My Dad Thinks He's a Pirate

My Dad Thinks He's a Pirate
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
August 22, 2023
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Why are Dad’s pirate jokes funny? Because they arrr in this pun-filled, giggle-worthy tribute to the paternal comedians among us.

Captain Dad and his crew are having a day at the ocean, and of course Dad is bringing his treasure chest of jokes. Aye-aye, you say? Just one eye, Dad corrects, pointing to his patch. Why does he like to eat on the beach? Because of the sand-which-is there, he explains. Whether it’s a ship he bought on sail or an earring that costs one buccaneer, a day with Dad is shore to be hilarious. At least he seems to think so!

Editor review

1 review
Very Punny Book
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This was a very punny-book filled with jokes about pirates. Anyone who has a father who tells dad jokes can relate to this kid whose dad has decided to bring out every joke surrounding going to the beach that he can. Many of the jokes are best understood by seeing the spelling used in the book, which makes it a great book to use while studying homophones. The illustrations are fun and the humor is quirky enough to stay engaging. The only thing I did not think worked as well was the constant refrain of “My Dad Thinks He’s a Pirate”. I get that it is the name of the book but it did not rhyme or blend in with the other sentences on the page so it stuck out a bit as it kept being used. Overall, the book is fun and the older kids in the intended age range will likely appreciate it more than the younger kids who will likely need an explanation so they can share in the jokes.
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