So, This is Love

So, This is Love
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Release Date
December 20, 2022
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Finley and Arthur are back at boarding school and neither quite knows where the other stands—are they couple? Are they not a couple? What does one magical Christmas Eve kiss in Oklahoma mean for their relationship status? This confusion isn't helped by the re-entry of old enemies into their school lives, especially ones that may or may not be crushing on Arthur. Finley is at a loss when navigating the complexities of her new (maybe) relationship, which could very well turn into love. . . if she doesn't blow it.

So, This Is Love is a perfect read for the Valentine's Day season, or for anyone looking for a delightful romantic comedy that has just a dash of drama. Once again, Tracy Andreen has proven that no one writes a holiday rom-com like her.

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What are you doing on Valentine's Day?
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After spending winter break in her Oklahoma hometown in So, This is Christmas, Finley returns to her prestigious boarding school in Connecticut, bringing her best friend Ayisha with her. She's on the outs with Arthur over a perceived slight, and thinks that he is flirting with her nemesis, Bronwyn. She has a new roommate, Petra, who never seems to leave the room, and makes a new friend in Gaines. Even though she was quite the mover and shaker at her school in Oklahoma, Finley still hasn't gotten the hang of dealing with fellow students with "law firm names", and is a bit envious that Ayisha has jumped in and made a lot of connections. She even tries to unseat Bronwyn as the head of the Valentine's dance committee, but the two end up co-chairing it. There is a school ski trip that Finley and Ayisha decide to go on, even though they don't ski. Ayisha is happy to stay in the lodge and socialize, but Finley takes ski lessons that end with Arthur having to save her and ending up in the hospital. Meeting his father doesn't go particularly well, as Lord Watercress is even more formal and uptight than his son. Finley is still obsessed with Arthur, so pays a lot of attention to what he is doing, and the two finally are able to talk about what happened and decide to stay friends. Because Arthur is turning 18, his father is planning a big party that coincides with the dance, and is expecting him to go back to England for college. This sends Finley into a tizzy, since she hadn't thought their time together would be so brief. It gets even briefer when Arthur is accepted into another school in England, and his father is expecting him to return to England in two weeks. Even though the school dance runs into problems after some sabotage, Finley is preoccupied with Arthur. Finley's grandmother and Arthur's aunt are still an item, so it's possible that the two will be able to see each other on occasion, but what does their future hold?
Good Points
Finley is a fairly typical high school girl whose fascination with one particular boy colors everything she does. While this is very true to life, it's also a little alarming to read about as an adult! It's good to have some balance with Ayisha, who is interested in Caldwell but also pays attention to the rest of her social life, watches out for Finley, and also keeps academics in mind. Bronwyn is a good example of a student entitled by her family's local reputation and her history of being in charge. We don't see a lot of what Arthur is feeling, but this also seems true-- teen boys play their cards close to the vest, and don't necessarily let everyone around them know what's going on.

The real appeal of this book is the Barrington Academy setting, with all of the posh students who assume that everyone has a cook and housekeeper, and the teachers who know how to deal with these students. There's plenty of friend drama and romance, and the ski trip was a nice touch. (There aren't a lot of books that deal with those, although Ellen and Ivison's The Never Evers does.)

Finley is a bit self centered, but is also dealing with an unusual change of venue from her small Oklahoma home town. This will be a popular title among readers who love Kasie West, Sarah Dessen, Suzanne Colasanti, Emma Lord, and other young adult romance writers.
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