Taken at Dusk (Shadow Falls #3)

Taken at Dusk (Shadow Falls #3)
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Release Date
April 10, 2012
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Step into Shadow Falls, a camp for teens with supernatural powers. Here friendship thrives, love takes you by surprise, and our hearts possess the greatest magic of all. Kylie Galen wants the truth so badly she can taste it. The truth about who her real family is, the truth about which boy she’s meant to be with—and the truth about what her emerging powers mean. But she’s about to discover that some secrets can change your life forever…and not always for the better. Just when she and Lucas are finally getting close, she learns that his pack has forbidden them from being together. Was it a mistake to pick him over Derek? And it’s not just romance troubling Kylie. An amnesia-stricken ghost is haunting her, delivering the frightful warning, someone lives and someone dies. As Kylie races to unravel the mystery and protect those she loves, she finally unlocks the truth about her supernatural identity, which is far different—and more astonishing—than she ever imagined.

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Third installment of Shadow Falls!
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I was hooked on the Shadow Falls series when I picked up the first book "Born at Midnight" by C.C. Hunter. Since then I have been anxious to find out what happens to Kylie and the rest of the students and faculty members at Shadow Falls Camp.

This book continues Kylie Galen's story. Kylie is a unique "supernatural" attending Shadow Falls Camp (a camp specifically for the supernatural), but the problem is she doesn't know what kind of supernatural she is, and no one else knows either. To add to the confusion, she is torn between a hot werewolf, Lucas, and a half-fae boy, Derek. Oh, and she is haunted by ghosts!

I was so excited to read this book because I thought we would finally get an ending to this saga and learn what is going on! I am so sad to say that this book only gives out a little bit of information, and I found out that there will be a 4th book. I am a bit frustrated with this because I truly feel this series could have ended with a 3rd book. I almost feel like the story was a bit dragged out in this book and I really wish the author would have ended the series with this one. That being said, it's still a good book. It still stays right with the previous two books on Kylie's story, and we do actually get to learn what kind of supernatural Kylie is (eep!), and a bit more about her family.

I had the same problem with this book as I did the previous two in the series. C.C. Hunter goes a bit too in depth for me on the feelings of the characters. I almost feel that it's easy to tell how the characters are feeling, but Ms. Hunter goes into further detail. That's just me though. I know some readers prefer as much detail as possible, so if you love that, then you'll love this "voice"!

I really feel for Kylie. I can't help but want her to know what kind of supernatural she is and figure out more about her family. It's very easy to root for her. I also adore Lucas. I realize he's a "bad boy" and I was very happy to read more scenes with he and Kylie in this book.

I hope my review isn't coming across as being mean, I sure don't mean for it to. I'm definitely going to read the 4th book because I'm so emotionally involved with these characters and I want to know what happens next. I just truly feel that the series could have ended in this book, but alas, it doesn't. So, if you loved the first two books in the series, you'll enjoy this one. Just be forewarned, it doesn't END.
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Shadow Falls Still Going Strong
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Taken at Dusk picks up with our ferocious main character, Kylie Galen as she still is trying to figure out what she is, and who she's into. She thinks she's finally going to have her answers when her grandparents come down to visit the camp. But, she soon realizes that they are not her grandparents and they have been sent from someone to spy, or possibly kill her. Add the frustration of Derek and Lucas. Kylie still isn't sure which boy her heart is telling her to be with. On one hand, Derek seems to get her, but then his past mistakes are keeping the tension high between them and she doesn't know if she should, or even could forgive him. But then Lucas, the hot and steamy one, that's she's known since she was younger is clearly into her, if only she could figure out if she was into him...and then there's the whole werewolf issue...and Fredricka. Bleh. She's as nasty as ever. But, if all of that wasn't enough! She still has Mario (who is trying to kill her), and Red (who is obsessed with her, and kidnap her or possibly kill her if she tells him she's not into him). Can a girl get a break?

Clearly there is a lot going on in this book. The book is action-packed from the front all the way until the back. Some problems don't get completely solved, but in real life most problems don't get resolved immediately. If you don't read this book you will definitely miss a few things.

To Sum it All Up: To me, this book seemed different then the others in the series. It seemed like every page was either action or character development. The book had a lot of surprising turns but not far-fetched. The characters drew me in more so than usually. I went in knowing exactly which "team" I was on, and by the end, I wasn't so sure. And I strictly remember hating one or two characters in the beginning, convinced they were on team evil, and by the end, my prespective of them had completely changed. And as the series goes on you expect that. No, you deserve that.
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Great addition to a superb series
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This one sucked me in and didn't let go just like the others in the series. Kylie continues to surprise me with her bravery and determined mindedness to find out who and what she is. Every time something new arises, I am just as surprised and intrigued as she is.
The plot doesn't get old either, there are new twists, and the characters always have something going on that keeps me guessing, swooning, and wanting to read more.
Okay, so about the romance, especially at the beginning... Kylie is being blind and unfair about Derek. This observation is from the last of the second book and the first few pages of tad so it may be unfair of me add week, but i think that Derek is right and out odd not that it is too hard to be with her but that she truly hadn't decided and that really want fair to him for her heart too be divided brethren him and Lucas. But from the beginning it seems that Lucas will get house chance to shine and win her heart.
Bottom line: Great addition to a superb series.
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Taken At Dusk by C.C. Hunter
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ISBN: 9780312624699
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Pages: 400

Kylie Galen wants the truth so badly she can taste it. The truth about who her real family is, the truth about which boy she’s meant to be with—and the truth about what her emerging powers mean. But she’s about to discover that some secrets can change your life forever…and not always for the better.

I received a finished copy of this book for review. I really enjoyed reading Taken At Dusk! I liked reading about Kylie's hidden heritage and what it mean for her powers, however I would have liked the book to have carried on for a bit longer, as I felt that not enough really happened (until right at the end). My favourite character was Kylie, she was determined to discover the source of her powers, no matter what the cost! I really like the cover of Taken At Dusk as it is inkeeping with the two previous books, and once you have read the book, the meaning behind both the image and the title is apparent.

Available at Amazon.co.uk.
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