Ready Player One

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Enjoyable read
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I enjoyed this story it kept me entertained. I enjoyed the characters and ending.
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Ready Player One
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I have to say that I think this will be a must read for everyone although I think that those of us that were teenagers in the ’80’s will appreciate it most.
Good Points
‘Ready Player One’ is a dystopian novel. In 2044, most people on earth spend a majority of their time inside the Oasis virtual world. James Halliday, the developer of Oasis, dies and leaves his vast fortune to whomever figures out his labyrinth of Oasis riddles and quests. Since Halliday was a teenager in the ’80’s ,much of the clues revolve around knowledge of this time period. From there ‘Willie Wonka’ type madness ensues.
I have heard a lot about ‘Ready Player One’ and how much everyone loved it. Since I am not a dystopian lover,I didn’t have any plans to read it, when I first heard about it. Then I found out that it was filled with 1980’s nostalgia. Since I have a lot of love for the ’80’s, I decided to give it a try.
Of course I loved all the ’80’s references throughout the book. It brought back lots of great memories.I think the reason there is so much nostalgia about the ’80’s, is that, so much has changed between now and then. I also especially enjoyed the parts which took place in ‘real life’, outside the Oasis world. This was more interesting to me as I am not a big gaming person.
I did love the characters, especially Wade/Parzival and Aech. They were well-developed and very interesting . The plot was fascinating and complex. The story did lag a bit in the middle for me but in general kept me interested.
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Ready Player One has a really serious story at its heart(murder! corporate corruption! The world is crumbling!) but it remains an air of being so FUN just because of the character’s voice and all the wonderful ’80s references. As a ’90s baby, I can’t say I caught most of the references(though it was extra fun when I did, because I got to squeal for a moment that I knew what was going on), but they were pretty well-explained most of the time and moved the story forward.

I’m not much of a gamer, except for the concessional Legend of Zelda games my dad & I used to play when I was growing up, but as far as I can tell, Ready Player One is basically a video game in book form with a little side of reality thrown in, and I think people who like video games will really love it. It merges our current video game culture with a fantasy world and a science fiction element to create something entirely unique.

I thought the world-building in Ready Player One was really well done. Almost every time I started thinking, “But how does this work?” It was explained. How the OASIS works was one of those things I wasn’t sure I could buy into at first, but I so totally did just by virtue that the world was so cleverly laid out. I’m not sure if it was just the audiobook, but it did seem a bit info-dumpy at times–though that could just be because it takes so much longer to say words out loud than it would if I was reading it myself in print, and at any point, it never really distracted me.

The characters in Ready Player One were all quite interesting. One of the things that is mentioned a lot in the book is the OASIS persona verses real-life persona, and how similar they can be but also how different. How you can choose to hide things from people online, and the impact(both good and bad) that can have. Ready Player One never really answers that question, but brings it up for the readers to explore.

I loved the plot of Ready Player One with it’s focus on the quests. There’s a lot of great scenes in there, especially once something happens about a quarter of the way through that really ups the stakes for all the major characters involved. The evolution of the plot worked out really well in my opinion. My only minor complaint is that while Wade did have to struggle for a lot of things, towards the end some of the plot twists just seemed awfully convenient, and a little too easy. Then again, the clues for these things were placed quite deliberately earlier in the story, so they mostly made sense in context.
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Absolutely Mesmerizing!
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Ready Player One has been on my "to-read" list for awhile. Why did I wait so long to read this book? I'm totally convinced that Ernest Cline wrote Ready Player One for me specifically because it had everything I love in a book. Basically Ready Player One was the perfect book for me.

You can't call yourself nerdy unless you've read Ready Player One because this book is a nerd's heaven. I loved all of the video game, and 80's movie references that Cline included in this book. Even though I wasn't alive during the 80's, I still really appreciated the pop culture references included in this book. This book brought back so many fond memories from my childhood.

Cline created such a vivid and spectacular world that I could easily picture. Though this book was sci-fi, I feel like the events in this book could happen. The world has made so many advances, it would surprise me if something like OASIS was invented. I would love to use the OASIS in moderation, I fear that I would become addicted to the OASIS. It probably would be better if OASIS was never invented because people would lose sense of reality.

Ready Player One is an extremely entertaining and fun book. I know that this book has been optioned to become a movie and that is terrific news. Warner Brothers better not mess this movie up, seriously this movie needs to be true to the book. It's definitely going to be hard to squeeze all of the plot elements into a movie but I have faith that the movie will turn out spectacular.

Ready Player One is by far one of the best dystopian books I've ever. This book was unlike anything I've ever read before. I can't wait to read Armada, the movie rights have been already sold to Universal Pictures. I can't recommend Ready Player One enough!
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Video games + 80s + apocolyptic
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There are tons of twists in this book/game. The plot is linear like a scrolling video game so I don't want to give away anything.

If you like retro culture, you'll love this book. If you like fast paced action, complex relationships or plot twists, that's all here too! I couldn't wait to get home and keep reading.

It was easy to get into this book. A few weeks later I still find myself recalling the world, the characters, ahhhhh so good!
Good Points
The main 3 characters have an awesome dynamic
The setting - virtual world and our "real" world help make this a book an escape while the plot is about people who want to escape the real world. Get it? :)
Loved the writing style - easy to read, but not "dumbed down"
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