House of Night: Untamed
User reviews
I did love seeing Zoey and Aphrodite's relationship. I liked that it wasn't something you'd see in every other book. I also love their banter when they talk to each other, it's funny.
What I love most about these books is how the Native American influence they use. Now I'm not Cherokee (I'm Apache) but it's still nice to see some of the Native stuff. I enjoy it very much.
I do feel Zoey grew in this novel some and I liked that. She felt less self centered and a little less worried over dudes. Which, don't get me wrong, I won't read a novel unless there is some kind of romance but three dudes? That's a bit much to me.
I also love seeing Stevie Rae coming to terms with what she is now and trying to help the others. I really love her character, she's sweet as apple pie.
This novel ends with Kalona being released from the Earth and this one marks where stuff really starts to move. Can't wait to jump into the next one.
To me, this book was beyond boring. I have read all of them, and they were great. But this one was just bland. I found myself skimming pages. It was even putting me to sleep! I just, this one was the most horrible at of the series. It was just wierd, and stupid. To me, it made no scense. But if you liked it, then it's okay. To me, it sucked. Literally.
Thank goodness this book was better than book 2, Chosen! It still
was not one of my favorites and I still wanted to stop at the beginning
and rant at Zoey for being so fickle when she starts to develop an
interest in the new student, Stark. At the end of Chosen it seems like
the action is finally going to start but Cast seems to be dragging the
story out. I loved that we continue to see Aphrodites character grow
and evolve as she tries to make up to Nyx, all the wrong she has done.
I actually feel that while Aphrodite is maturing, Zoey continues to
make the same mistakes over and over. I do feel bad for Zoey over the
treatment she receives from her friends and especially Erik. She did
behave totally skanky but now as her teacher, Erik had no right to take
his anger out on her in the classroom. Yet again, the action starts to
ramp up at the end of the book and will leave you hanging. I will give
Cast that, they sure know how to hook you into the next book.
One random note-I thought it was funny to see a mention of Melissa
Marrs book, Ink Exchange. It always seems read to be reading a story
that references other real life, modern day books. Ive read Marrs
Wicked Lovely and Fragile Eternity books but not Ink Exchange.
Reprinted here with author's permission.
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