My Cat Does Ballet

My Cat Does Ballet
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
October 17, 2023
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A boy shares his love of ballet with his cat in this adorable picture book that leaps and glides through ballet terms, famous dancers, and the special bond between a young dancer and his pet.

Some cats pounce, snooze, or climb up the curtains. But one boy has a pet cat that does ballet, jumping after flies in perfect grands jetés and gliding across floors with smooth glissades. Perhaps they can teach you and your cat to do ballet too! This joyful and hilariously illustrated story is a charming pas de deux for felines and their friends.

Editor review

1 review
Positive Representation and Humorous
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
My Cat Does Ballet is perfect for the dancer and cat lover in your life. A young boy tells his friends about all the antics his cat gets into and the different ballet moves that the cat unknowingly performs. His friends tell him about the misadventures they have with their cats such as the cat who steals stuffies or the one who chews toilet paper. All his friends come over so he can teach their cats ballet and things get a bit out of hand. The humorous illustrations will keep you turning pages. The back matter provides mini-biographies of famous dancers that the author used as the boy's friends throughout the book. There are also ballet terms to help build vocabulary knowledge about dance. Overall, this book positively represents boys who like ballet and is humorous with the shenanigans that all cat lovers can relate.
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