Review Detail

Kids Fiction 746
Highly Entertaining
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Josh Funk is known for creating engaging stories that capture a child's attention. He certainly did that in his newest book My Pet Feet. The letter R is missing and chaos ensues. In the search for the letter R, we see how taking away one letter changes everything. A pet ferret becomes a pet feet, a grassy field becomes a gassy field, and a flock of crows becomes a flock of cows. My son's personal favorite was a door that turned into doo. The illustration of that had us giggling.

The illustrations by Billy Yong are so fun and creative. On each page, there are so many details that illustrate what might happen if the letter R is missing. Each time I read this book, I noticed a new detail.

The little girl finally finds the letter R and things are set right or are they? The ending has me wondering if we will see another book about a different missing letter. I am eager to see what Josh Funk does next.
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