada in between! Wherever you and your monster are traveling, Travel Guide for Monsters Part Deux: Canada is full of essential tips to help you both enjoy the sights of Canada and avoid monster-related trouble--eh?

Editor review

1 review
Take a trip to Canada!
(Updated: October 30, 2023)
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
TRAVEL GUIDE TO MONSTERS PART DEUX takes you on a trip across the country for an exciting Canadian experience. Instead of sticking to typical human main characters, Lori Degman and Jocelyn Watkinson switch them out with the fun of monsters and it helps to hold a child's attention. Not only does this book teach children about Canada and it's attractions, it also sparks the interest of traveling. It opens their eyes to the fact that a whole world is out there for them to explore. I love the vibrant colors and how each monster looks so different. The reader can tell that the illustrator enjoyed drawing them.

Packed with tips, this book will have the reader wanting to pack up their bags and explore the waters and sights Canada has to offer. I absolutely love the monster theme because it makes this book stand out from others like it and it gave my daughter some giggles. I'm curious to see what country is next in this series.

Final Verdict: I would recommend this to children whose parents enjoy traveling because it'll build up the child's interest in it. It's also perfect for fans of adventure and monsters.
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