Santa's Gotta Go!

Santa's Gotta Go!
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
October 10, 2023
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We all know that Santa Claus is one cool dude! But how is he as a houseguest? Find out in this hilarious picture book by bestselling author Derrick Barnes!

The number one thing on Monte and Mabel’s Christmas wish list is the chance to hang out with Santa Claus. So when his sleigh breaks down in their yard as he’s finishing up his last delivery, they couldn’t be more delighted--Santa’s gonna stay with them while he waits for spare parts to be delivered! It’s a dream come true . . . or is it? It turns out Santa doesn’t have a lot of experience being a houseguest, and likes to rock out late at night and swigs spaghetti sauce from the jar. But when he messes with Dad’s motorcycle and Mabel’s computer tablet, he’s gone a step too far and the whole family agrees--Santa’s gotta go! But how on earth do you kick out Santa Claus?

Readers will get a kick out of this hilarious holiday tale by New York Times bestselling author Derrick Barnes, with its funny reminder to be careful what you wish for and to remember that sharing the holiday spirit can take a lot of goodwill.

Editor review

1 review
Unique Addition to Holiday Books
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
The market is saturated with tales of Santa but Santa’s Gotta Go! Is certainly a unique addition to the genre. Monte and Mabel would love to spend some time playing with Santa. They get their wish when a part of his sleigh breaks and it will take a few days to fix. However, Santa is not a courteous house guest and he overstays his welcome. I feel like many people can relate as in-laws or children home from college come to stay for the Holiday break. I could see this book strategically being read to the “children” in easy hearing distance of the derelict family members who need to remember to clean up, replace what they used, and head on their merry way. The ending was cute as well. Overall, this would be a fun book for older children looking for a new holiday tale with a funny twist.
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