Review Detail

Middle Grade Non-Fiction 621
Mysteries of the World
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Learning Value
THE BIG BOOK OF MYSTERIES is complied of so many unsolved oddities in the world. With over one hundred real-life mysteries, this book is thought-provoking and gets children thinking outside of the box. It addresses familiar tales like the village of Roanoke, Stonehenge, and Dracula and ones I haven't heard of like the Cottingley fairies and Mass Hysteria.

The illustrations vary from dark shadows to bright colors with cartoon style doodles. The overall theme of the book is creepy and it would make a great book for Halloween time. I love how it covers so many different topics: from people, to places, to curses. From paranormal to just plain weird. In the back of the book there's a glossary for more clarification and an index to flip back to your favorite stories. This book will leave you with so many questions and also makes me want to travel a bit more.

Final Verdict: I would recommend this to children aged eight and older who have a curious mind. This will open up a whole different perspective of the world and get their brains spinning with what really happened and will these mysteries ever get solved? It's perfect for fans of the paranormal and horror themed tales.
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