The Safest Lies

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The Safest Lies
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Release Date
May 24, 2016
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Kelsey has lived most of her life in a shadow of fear, raised to see danger everywhere. Her mother hasn’t set foot outside their front door in seventeen years, since she escaped from her kidnappers with nothing but her attacker’s baby growing inside her—Kelsey. Kelsey knows she’s supposed to keep a low profile and stay off the grid for their protection, but that plan is shattered when her dramatic car accident and rescue by volunteer firefighter and classmate Ryan Baker sparks media coverage. A few days later, she arrives home to find her mother missing. Now, to have a chance at a future, Kelsey will have to face her darkest fears. Because someone is coming for her. And the truth about the past may end up being the most dangerous thing of all.

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Couldn't Put It Down
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If you love thrillers, then THE SAFEST LIES is the book for you. Tight pacing, a spiraling sense of increasing doom, secrets that lead to more secrets, and a hook at the end of every chapter that refuses to let the reader close the book make this one of the best thrillers of 2016.

The characters are immediately intriguing. Their voices are vivid and distinct, and readers who enjoy being deep inside a character's head will really enjoy this one.Both Kelsey and Ryan are smart and use their skills and intelligence to solve problems. They both grow as characters as well, and the journey their relationship takes from budding friendship to true romance will make readers swoon.

The pacing is relentless. The author manages to capture both a slowly unfolding sense of approaching catastrophe and a breathless sense of immediate danger. The secrets uncovered within the plot are fun to guess at, and even with guesses, there are plenty of surprises in store for the reader.

This is some of Megan Miranda's best work. THE SAFEST LIES is a fast-paced thrill ride that will grab readers from page one and refuse to let them come up for air until the book is finished.
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The Safest Lies
(Updated: May 05, 2016)
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What worked: This is one nail biting suspenseful tale with a dash of Hitchcock-like psychological terror. Kelsey lives in a fortress like home with a mother who is so fearful that she hasn't left their home in seventeen years. The author nails the fear of not only the mother but Kelsey who longs to be like any other normal teen but is constantly looking over her shoulder.

I liked how you get hints that not all is what it seems to be. All Kelsey knows is the story that her mother had been kidnapped and brutalized with no memory of what happened. But even Kelsey knows something isn't quite right. There are hints throughout that are very subtle which add to the psychological terror. You can't help but wonder if in fact someone is out to get Kelsey and her mother.

I loved the major twist in the reveal at the end.

What I did have problems with had to be how quick Kelsey jumped into a relationship with Ryan. Sure, he's cute and all but there's a reveal later on that had me shaking my head. I won't share anything more as that would give away a huge reveal.

Otherwise, this is one fast-paced suspenseful story that keeps readers guessing on the 'truth' behind Kelsey's mother's fears.
Good Points
1. Suspenseful, psychological terror
2. Realistic portrayal of someone who lives in constant fear
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