It’s Live!! Cover Reveal: The Princess and the Page by Christina Farley + Giveaway (US/Intl)



Hi, YABCers!

Today we’re super excited to celebrate the cover reveal for THE PRINCESS AND THE PAGE by Christina Farley, releasing February 28, 2017 from Scholastic. Before we get to the cover, here’s a note from Christina and the illustrator, Petur Antonsson:

Bonjour YABC!

I’m thrilled to share with you the cover for my first middle grade novel, THE PRINCESS AND THE PAGE! To begin the process, my editor, Andrea Pinkney, had me write down ideas that I had for the cover as well as details about all of the characters. I also created a Pinterest page of images that I thought fit with the book. From that point, Carol Ly and the Scholastic team took over. When I saw the final version, I literally got teary-eyed because it was not only so beautiful, but it captured the essence of Keira’s fairy tale adventures in France.

I’m absolutely in love with this magical cover that Petur Antonsson has created and hope you love it, too!

~Christina Farley (THE PRINCESS & THE PAGE, Scholastic)

Note from the illustrator, Petur Antonsson:

The process for an illustrator starts with communicating with the publisher, which in this case was Carol Ly from Scholastic. I worked closely with her from start to finish. She envisioned the cover to be bright and striking, while focusing on Keira and her magical pen. With that, and some more information, I started sketching. I came up with several different compositions of the Cover for Carol and her team to comment on. After picking the right sketch, and working on in some more, I start to paint the final image. The painting is complete, but not finished. After presenting it to Carol, some colors need to be tweaked, a little fix here and there. After that the painting goes to the designer, which puts the title and text on top. It’s a collaboration between art director, illustrator and designer. The final cover is ready for the printers!


Ready to see?

Scroll, YABCers! Scroll!

Here it is!




*** If you choose to share this image elsewhere, please include a courtesy link back to this page so others can enter Christina‘s giveaway. Thank you! ***


by Christina Farley
Release date: February 28, 2017
Publisher: Scholastic
ISBN: 9780545924092
About the Book

A mystical adventure about a pulls-no-punches princess and the power of her magical pen.

A dark secret lurks in Keira’s family. She comes from a long line of Word Weavers who bring their stories to life when they use a magical pen. But for generations Word Weavers have been hunted for their power. That’s why Keira is forbidden to write. When Keira discovers her grandma’s Word Weaver pen, and writes a story for the Girls’ World fairy tale contest, she starts to wonder if anyone ever truly lives happily ever after. Inspired by the life and times of Gabrielle d’Estrées, a real French princess who lived during the 1500’s.

To learn more about this book and see our review, click HERE.

About the Author

CHRISTINA FARLEY is the author of the bestselling Gilded series. Prior to that, she worked as an international teacher and at a top secret job for Disney where she was known to scatter pixie dust before the sun rose. When not traveling the world or creating imaginary ones, she spends time with her family in Clermont, Florida with her husband and two sons where they are busy preparing for the next World Cup, baking cheesecakes, and raising a pet dragon that’s in disguise as a cockatiel. You can visit her online at

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Giveaway Details

There will be three winners. Two winners will receive a signed advanced copy of THE PRINCESS AND THE PAGE (US only). A third winner will receive a $25 gift card to their favorite book vendor (international).

Entering is simple, just fill out the entry form below. Winners will be announced on this site and in our monthly newsletter (sign up now!) within 30 days after the giveaway ends.

During each giveaway, we ask entrants a question pertaining to the book. Here is the question they’ll be answering in the comments below for extra entries:

What do you think about the cover and synopsis?

Click the Rafflecopter link below to enter the giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

14 thoughts on “It’s Live!! Cover Reveal: The Princess and the Page by Christina Farley + Giveaway (US/Intl)”

  1. Anonymous says:

    I love the princess wearing a t-shirt and jeans! the cover is bright and exciting and I’d pick this book off the shelf. The synopsis is also exciting–anything to do with writing and magic hooks me every time.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I’m excited to read this book for many reasons. I enjoyed the GILDED series. I enjoy princess stories, magical stories, and historical fiction or fiction based on history. I have family roots that came from France. Most of all, it sounds like an amazing empowering story through the power of writing. The synopsis and as well as the beautiful cover makes me wish I could read the book right now. I look forward to reading it soon.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I really love the cover! The colors are bright and exciting. It really draws you in. The synopsis was very intriguing as well. Sounds like a book my daughter would love.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The cover is so bold and vivid; it makes me want to read the first page! However, I teach 6th grade and I think the cover would be off-putting to my students. The story summary, though, is very interesting and would be something my classes would enjoy. So I wish the cover was more appealing to the upper end of the middle grade spectrum.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Cover looks fun and colorful.

  6. Anonymous says:

    What a beautiful cover, I love all the colors, makes me want to read the story! 🙂

  7. Anonymous says:

    I love the colors. They are great for a younger pre-teen who will get drawn in. I also love how the cover gives you an brief overview of what the book will be about. Great match up!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Love the cover!

  9. Anonymous says:

    The cover is adorable! Definitely reminds me adventure, fairy tales, and magic…it just captures it all so perfectly! Even down to the colours! The synopsis: dark secrets, power, danger…and a magical pen which brings stories to life??? Can it get any better?

    The last part is what really got me interested: “Inspired by the life and times of Gabrielle d’Estrées, a real French princess who lived during the 1500’s.” OoooOoo! How exciting! I love books (even those which are loosely based) on real people and I can’t wait to read into her story as well!

  10. Anonymous says:

    The book cover is color and eye catching and the blurb is full of life , who wouldn’t want to read a book like this???

  11. Anonymous says:

    The cover is cute, and I love the idea that writing can be a power for some people. It looks interesting and fun, so I can’t wait to read it.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I like the colors an imagery in the cover. I like the synopsis. I like stories with magic. Keira sounds like a good character.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I can’t wait to read this book. As soon as I saw the cover on Lexa Cain’s blog I knew I would be stopping by to enter for a chance to win a copy. The cover is beautiful and I love the bright colors. Thanks for the chance to win a copy. 🙂 Awesome!

  14. Anonymous says:

    The cover is absolutely beautiful and would really stand out in the bookstore. What interests me is that its based on a real French princess!

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