Just One More Sleep

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Just One More Sleep
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
January 16, 2024
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In a celebration of delayed gratification, New York Times bestselling duo Jamie Lee Curtis and Laura Cornell give readers a new self-help book for kids that explains why waiting can be wonderful—and can give you a reason to cheer all year round, from New Year's Day to Kwanzaa, and all the holidays in between.

Just one more sleep…

Waiting is not easy—especially for children. Often they measure the concept of time in how many more sleeps until the exciting day comes, when there is so much to do, so many exciting things to explore, and so many holidays to celebrate! In a buoyant book that channels childhood exuberance, Jamie Lee Curtis makes it clear why waiting is worth it. And with Laura Cornell’s bold and humorous artwork helping readers celebrate and appreciate milestones throughout the year, this is a story worth waiting for—and one kids will want to read over and over again.

Editor reviews

2 reviews
Always something good around the corner
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A little girl is sad that her birthday is over and that she will have to wait another whole year until she gets to celebrate again. She learns that waiting is a lot easier when broken down into smaller chunks, and that there are plenty of other reasons to be glad. She enjoys being with her family, and having new experiences like going to summer camp and starting a new school year. At the end, she is glad that a year has made her a better person.

Good Points
Curtis and Cornell have done over a dozen books together over the last thirty years, and this follows a similar format. The verse is serviceable, but could have used one more pass of the editor's pen; I'm very picking about meter, and other people won't notice. Cornell's illustrations remind me of the books I read to my children back in the 1990s, with crowded backgrounds with lots of details, and a frenetic feeling of movement on the page.

Not only is this a book about waiting that would pair well with titles like Henkes' Waiting or Galliez and Ratanavanh's Patience, Miyuki, but it is a good overview of a year's worth of celebrations. From Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day to Thanksgiving and Kwaanza, the little girl realizes that she is usually "just one more sleep" away from a variety of exciting holidays. Obviously, not ALL holidays are represented, but this is a good overview of different celebrations through the year.
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So Many Wonderful Things to Enjoy
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Just One More Sleep shows that there is always something fun just around the corner to be excited about. It highlights some of the celebrations from several religions, cultures, and American holidays. It is inclusive in some ways by highlighting Jewish and Christian holidays but if the point is to apply to as many cultures as possible then it leaves out other religions. It was interesting that Mother’s Day was mentioned but not Father’s Day. The illustrations added a sense of celebration to the frenetic busyness of each page. The watercolor effect made things blurry so you are left with more of an overall impression of joy than a detailed perusal of specific traditions. Overall, this is a fun upbeat story about being patient and enjoying all the special things that come. I do wish it had felt more personal because, in the effort to feel inclusive, I became more aware of what was left out than if it had felt like one person’s truth about the holidays they experience.
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