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YA Review: Brownstone (Samuel Teer & Mar Julia)

July 26th, 2024 by

About This Book:

Almudena has always wondered about the dad she never met.

Now, with her white mother headed on a once-in-a-lifetime trip without her, she’s left alone with her Guatemalan father for an entire summer. Xavier seems happy to see her, but he expects her to live in (and help fix up) his old, broken-down brownstone. And all along, she must navigate the language barrier of his rapid-fire Spanish—which she doesn’t speak.

As Almudena tries to adjust to this new reality, she gets to know the residents of Xavier’s Latin American neighborhood. Each member of the community has their own joys and heartbreaks as well as their own strong opinions on how this young Latina should talk, dress, and behave. Some can’t understand why she doesn’t know where she comes from. Others think she’s “not brown enough” to fit in.

But time is running out for Almudena and Xavier to get to know each other, and the key to their connection may ultimately lie in bringing all these different elements together. Fixing a broken building is one thing, but turning these stubborn individuals into a found family might take more than this one summer.

*Review Contributed by Rachel Moulden, Staff Reviewer*

Brownstone is a gorgeously illustrated graphic novel full of heart and a resonating story of finding where you belong. Following the main character Almudena, readers watch her journey over the Summer of meeting her dad for the first time. She is a whirlwind of emotions as she comes to grips with getting to know him along with the language barrier as she doesn’t know Spanish. What awaits her is a Summer full of new surprises, found family, and becoming one with her identity.

This was such a beautiful graphic novel, inside and out. It took me on a rollercoaster ride of emotions in the best way. I smiled, laughed, and even cried as the story struck a deep chord within me. I loved how the illustrations spoke for themselves even with the dialogue as readers get to meet the beloved residents of the neighborhood and their colorful personalities. Though they struggle with gentrification and an ever-changing neighborhood they still have immense love for each other and the place they call home. Watching them come together in times of need was utterly heartwarming. Especially when they accept Almudena with open arms and give her the support she needs to thrive in this new environment.

Once I started to read this graphic novel I didn’t want to leave its world. I loved the setting of the Summer season making it a perfect read for this time of the year. I enjoyed learning about all of the characters and appreciated that each one got their time to shine (as well as spotlighting their backstories). Though Almudena is hesitant at first to open up she shows so much growth by the end of the novel. She learns more about her Guatemalan background and has a greater appreciation for her culture.

This graphic novel teaches us that there is no one way to “fit in” when it comes to our culture, neighborhood, identity, and family. The most important thing is having an open mind to acceptance and taking the time to learn from each other.

I highly recommend this graphic novel about family, summer shenanigans, and identity. This Summer vacation tale is full of heart, and I commend the writer and illustrator for bringing us this wonderful story!

*Find More Info & Buy This Book HERE!*

Author Chat with Rob Renzetti (THE TWISTED TOWER OF ENDLESS TORMENT), Plus Giveaway~ US ONLY!

July 26th, 2024 by

Today we are very excited to share an interview with author Rob Renzetti!

Read on to learn more about the author, the book, and a giveaway!




Meet the Author: Rob Renzetti

Rob Renzetti is a veteran of TV animation whose work on Cartoon Network’s Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends earned him an Emmy. He created the Nickelodeon show My Life as a Teenage Robot, acted as the supervising producer for Disney’s Gravity Falls, and served as executive producer on the first two seasons of Disney’s Big City Greens, among other projects. Recently, he has published four books for Disney Publishing, including the New York Times #1 Best Seller Gravity Falls: Journal 3 and Onward: Quests of Yore.

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About the Book: The Twisted Tower of Endless Torment

From the creator of My Life As a Teenage Robot comes the second story in a middle-grade horror series about a horrible bag, the spine-chilling world hidden within it, and a terrifying adventure into the world of GrahBhag.

Perfect for fans of Coraline, the Spiderwick Chronicles, and Small Spaces.


Zenith Maelstrom knows he’s forgetting something…

But he can’t quite remember what. He wakes up to notes in his handwriting with messages like, “Prepare for battle!” – but what battle? – and his sister Apogee seems to grow angrier with him by the day. It’s not until he finds Apogee sneaking back into the horrible bag hidden away in their basement that all the dreadful details about GrahBhag resurface. The spiderlike Shlurps. The trio of foul mouths that hunger for blood. Eldritch horrors around every corner.

Desperate to save Apogee from her ill-planned attempt to right the wrongs of their last trip into the bag, Zenith is forced to follow her into the bizarre world that has certainly not forgotten them. Between old foes set on vengeance like Raggedy Albert and terrifying new ones like the haunting Wraith, Zenith will have to put things right with his sister without falling into the clutches of those who would do him harm. For if he is caught, Eternity Tower awaits…

With a combination of dry, absurdist humor and no-holds-barred horror, Rob Renzetti has crafted a delightfully imaginative fantasy world that will hook readers as surely as it will send chills down their spines.

Purchase * Goodreads





~Author Chat~


YABC:  How was writing a sequel different from the first book?

The biggest difference was the challenge of creating something new and at the same time familiar. You want to give your readers more of what they loved about the first book and at the same time expand the world to include new characters and locations. You also don’t want to repeat the exact same story arc but have to stay within the conventions of the genre. Luckily there’s a lot of room for different sorts of stories within the fantasy and horror genres.

YABC: Who is your favorite character in the book?

I promise I’m not cheating when I say my favorite character is actually two characters. A sister and brother duo named Hazel and Hardy. They are guards in Eternity Tower, GrahBhag’s most feared and infamous prison. They take very different approaches to their job with Hazel being very strict and Hardy incredibly lenient. (To explain how I’m not cheating would spoil a fun reveal from the book.)

YABC: How do you know when a book is finished?

When I hit my deadline. It’s hard to feel completely done with any story. If it were up to me, I would’ve probably held off publishing the entire Horrible Bag series till I had a chance to write all three because as I’m writing the third I’m discovering things I’d wished I’d done differently in the first. All three stories are intricately connected. I had a lot of those connections figured out from the get-go but not all of them. Luckily, there have been a number of random choices I made that have actually turned out to be very useful in tying the whole series together.

YABC: What research did you do to write this book?

I’ve always loved the work of M.C. Escher and when I started thinking about what a GrahBhagian prison could be like, his depiction of impossible, perplexing places sprung to mind. I thought it would be an interesting challenge to write passages that elicit the sort of delightful puzzlement that Escher’s artwork creates in a person’s mind. To do my research, I travelled no further than the bookshelf where I keep my treasured Escher art book.

YABC:  What word do you have trouble overusing?

There are so many to choose from! I’m definitely a fan of lists with titles like “20 words to eliminate from your manuscript.” But, off the top of my head, I would pick “started.” In my first drafts, I always have characters “starting” to do something when they should just be doing that thing.

YABC: What hobbies do you enjoy?

I’m an avid player of card and board games. My wife and I play games with almost every meal. And I love to hike. I live very close to Griffith Park, a huge parcel of undeveloped land in the middle of Los Angeles with dozens of different trails, one of which leads to the legendary Hollywood sign.

YABC: What kind of animal would your main character be and why?

Having lived with them for over twenty years, rabbits are my favorite animal, and I would love to feature one in a future book. But right now, I’m kicking around an idea which would have a cat as the main character.

YABC: What is your favorite holiday or tradition and why?

As I’m a lover of all things horror, Halloween is by far my favorite holiday. I celebrate the scary year-round but love it when, once a year, everyone else joins me. There are many professional and amateur haunted houses in the wider Los Angeles area, but I’m especially fond of the home haunts and spend several nights each Halloween season driving to different neighborhoods to check them out.

YABC:   What’s up next for you?

The third book in The Horrible Bag series, which has the working title of The Cursed Cloak of the Wretched Wraith. It’s winding its way through the editorial process as we speak and will be out in Summer 2025. It’s been loads of fun and also a tremendous challenge wrapping up my first trilogy. I hope readers will enjoy seeing all the loose ends tied up and feel satisfied with the Maelstroms siblings’ ultimate fate. Can an ending be both horrible and happy?





Author: Rob Renzetti

Release Date: 7/23/24

Publisher:  Penguin Workshop

ISBN-10: 0593519558

ISBN-13: 9780593519554

Genre: Middle Grade Horror

Age Range: 8-12




~ Giveaway Details ~


Three (3) winners will receive a copy of The Twisted Tower of Endless Torment (Rob Renzetti) ~US Only!


*Click the Rafflecopter link below to enter the giveaway*


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Interview With Kara A. Kennedy (I Will Never Leave You)

July 26th, 2024 by

Today we are very excited to share an interview with Author Kara A. Kennedy (I Will Never Leave You)!




Meet the Author: Kara A. Kennedy

KARA A. KENNEDY has been telling ghost stories—and sometimes living them—since childhood. She holds a BA in Professional Writing from Penn State University, where she worked as a writing tutor for years. Kara is an Author Mentor Match alumna and a Pitch Wars ’21 mentee. She lives in Pennsylvania with her partner and their two kittens, Roanoke and Renegade. I Will Never Leave You is her debut novel. Find Kara online at and follow her on X/Twitter and Instagram at @karaaislinn, and on TikTok at @karakennedywrites.

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About the Book: I Will Never Leave You

Maya has always belonged to Alana. After four years of dating, and on the precipice of graduating high school, Maya has been too terrified to consider the idea of life outside of their volatile relationship. Until she finds the courage to break up with Alana while they’re hiking in Southern California.

Then Alana goes missing. As the police get involved and the media run wild with the story, everyone seems to think that Maya is lying about Alana’s disappearance. Secretly, Maya knows they’re right: if Alana’s dead, she’s the one to blame.

But that’s not Maya’s only secret. Alana isn’t gone, not really—and she isn’t going to let Maya go so easily…

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~Author Chat~


YABC: Who is your favorite character in the book?

I love all of them for different reasons! I feel super bonded to Maya because I went on such an emotional journey with her, but I had the most fun writing Alana. Her dialogue was a blast to write – sometimes I wouldn’t know what was going to come out of her mouth next. Writing really becomes a joy when your own characters start surprising you, and that happened constantly with Alana.

YABC: Which came first, the title or the novel?

Definitely the novel! The book was originally called GIRLS WE USED TO BE, taken from a line near the end of the story, but I felt it was too similar to some other titles of published works. I changed it to THE MOST BREAKABLE THING, which is the title it had when I signed with my agent and when we sold to Delacorte Press. It kept this title until the day before the deal announcement ran in Publishers Weekly – my editor suggested I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU, and I immediately fell in love with it.

YABC: What scene in the book are you most proud of, and why?

Without spoilering anything, there’s a scene where Maya is essentially being walked through a series of Alana’s memories that I really loved writing. It’s a bit more speculative and experimental, but exactly the type of thing I like writing, and I had fun making it as eerie as possible.

YABC: What do you like most about the cover of the book?

My cover artist, Carolina Rodriguez Fuenmayor, did an absolutely amazing job! I love the way that she incorporated California poppies, which are a major symbol throughout the book.

YABC: What new release book are you looking most forward to in 2024?

I’m beyond excited for Allison Saft’s latest release, A DARK AND DROWNING TIDE. I’ve also had the privilege of reading Rachel Moore’s adventure romcom called US IN RUINS that comes out in September. Her sparkling prose and quick wit are fully on display in this book, and I can’t wait for it to hit shelves.

YABC: What’s a book you’ve recently read and loved?

I absolutely adored EVERY TIME YOU HEAR THAT SONG by Jenna Voris. She blended together so many things I love in YA – a sapphic enemies to lovers romance, a fun coming-of-age story, commentary on fame and the music industry, and a twisty mystery.

YABC: Which was the most difficult or emotional scene to narrate?

I spent a lot of time rewriting the scenes where Maya spoke to, or was interrogated by, the police. Aside from making sure those conversations were accurate and engaging, I had to pay close attention to how much information Maya would choose to reveal, what she would actively conceal, and what she would give away without realizing it. It was tricky to balance, and challenging to keep all the info straight throughout multiple rounds of revisions!

YABC: What is the main message or lesson you would like your reader to remember from this book?

Throughout the four years I spent on I Will Never Leave You, from the earliest drafting stages to final copyedits, the story’s message never changed: I wanted to not just paint a clear picture of the realities of emotional abuse and toxic relationships, but illuminate a path for anyone who has walked that particular gauntlet. Maya says near the end of the book, “to save myself, I can do anything,” and my hope is that this is helpful to survivors of any type of trauma – you are stronger than you think.

YABC: What advice do you have for new writers?

Read widely – across genres, across styles, across age ranges. I’m always learning from the different books I read, and I know I’ll never stop learning! I’d also extend that advice beyond books: consume as much media as you can, and pay attention to the writing. I’ve learned so much about craft from TV shows like Arcane and The Bear, video games like Life is Strange and The Last of Us, movies like Do Revenge and Cloud Atlas. These all seem like super random examples, but I love paying close attention to the different ways stories are told across all varieties and genres of media and bringing those influences back into my own work!




Title: I Will Never Leave You

Author: Kara A. Kennedy

Release Date: July 23, 2024

Publisher: Delacorte Press

Genre: Young Adult, Supernatural, LGBTQ

Age Range: 12 and up

YA Review: The Souls of Flowers (Pavlína Kourková)

July 25th, 2024 by


About This Book:

Discover the beauty and significance of 21 common meadow and garden plants through breathtaking full-page illustrations, detailed information, and poetic reflections on botany. Drawing inspiration from nature’s most exquisite flowers, acclaimed Czech botanical painter Pavlina Kourkova explores the countryside with infectious enthusiasm. Her watercolor renditions captivate not only the eye but also the heart, providing insights into the origin, occurrence, and symbolism of these plants.

The Souls of Flowers offers budding young naturalists and art enthusiasts alike a unique opportunity to explore the fascinating world of common plants found in meadows and gardens throughout North America and Europe. With its stunning illustrations and rich botanical insights, it serves as a gateway for older kids ages 12–15 to develop an appreciation for the beauty of nature. Young readers will not only be captivated by the book’s visual splendor but also enriched by its wealth of knowledge regarding plant origins and the so-called language of flowers. It’s a perfect blend of art, science, and wonder that promises to inspire curiosity and a deeper connection to the natural world.

*Review Contributed by Georgie Bartlett, Staff Reviewer*

The Souls of Flowers is a book I am so glad I discovered. In this collection of 21 beautiful botanical paintings, talented artist Pavlina Kourkova shares her knowledge and love of flowers with us through her artwork. I loved that this compendium also dives into the history of flowers, detailing their medicinal uses, and my personal favorite, explaining each flower’s unique meaning in the language of flowers. On each page, Pavlina also includes a paragraph or two reflecting on each of her paintings, sharing her process, thoughts, and challenges. Not only do these musings give us insight into her creative process, but they help to give us a greater appreciation of both the subject and the artist.

I have always loved botany, especially floriculture, and I was excited to learn more about the topic. I found my knowledge of flowers much expanded after reading this book, and now I can’t help but stop to appreciate each flower I see for its uniqueness and its distinctive beauty.

I hope that Pavlina will consider writing another book like this in the future. I would love to see this expanded into a collection eventually, perhaps with more delightful flower paintings or even herbs.

I would recommend this to anyone interested in learning more about the often-overlooked blooms around us, particularly children, teens, and families. It would also be a perfect encyclopedia for artists to gain inspiration and study new techniques. I enjoyed this book so much, and I hope to see more from Pavlina Kourkova.

*Find More Info & Buy This Book HERE!*



July 25th, 2024 by

We are excited to share a giveaway for WHEN BEAVERS FLEW: AN INCREDIBLE TRUE STORY OF RESCUE AND RELOCATION (Kristen Tracy)!




Meet the Author: Kristen Tracy

Kristen Tracy grew up in a tiny town in Idaho near Yellowstone Park surrounded by untamed and fascinating animals.  She is a poet and YA author and has recently started writing picture books. Her debut picture book A Cub Story was published in 2021. Kristen Tracy young adult novels include Lost ItCamille McPhee Fell Under the BusHung Up, and Project Unpopular. She won the Emily Dickinson First Book Award from the Poetry Foundation for her collection Half-Hazard.







This fascinating picture book tells the unique, quirky, and true story of how one man in Idaho saved 76 beavers from destroying a town by parachuting them into uninhabited wetlands.

In 1948, the town of McCall, Idaho was growing rapidly. World War II was over, and the little town tucked away in the mountains began to boom. There was only one problem. As the town expanded, they found beavers everywhere. A beaver here, a beaver there, and it didn’t take long to realize that humans and beavers weren’t great cohabitators. But one clever and resourceful Fish and Game Warden named Elmo Heter had an idea.

Heter knew that the beavers were integral to the wetlands, so keeping the well-being of the beavers in mind he set out to find a way to relocate them. After a few failed attempts, he finally landed on a wild idea… parachutes. Using a surplus of parachutes left over from WWII and creating a special box with air holes designed to pop open when it hit the ground, Heter devised a way to parachute the beavers into Idaho’s backcountry, an area that beavers hadn’t inhabited in decades.

Kirsten Tracy’s fascinating and playful nonfiction text pairs beautifully with Luisa Uribe’s detailed illustrations to bring this compelling true story to life.





Author: Kristen Tracy
Illustrator: Luisa Uribe
Release Date: 7/23/24
Publisher: Random House Studio
ISBN-10: 0593647521
ISBN-13: 9780593647523
Genre: Nonfiction picture book
Age Range: Ages 4-8


Five (5) winners will receive a hardback copy of WHEN BEAVERS FLEW: AN INCREDIBLE TRUE STORY OF RESCUE AND RELOCATION (Kristen Tracy) ~US Only!


*Click the Rafflecopter link below to enter the giveaway*


a Rafflecopter giveaway


July 25th, 2024 by

Today we are very excited to share an interview with Author Maggie Edkins Willis (Little Ghost Makes a Friend)!




Meet the Author: Maggie Edkins Willis

Maggie Edkins Willis grew up in Missouri and Maine in houses that, sadly, were not haunted. She now writes and illustrates books for children from her home studio in Poughkeepsie, New York, where she lives with her husband and son. Their last house is maybe haunted, but she’s still waiting to meet the ghost. You can visit her online at

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About the Book: Little Ghost Makes a Friend

A shy ghost learns the secret to making friends is being his spooky, sparkly self in this charming debut picture book that’s perfect for fans of Stumpkin.

Little Ghost and his mom have been happily haunting their creaky old house for years, just the two of them. When a new girl moves in next door, Little Ghost wants to introduce himself. But making friends can be scary…until he comes up with the perfect plan: he’s going to invite her over for a Halloween party! But what costume will make her want to be friends with him?

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~Author Chat~


YABC:  What gave you the inspiration to write this book?

This book actually started as an Instagram post. I drew an illustration of Little Ghost in a bunch of different costume pieces just as a one-off a few weeks before Halloween in 2021. An Art Director I had crossed paths with in the past, Sarah Creech, saw it and reposted it to her stories, which is where my editor, Catherine, saw it. Catherine was on the look out for a sweet character with autumnal vibes, and she reached out to my agent to ask whether I would be interested in creating a book based on that character. I was, of course, and now here we are! Sarah ended up being my Art Director on the project, and the original piece of art from the instagram post is included in the book! It’s a very serendipitous, full-circle kind of project.


YABC: What scene in the book are you most proud of, and why?

I love the Halloween scenes, outside at night. Trying to make the atmosphere feel glow-y and magical was a challenge while also making sure the characters didn’t feel too grayed-out. I based the neighborhood off of one where my sister lived in Houston, which had all these cool houses of different ages and architectural styles all built next to each other, which made each of the houses feel like it had a personality. Little Ghost’s haunted old house in this book is very much a character in itself, with all it’s spooky details, so that was important to me! I also love the scene where Little Ghost flops on the floor in despair– I love the bird’s eye view angle and the relatable emotions that are captured there, and that rug took forever to draw!


YABC:   How do you keep your ‘voice’ true to the age category you are writing within?

I like to keep a specific reader in mind when I’m writing, and I try to get the voice to speak directly to them– for my middle grade books, that reader is usually me as a 10-14 year old. Books were very formative for me at that age, and I remember really well what I responded to and hoped to find in books then, so I try to tap into that. For picture books, I try to write more for my son. He’s only two and a half now, but I can already get a sense of what he responds to most in the books we read: the sound effects that get him excited, the types of facial expressions that make him giggle. That really helps shape my voice for that genre.


YABC:  What can readers expect to find in your books?

Friendship is always a big component in my books, as are parent-child relationships– that goes for my older middle grade graphic novels as well as picture books. I think there is a little bit of sweetness in everything I do– even my prickly characters tend to have gooey centers.


YABC: What is your favorite snack when writing?

I love munching on Cinnamon Chex. I often have a cup full of dry cereal that I work my way through over a couple hours, one piece at a time.

YABC: If you were able to meet them, would you be friends with your main character?

I would love to be friends with Little Ghost! My family and I have moved around a lot over the last few years, and I’m always on the lookout for ghosts in the houses where we live. I THINK there might have been one in our last house, but our current home is new, so it seems unlikely that I’ll find one here. Guess you never know, though!


YABC:   What do you do when you procrastinate?

I’m not a huge procrastinator, but when I get stuck somewhere on a project it’s usually important for me to get up from my desk and move around a bit. I’ll take my dog for a walk or go to a yoga class or something, and by the time I sit back down, I’ve usually got an idea of how to solve whatever problem it is that has me stalled.


YABC:   What’s up next for you?

I have a number of picture books coming out in the next few years! My next with Simon & Schuster is called DINKY THE TINYSAUR, and I think fans of Little Ghost will really love this new character. It’s kind of a Clifford-type story, but with a really fun dino twist. I’ve also got a book coming out next year with Penguin called THUNDERLAND that I’m really excited about, and I’m hard at work on my next middle grade graphic novel, BABY STEPS, as well. I’m keeping busy for sure!


YABC: What is your favorite holiday or tradition and why?

I do really like Halloween, which is very appropriate for this particular book! My husband is a college football coach, so Halloween falls right in his busy season at work, so a new tradition we’re starting this year is decorating his football offices and inviting kids in the department to trick-or-treat there, so their dads can be a part of the fun. I’m really looking forward to it.


YABC:   Is there anything that you would like to add?

I’m so thrilled to have the opportunity to chat with you all about LITTLE GHOST MAKES A FRIEND! I love love love hearing from readers, so please come find me @maggie.made.this on Insta and Threads and @maggiemadethis on Twitter and TikTok.






Illustrator: Maggie Edkins Willis

Release Date: 7/16/24

Publisher: Paula Wiseman Books

Genre: Picture Book

Age Range: 4 to 8



YA Review: A Lie for a Lie (Jane Buckingham)

July 24th, 2024 by

About This Book:


An action-packed thriller that keeps you guessing until the end

Boyfriend cheating? A bully wreaking havoc? A classmate plagiarizing? Don’t get mad. Get @Revenge. At Milford High, if you’ve got a problem, message @Revenge, and they will take care of it with an embarrassing public comeuppance. But when the school’s star basketball player falls victim to a dangerous prank orchestrated by Revenge, the consequences are life-threatening.

Sabrina Richards, ambitious Milford senior and an unwitting accomplice in this deadly game, must unravel the enigma that is Revenge’s true identity. With her own future hanging in the balance, she embarks on a relentless quest to unmask the mastermind behind the perilous pranks. Delving deeper into the secrets and lies surrounding Revenge, Sabrina discovers that even her closest allies may be hiding sinister truths. As Sabrina gets closer to exposing the culprit behind Revenge and the murder attempt, she soon finds that her own life is on the line.

A Lie for a Lie is the first in a trilogy that spotlights the treacherous, secret-exposing realms of high school hierarchies and social media snares. Join Sabrina on her quest to uncover Revenge’s identity and clear her name in this suspenseful and action-packed thriller that will keep you racing to decipher the exciting puzzle at the core of its pulse-pounding mystery.

*Review Contributed by Elisha Jachetti, Staff Reviewer*

A LIE FOR A LIE by Jane Buckingham is the first YA thriller in the @revenge series. At Milford High School, there’s an Instagram account that gets back at the people who deserve it. Sabrina Richards never paid much attention to it until it became possible that she could go down for it. To exonerate herself, she will need to figure out who the real person is behind the social media account, but that could be physically dangerous. If she doesn’t though, she could lose her best friend and any college prospects. Without a mom to turn to for advice, Sabrina has to decide what to do on her own before it’s too late.

The best part about this book is the pacing. The story moves so fast and gives us everything we need to know, and nothing more, which I really appreciate. It falls at just over two hundred pages, so by all accounts, it’s a quick read. What makes it especially successful as a thriller is the number of surprises and misdirections. Buckingham keeps readers guessing throughout the whole story and I truly didn’t know where she was going to take it— even up to the last sentence of the book!

I also really enjoyed the romance. Jake is such a sweet character, and I appreciate how he approaches Sabrina, looks after her, and is upfront with her. I’m excited to see how their relationship evolves over subsequent books. In fact, I’m curious to also see what happens between Sabrina and Brooke, Kaye and Parker, and even Charlie and Emily. Overall, the relationship dynamics are the driving force of this story.

Anyone who is looking to be totally sucked in by a novel should pick this book up. It will especially appeal to fans of PRETTY LITTLE LIARS or GOSSIP GIRL.


*Find More Info & Buy This Book HERE!*


Interview With Diann Floyd Boehm (Ruby Takes Chicago)

July 24th, 2024 by

Today we are very excited to share an interview with Author Diann Floyd Boehm (Ruby Takes Chicago)!




Meet the Author: Diann Floyd Boehm

Diann Floyd Boehm is an award-winning international author. Diann writes children’s books and young adult books. In addition, Diann writes books to inspire kids to be kind, like themselves, and to “Embrace Imagination”.  You can find all her books on Amazon.

Diann’s Story Garden YouTube Channel gives children the opportunity to hear different children authors read their stories.

Diann is the co-host with Dr. Jacalyn on USA Global TV.

Diann continues to be involved in various humanitarian projects with multiple organizations.

Diann was born to parents of George and Mabel Floyd in Tulsa, Oklahoma, but grew up in Texas with five brothers. She has traveled extensively to many parts of the world and has lived in the Philippines and Dubai.

Keep in touch with Diann by joining her newsletter:

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About the Book: Ruby Takes Chicago

Ruby Takes Chicago is the sequel to Rise! A Girl’s Struggle for More. It’s now the 1920s, and a young Ruby Dinsmore leaves her hometown of Oilton, Oklahoma, and heads for Chicago to make her dreams come true. In the first book, Ruby, born in 1904, grows up wanting to be a businesswoman and does everything she can to make it happen. At the end of Rise, Ruby’s family realizes that her dreams can only come true in a larger town where the workforce would accept a young woman with a college education. Once in Chicago, Ruby realizes with surprise that, even in a big city, society as a whole still hesitates to accept women who work outside the home. Determined to stay true to herself, she takes on the challenges of life in tumultuous times of Prohibition, protests, and women’s rights marches. Ruby meets like-minded women, and together they break through the barriers until Ruby lands the perfect job, all amidst discovering the joys of life and love, and heartbreak… and love again.

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~Author Chat~


YABC:  What gave you the inspiration to write this book?

Ruby Takes Chicago is the sequel to Rise a Girl’s Struggle for More. I was not sure I would do a sequel, but my publisher had enough feedback from readers that it was important to let the readers learn more about Ruby. I gave it some thought and agreed with OC Publishing that the rest of Ruby’s journey should inspire readers to find her dreams in a man’s world.

The main character, Ruby Dinsmore, is based on my grandmother Ruby. She was an inspiration to me, and I believe inspires her readers to go after their dreams.

YABC: Who is your favorite character in the book?

The main character, Ruby Dinsmore, is my favorite character because she is someone the readers can relate to: working, love, heartache, friendship and the ups and downs of life.

YABC: How do you know when a book is finished?

I always find it hard to stop writing a story. I go back and forth, wanting to add or delete. Lucky for me, my publisher says, “Diann, you can put the pen down.” That is a great feeling.

YABC: What research did you do to write this book?

There is a lot of research that goes into writing historical fiction. I studied the:

· Years covered in the story

· Weather

· Political environment

· Fashion

· Speech

· Customs

 I must admit, I enjoyed learning so much that I went down rabbit holes and would have to get back to the purpose of the story.


YABC:  How do you keep your ‘voice’ true to the age category you are writing within?

 Great question. There are a few ways I work to make sure I am true to my voice. My mom would give me feedback Rise a Girl’s Struggle for More. Ruby Takes Chicago I knew all the stories from my mom, grandma, aunts and cousins. Probably more information than my grandma would have wanted me to know, which helped me stay true to Ruby’s voice. Plus, I was very close to my grandma Ruby, so I knew her personality and her sisters would tell me even more stories about how grandma was and how the town reactions were to a girl who wanted more in life.

Second, my publisher, Anne O’Connell, played a huge role making sure I was true to my character’s voice.

Third, I would read out loud my work and when I do that, I can hear how I can improve my writing or if I knocked it out of the park.


YABC: What hobbies do you enjoy?

I enjoy gardening, quilting, singing. I am talking some AI classes to learn about the pros and cons of AI for authors.


YABC:   What do you do when you procrastinate?

Depending on the season, I will be out gardening, and in the winter, I will be sewing. I have a new sewing machine that does embroidery, so I am learning how to use the embroidery part of the machine. I also enjoy simple quilting. I find it all very relaxing and my imagination seems to return so I can get back to my writing.

YABC: What is your favorite holiday or tradition and why?

I love holidays for various reasons, but I must say Thanksgiving is my favorite. I have 5 brothers and their families and my sisters-in-law’s families. We all meet up at one brother’s home and sometimes we have over 32 people there. It has enabled cousins to be friends and develop a close family relationship.

We have a major feast with everyone bringing their favorite dish. There are games for the kids, watermelon contest, egg toss, water toss etc.  One of my brothers gives a little speech reminding the younger ones of the purpose of Thanksgiving and the feast begins. We gather around 1pm and sometimes no one leaves till late into the night.



Title: Ruby Takes Chicago

Author: Diann Floyd Boehm

Release Date: November 13, 2023

Publisher: OC Publishing

Genre: Y/A

Age Range: 13 -18

YA Review: Dashed: A Margaret Dashwood Novel (Amanda Quain)

July 24th, 2024 by

About This Book:

In this contemporary update of Sense and Sensibility, Margaret Dashwood is setting sail on an adventurous summer cruise―unless love sinks her first.

Margaret Dashwood lives her life according to plan, and it involves absolutely zero heartbreak, thank you very much. Five years ago, love tore her family apart, and since then, she’s kept her own heart as safe as possible. It hasn’t been easy, especially since her sister Marianne―the world’s biggest romantic―has conveniently forgotten that love burned her so badly she literally almost died. So when their oldest sister Elinor invites Margaret along for a Marianne-free summer cruise, she can’t wait to soak up every scheduled moment with sensible Elinor before heading off to college.

But just before they set sail, a newly-single Marianne announces that she’s crashing their vacation. Suddenly, Margaret’s itineraries are thrown overboard, and the ship’s cabin feels even tinier with her sister wailing about her breakup from the bottom bunk. The only solution? Find Marianne a dose of love to tide her over until they reach land.

With help from Elinor, her husband Edward, and Gabe―a distractingly handsome new friend on the crew―Margaret sets out to create a series of elaborate fake dates that will give Marianne the spontaneously curated summer romance of a lifetime. But between a chaotic sister, the growing storm of feelings between Margaret and Gabe, and an actual storm on the horizon, this summer is destined to go off course. Margaret will have to decide what’s more important―following the plan, or following her heart.

*Review Contributed by Beth Rodgers, Staff Reviewer*

“Dashed” by Amanda Quain takes readers into a world of romance, travel, and family dynamics. When Margaret Dashwood heads off on a cruise for the summer with her sister, Elinor, and Elinor’s husband, she looks forward to spending time with the two of them and enjoying her final summer before college begins. Little does she know that she’s about to get a surprise—her other recently single sister, Marianne, is coming too. Margaret and Elinor care for Marianne, but spending time apart from her is sometimes just what the doctor ordered. When Marianne shows up, Margaret doesn’t know quite how to handle it, and soon she’s sharing a room with Marianne and finding herself swept up in trying to get Marianne a guy, but realizing that she herself might have to have her own ship romance to make that happen.

Margaret works to create a fake dates that will keep Marianne occupied, all the while seeming spontaneous and fun. In the meantime, she finds that she is beginning to having feelings of her own for Gabe, a good-looking guy on the cruise ship’s crew.

The story boasts a warm feeling of being swept off to sea, while also throwing in the fun of flirtation and romance, coupled with sibling dilemmas, and dramatic intrigue mixed in for good measure.

Good Points
The story boasts a warm feeling of being swept off to sea, while also throwing in the fun of flirtation and romance, coupled with sibling dilemmas, and dramatic intrigue mixed in for good measure.

*Find More Info & Buy This Book HERE!*


Waiting on Wednesday ~ July 24, 2024

July 24th, 2024 by

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event that is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating.


*Evren’s Choice*

(YABC Staff Reviewer)

A Banh Mi for Two

Author: Trinity Nguyen

Expected Publication Date: August 20, 2024

In this sweet sapphic romance about two foodies in love, Vivi meets Lan while studying abroad in Vietnam and they spend the semester unraveling their families’ histories―and eating all the street food in Sài Gòn.

In Sài Gòn, Lan is always trying to be the perfect daughter, dependable and willing to care for her widowed mother and their bánh mì stall. Her secret passion, however, is A Bánh Mì for Two, the food blog she started with her father, but has stopped updating since his passing.

Meanwhile, Vietnamese American Vivi Huynh, has never been to Việt Nam. Her parents rarely even talk about the homeland that clearly haunts them. So Vivi secretly goes to Vietnam for a study abroad program her freshman year of college. She’s determined to figure out why her parents left, and to try everything she’s seen on her favorite food blog, A Bánh Mì for Two.

When Vivi and Lan meet in Sài Gòn, they strike a deal. Lan will show Vivi around the city, helping her piece together her mother’s story through crumbling photographs and old memories. Vivi will help Lan start writing again so she can enter a food blogging contest. And slowly, as they explore the city and their pasts, Vivi and Lan fall in love.


*Adrien’s Choice*

(YABC Staff Reviewer)

Celestial Monsters

Author: Aiden Thomas

Expected publication date: September 3, 2024

New York Times-bestselling author Aiden Thomas returns to the beloved world of The Sunbearer Trials in Celestial Monsters, a heart-stopping duology finale, in which three young semidioses travel through a dark monster-infested world, facing down chaotic Obsidian gods, in a quest to save their friends and return the sun to the sky.

Teo never thought he could be a Hero. Now, he doesn’t have a choice.

The sun is gone, the Obsidian gods have been released from their prison, and chaos and destruction are wreaking havoc on Reino del Sol. All because Teo refused to sacrifice a fellow semidiós during the Sunbearer Trials.

With the world plunged into perpetual night, Teo, his crush Aurelio, and his best friend Niya must journey to the dark wilderness of Los Restos, battling vicious monsters while dealing with guilt, trauma, and a (very distracting) burgeoning romance between Teo and Aurelio. Determined to rescue the captured semidioses and retrieve the Sol Stone, the trio races against the clock to return Sol and their protective light. With it, order can be restored.

The future of the whole world is in their hands.



*Connie’s Choice*

(YABC Site Manager)

The Runestone Saga: Bane of Asgard

Author: Cinda Williams Chima

Expected Publication Date: October 22, 2024

The highly anticipated sequel in the acclaimed Runestone Saga from New York Times bestselling author Cinda Williams Chima—with more adventure, mystery, and plot twists than ever before!

Reunited in New Jotunheim, Reginn, Eiric and Liv discover that they are game pieces being played on a hidden board. Eiric’s slaughter of the old council has opened Tyra’s path to power—she now has the perfect excuse to launch a war against the Archipelago. Tyra is also using her dottir, Liv, as a vehicle to raise a dangerous goddess. And Reginn is tasked with crossing the boundary between the living and the dead to gain access to powerful magical secrets.

With Reginn’s help, Eiric escapes prison and returns home to find his brodir and warn the Archipelago of the impending attack. Meanwhile, she remains at the Grove to try to prevent the outbreak of war. Soon, though, Reginn learns her true role in this game: use her power to raise the dead to ensure victory for New Jotunheim. The demon Asger Eldr tells her that she alone can prevent another Ragnarok. But how?

Back in the Archipelago, Eiric agrees to join the king’s forces, though that means taking up arms against his systir, Liv, and Reginn, the spinner who has ensnared his heart. For perhaps the first time in his life, he dreads the coming fight.

As the two sides prepare for an apocalyptic battle, Eiric, Reginn, and Liv find allies and enemies in unexpected places and draw on new strengths as they seek to prevent the destruction of the last of the Nine Worlds.


*Sara’s Choice*

(YABC Staff Reviewer)

To the Bone
Author: Alena Bruzas
Expected Publication Date: September 10, 2024

This gripping, shocking, and exquisitely crafted survival story reveals the truth of America’s colonial history in a powerful new way—visceral and breathtaking.

After the long journey from England, Ellis arrives in America full of hope. James Fort is where a better life will begin for her: where she will work as an indentured servant to Henry Collins and his pregnant wife, gain financial security, and fall deeply in love with bold, glorious Jane Eddowes.

But as summer turns to fall, Ellis begins to notice the cracks in this new life—the viciousness of the colonists toward the Indigenous people and the terrifying anger Henry uses to control his wife and Ellis—leaving her to wonder if she has sentenced herself to a prison rather than a new home.

Then winter arrives and hunger grips the Fort. Ellis is about to learn that people will do whatever it takes to survive.

To the Bone is a riveting story of survival and horror that forcefully overturns the mythos of the American settler. It will stay with you, forever.

*Mark’s Choice*

(YABC Staff Reviewer)

  The Reality Code: Trapped in VR

Author: S.J. Fern

Publishing Date: 9/1/24

It’s just innocent fun.

That’s what twelve-year-old Icarus ‘Icky’ Somers reminded himself as he hacked a high-tech VR machine designed to help therapy patients confront their deepest fears. In the immersive virtual worlds he created for himself, Icky was king, star athlete, superhero, or whatever else he wanted to be.

Just innocent fun he thought… until a critical error locked him inside the fear simulations program.

With no one to turn to, Icky’s sister and two best friends dive into the virtual world to rescue him. Each new simulation will plunge them deeper into a new, terrifying challenge, pushing their bravery and friendship to the limit. Can they navigate through massive sharks, towering heights, crushing claustrophobia and personal loss to rescue Icky? Or will the fear simulator forever trap them all as well?


What book are you looking forward to in 2024?

Comment the name of the book below!


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