Review Detail

5.0 1
Kids Fiction 671
Laugh-Out-Loud read
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
In NO, DAVID, David is always being corrected. Whether it's for tracking in mud or playing baseball in the house, it seems his mom is just always saying no. But in the end, he understands that his mom loves him and probably gives the best hugs.

I like how this story brings comedy into a topic that all kids think about. The pictures have a laugh-out-loud reaction, even though the mom is saying no. Parents have to say no sometimes, but the most important thing is the love they share.

I remember reading this book as a child and I'm so thrilled to be sharing it with my daughter. We laughed together and she had fun pointing out the pictures. I also love the board book format. NO, DAVID is a funny book that has stuck with me all these years.

Final Verdict: This is a good book for parents to read with their children. It's also perfect for fans of humor.
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