Teen Titans: Beast Boy

Teen Titans: Beast Boy
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
September 01, 2020

Garfield Logan has spent his entire life being overlooked. Even in a small town like Eden, Georgia, the seventeen-year-old with green streaks in his hair can't find a way to stand out--and the clock is ticking. Senior year is almost over. If Gar doesn't find a way to impress the social elite at Bull Creek High School, he will never know what it's like to matter. Gar's best friends, Stella and Tank, can't understand why he cares what other people think, and they miss their funny, pizza-loving, video game-obsessed best friend.

Then Gar accepts a wild dare out of the blue. It impresses the popular kids, and his social status soars. But other things are changing, too. Gar grows six inches overnight. His voice drops, and suddenly, he's stronger and faster. He's finally getting everything he wanted, but his newfound popularity comes at a price. Gar has to work harder to impress his new friends. The dares keep getting bigger, and the stakes keep getting higher.

When Gar realizes the extent of his physical changes, he has to dig deep and face the truth about himself--and the people who truly matter--before his life spirals out of control.

Editor reviews

2 reviews
Teen Titans: Beast Boy Review
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
I am seriously loving this Teen Titans series so much. Watching the show growing up, it means a lot to me seeing them come to print form this way. While I loved all of the characters, I really enjoyed Beast Boy. There was so much to his character and this novel really shows it. His personality is comical but he has so much care and depth to him. In this novel, Gar's background is a little more explored. How he becomes Beast Boy, and why he relies on his comical relief so much. His story was even better than I could have imagined.

I really liked how Gar was portrayed in this novel. It's refreshing to see the other side of his personality besides his goofy self. His self doubt is prevalent and I really like how he knows exactly what he wants to be. He realizes that the popularity isn't everything but he just wanted to know what it was like. There is not one person who says they really don't want to know. But Stella and Tank are always there to make sure he doesn't lose himself. As he is coming into his powers, it was nice to see the subtle way creatures reacted to him. Kami did such a great job writing his character out and really making us understand how he feels. And Gabriel's illustrations are phenomenal. I love the way he is drawing these characters and everything is so beautifully done.

I highly recommend this series. You don't have to be a fan of the original Teen Titans in order to get into this. It was so much fun to read the background story of Gat and I cannot wait to see where this story goes. The art is beautiful and really portrays the wonderful story Kami has written.
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