The Day Santa Stopped Believing in Harold

The Day Santa Stopped Believing in Harold
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
October 06, 2020
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Santa has a problem. This kid? Harold? Santa doesn't think he's real. He WANTS to believe in Harold--after all, Harold is one of the most magical parts of Christmas. Getting Harold's letters, eating the cookies he leaves out, feeding his carrots to the reindeer... what would Christmas be without that? But Santa's just not sure. Some of his friends are telling him they think Harold's not real. And the Harold that sat on his knee last Christmas looked AWFULLY different. Santa comes up with a plan to find out once and for all if Harold really exists... with hilarious consequences.

Editor review

1 review
Holiday Twist for the Skeptics
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This is a fun holiday twist for the skeptics out there who are old enough to question whether Santa is real. Santa believes Harold may not be real. He thinks the mother is writing the note to him, the father is setting out the cookies, and maybe they want presents for themselves and Harold is imaginary. This disbelief sets the stage for a cute resolution filled with holiday magic. I would recommend this for older children whose belief is wavering and who can enjoy the humor. It may not be the best for younger children unless you want to introduce the idea that there is a reason to question Santa’s existence. Overall, it is a very cute and humorous take on the age-old question.
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