Review Detail

Kids Fiction 179
picture book about friends who come and go
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
THE DUCK WHO CAME FOR DINNER is a cute picture book about loving and letting go. Wolf, Little Lamb, and Omelet the alligator are chasing clothes that blew off their clothes line when Wolf finds a little duck that they decide to call Apple. Apple has a hurt wing and cannot fly, so she stays with them while she heals. Apple takes a lot of risks that make the others nervous, but they trust in her. When she says it is time for her to go, they say a heartfelt goodbye and hope that someday she will come back to visit.

What I loved: The illustrations were particularly fun in this one, featuring expressive animals as well as side dialogue from other creatures who appear in the scenes. The story has some very comical moments, captured well by the images throughout. The story is relatively simple and features quite the brave little duck, as well as the animals who do their best to support her.

The font is clear and easy to read throughout, with a pace that will work well for elementary school aged picture book lovers. The end of the story is bittersweet, which will appeal to some more than others, though the animals end it on a note of hope for seeing their friend again.

What left me wanting more: As a small thing, the story did not always flow smoothly, and it would have been helpful to have more transitional telling as it went on in terms of duck's healing and plans for the future. Children can generally read between the lines, however, and will get into the story regardless.

Final verdict: THE DUCK WHO CAME FOR DINNER is an overall cute picture book about friends who come and go from our lives that will work well for elementary school aged readers.
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