It’s Live!! Cover Reveal: CHEESUS WAS HERE by J. C. Davis + Giveaway (Intl)



Hi, YABCers!

Today we’re super excited to celebrate the cover reveal for CHEESUS WAS HERE by J.C. Davis, releasing April 4, 2017 from Sky Pony Press. Before we get to the cover, here’s a note from J.C.:

Hi there YABC readers! I’m so thrilled to share the cover of my debut novel, CHEESUS WAS HERE, with you today. It’s been a long road getting here and I’m so grateful to everyone who helped me along the way. Especially the design team at Sky Pony Press, they’ve put so much time and effort into making my cover just right. Plus, they didn’t strangle me when I pestered them with silly questions and lots of squeeing! A book with such a weighty and serious name needs a weighty and serious cover and Sky Pony lived up to that expectation. I couldn’t be happier! I hope you enjoy the cover as much as I do. Read below to find out more about my book and to enter for a chance to win a signed ARC.


~J.C. Davis (CHEESUS WAS HERE, Sky Pony Press)


Ready to see?

Scroll, YABCers! Scroll!

Here it is!




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by J.C. Davis
Release date: April 4, 2017
Publisher: Sky Pony Press
ISBN: 9781510719293
About the Book

Sixteen-year-old Delaney Delgado knows miracles aren’t real—if they were, her kid sister wouldn’t be dead. So when the image of baby Jesus appears on a Babybel cheese wheel, she’s not buying the idea that God’s got a dairy obsession. Soon, religious signs begin turning up all over Del’s hometown, tiny Clemency, Texas. Overnight, news vans fill the streets and religious pilgrims start searching for God in the discount aisle of the grocery store.


Hell-bent on proving the so-called miracles are fake, Del convinces her best friend, Gabe, to help her find the truth. While Gabe’s willing to play detective, as a preacher’s son he’s more interested in finding evidence that supports the miracles. But when the whole town becomes caught up in religious fervor and even the late night talk show hosts have stopped laughing and started to believe, finding the truth might cause more trouble than Del can handle. This novel is neither pro nor anti-religion, and will appeal to fans of contemporary YA novels that explore deep themes with an element of humor. The voice and characters are funny, strong, and full of heart.

 About the Author

J. C. Davis spent her childhood inventing secret worlds and finding forgotten places. Busy reading her way through the local library, she never imagined writing books of her own until one day, all grown up, she fell in love with a children’s book and decided to rediscover a few of those secret worlds she’d invented. Her debut novel, CHEESUS WAS HERE, takes place in a tiny Texas town, which really is a strange world all its own. In addition to writing, J. C. is an amateur photographer, runs a Harry Potter meet-up group and embraces all things nerdy. She lives in Dallas, Texas, with her husband, two kids, a pair of rowdy dogs, an incontinent cat, a hamster with a ridiculously long name, and two adorable hedgehogs who want to take over the world.


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Giveaway Details

One winner will receive a signed ARC of CHEESUS WAS HERE and a gouda cheese necklace and earring set as well as some book swag. The jewelry is handmade by the author.

Entering is simple, just fill out the entry form below. Winners will be announced on this site and in our monthly newsletter (sign up now!) within 30 days after the giveaway ends.

During each giveaway, we ask entrants a question pertaining to the book. Here is the question they’ll be answering in the comments below for extra entries:

What do you think about the cover and synopsis?

Click the Rafflecopter link below to enter the giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

9 thoughts on “It’s Live!! Cover Reveal: CHEESUS WAS HERE by J. C. Davis + Giveaway (Intl)”

  1. Anonymous says:

    I LOVE!

  2. Anonymous says:

    The cover was sensitively designed, and the synopsis was a stellar example of exacting prose.

  3. Anonymous says:

    What a funny topic for a book – I like how the humor covers up the darker themes.
    I’m not as inspired by the cover.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I’m not a big fan of the cover but the synopsis peaked my interest.

  5. Anonymous says:

    That cover is so cute! The summary also sounds interesting. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  6. Anonymous says:

    The cover is very cute and it sounds like a very exciting book to read.

  7. Anonymous says:

    This book sounds extremely funny!! I remember there was a Glee episode about Finn finding an image of Jesus on a grilled cheese. “Cheesus” LOL Love it!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Jesus on a babybel cheese wheel (LOL), I love it sounds like a great read and the cover cute.

  9. Anonymous says:

    The cover is cute and also makes me hungry–I love the synopsis as it promises so much humor.

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