Sweet Reckoning (Sweet Evil #3)

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4.3 stars
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4.3 stars!
An absorbing read that draws you in. Filled with demons, angels and supernatural-romance this series is perfect for teens who are hopeless romantics and paranormal fans. Great characters that are easy to relate to and are trying to discovering their true purpose. This series has great narratives and interesting plot twist and turns that keep you wanting more!
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Wonderfull conclusion to a fantastic series
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I can't recommend this series enough and I'm hanging out for Kai's point of view in Sweet Temptation... only a few sleeps to go!
Good Points
I dropped the first book in this series onto my Kindle to read while I was travelling overseas. I didn't get to it immediately because there were other books I wanted to read first. But when I got to it... I was hooked from the beginning. In Paris I was racing around looking for wifi hotspots to download the next two books and the countryside of France went largely unnoticed as I had my nose buried in my Kindle. Wendy Higgins completely nailed the perfect hero - flawed, a bit of a bad boy but with the sweetest, most vulnerable heart. Anna's sweetness really brings out the best in Kai and it's delightful taking the journey with him as a whole new world opens up to him. And it's really great to see their moments of happiness together... at long last!
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Firstly, I found this book much slower than the first 2. Also, some of it was so cliche and juvenile, that I didn't wanna finish reading it.

But I'm oh so glad I did. Because it picked up about half way through and didn't stop. AND THEN THE EPILOGUE HAPPENED!

by far, the best epilogue ever written ever. ever.

y'all. just so good!

Loved this series. Even will all of its flaws.
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Great finale
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The third and final book in the Sweet Trilogy finds Anna and her friends preparing to go up against the Dukes. Gathering allies has been hard when it’s impossible to know who can be trusted but the group she has is the one she’ll fight with. It’s good vs evil, Nephilim vs Dukes, in the final battle.

I loved the first two books in the series and adore so many of the characters that reading the final book, the final battle, made me nervous. Wendy Higgins does such a good job of making me like all of Anna’s group that there was never the feeling of ‘if someone has to die, I’d be okay with him/her’, instead it was ‘please don’t die, please don’t die, everyone live’. The main focus character-wise is on Anna and Kaidan but the other Nephilim in the rebel group still get their own spotlight where the reader gets to see how working for the Dukes has affected them.

The chemistry between Anna and Kaidan is hotter than ever and the flirty banter had me giggling and swooning. Both of them have grown so much through the series and we get to see how far they’ll go to keep each other safe. They’re perfect together. I also enjoyed the friendships, both already formed and new, between the core group. It was easy to see how much these characters cared about each other.

The pacing was really spot on. There was a lot of action and tense moments but there was still plenty of romantic moments and great scenes with friends and family that were impossible not to smile at. I like that even during the more happier moments, there was still a bit of tension about the oncoming war. There wasn’t a huge build up that got lost the moment the scene shifted.

This one is definitely my favorite out of the three books and the perfect conclusion to the series.
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All Hail Wendy Higgins!
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Sweet Reckoning was amazing. I had so many theories about how the series would end, and I don't think a thing happened the way I expected it to. I'm fairly good at seeing plot twists and the like, but this caught me completely off guard. Wendy found loopholes in all the right places. Unlike a lot of other series enders, Sweet Reckoning had a nice amount of exposition. It didn't hit the climax and then have one teeny weeny chapter to wrap it up. I am happy to say that I got full closure from the ending given!

My heart hurts for the characters. I don't want to spoil it, but let's just say that Wendy is BRUTAL to them in this book, Anna especially. To be fair, there are some amazing moments mixed in. I was laughing my head off all the time while reading this. All the characters hit new highs and new lows. Their willpower is put to the test, and they pass with flying colors. There was at least one character who I hated at the beginning of the story and loved by the end. Anna really found herself in this book, and I love her more than ever. And if you look up, you see that Kai definitely has a place in my heart.

Like with the previous books, Sweet Reckoning has a prologue and an epilogue. Both provided some really cool insight, and honestly, the epilogue was very near perfect. I'm the kind of reader that loves pretty bow on top of a story, and Wendy did it perfectly! The action was constant and the romance beyond scorching. There were a couple awkward moments for the reader and the characters, but they always got past it. The characters all came full circle and I believe just about every plot point was wrapped up. There were no loose ends, which was REALLY nice. Sorry this can't be more in depth, but I REALLY don't want to spoil it! A perfect series ender that will go down in the history books! Five stars for sure!

P.S. Wendy Higgins might be my favorite nonexistent word in the dictionary!
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A bubbly / warm feeling HEA
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I read this 3 weeks ago during finals . . . so I'm trying to remember. I'm going off gut instincts & feels.
I felt overall the book was wrapped up nicely & was helped by some foreshadowing that happened in the beginning of the book. The characters developed & a couple of new characters were swung in the mix, but to the point where you wouldn't care if they died. Anna was mentally / spiritually strong but not physical. Kaidan is still the sweet hopeful book from Sweet Peril. The characters that had the greatest transition were the twins & Anna's best friends. I say this to give you a taste and not too many spoilers. The only faults w/ this book were the transitions. The beginning was only readable to me, because I still has excitement in me from Sweet Peril. The middle was hard to read, but it's worth it to get to the end.
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