My Dog Just Speaks Spanish

My Dog Just Speaks Spanish
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Release Date
May 09, 2023
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A young bilingual immigrant meanders through her city park, translating for her beloved dog, in a heartwarming picture book debut.

When Aurora came to the United States, she learned to speak English. But her spaniel, Nena, did not. Sweet Nena loves to give besos, and she knows only Spanish. She doesn’t know SIT, but she does know SIÉNTATE. She doesn’t know WAIT, but she does know ESPERA. And while TREAT doesn’t mean anything to Nena, she can certainly sniff out a POSTRE! At the park, Nena may not know what the other dog owners are saying, but she and Aurora will always understand each other just fine. Borrowing from her lived experience, Venezuelan-American author-illustrator Andrea Cáceres offers a gentle, charmingly illustrated ode to love that extends a hand—or a paw—to readers who may feel displaced or are learning a new language themselves.

Editor review

1 review
Language-Rich Text
(Updated: September 15, 2023)
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This book has a great premise. It was a new thought that our pets understand many words, but maybe not if they are said in different languages. I loved that this was a way to show many English and Spanish words and I loved the side-by-side words on post-its on the labeled illustrations to make it a language-rich text. The girl has a great relationship with her dog and will be appealing to dog lovers and language lovers. The illustrations were okay, but not as polished-looking as I prefer. However, the illustrative style did not distract or detract from the text so overall it was fine. This is a great story for children looking to learn more about Spanish.

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