Giveaway: Win Dark Days Tour Signed Books!



I got a chance to catch up with these Pitch Dark Days authors and ask them a few questions:

Kiera Cass (THE ELITE)

Elizabeth Norris (UNBREAKABLE)

Aprilynne Pike (LIFE AFTER THEFT)

Amy Tintera (REBOOT)

Check out their answers below, then enter to win one of these four signed books!





Do the Pitch Dark Days authors write in a linear style, from start to finish, or do they jump around? 

Kiera said she usually writes start to finish, but while writing The Elite, she wrote specific scenes and then pieced them together. When she wrote the final book in the series, she wrote the ending first, then went back and wrote the rest.

Elizabeth said she plans it all out, then writes the last scene first, then jumps around and writes different parts, depending on her mood.

Aprilynne wrote seven books linearly but then started writing haphazardly. Her linear system is now gone. 

Amy said if she doesn’t plan out the entire book and write linearly, she’ll abandon the manuscript. 



If their books had a theme song, what would it be?

Amy said for Reboot the theme song is silence. This was the first book she wrote to no music at all. 

April said there is no theme song to Life After Theft, even though her other books all had Broadway theme songs.

Elizabeth chose We Are Broken by Paramore.

Kiera chose Poison and Wine by The Civil Wars.


A reader asked Kiera: Which One Direction song best describes Prince Maxon?

Kiera said probably Change My Mind, because there is a lot of mind changing, and because of the nature of the competition. 

A reader asked Liz: Is UNBREAKABLE the final book or will there be another one in the series?

Liz said Unraveling and Unbreakable is a duology + a novella. She wanted the characters to be happy in the end, and not keep dragging them into more trouble.

A reader asked Amy: What kind of research went into making the fascinating world of Reboot. (if any!)

Amy said the most interesting part of her research was watching a YouTube video about taking apart a gun and how to shoot it. She’d never shot a gun before so that was helpful for her. 

A reader asked Liz: If you could cast anyone for Ben or Janelle, who would you choose?

Liz chose Hailey Steinfeld for Janelle and Taylor Kitsch for Barclay. She said she sees Ben as James Franco from his Freaks & Geeks days. 

A reader asked Aprilynne: What made you want to switch from paranormal novels to LIFE AFTER THEFT?

Aprilynne said that actually, she started with Life After Theft. It was her first YA before Wings. Life After Theft was what led her to writing paranormal. 


~ Giveaway Details ~

Fill out the form below and I’ll choose 4 international winners! Each one will win one of these signed books: 


THE ELITE by Kiera Cass

UNBREAKABLE by Elizabeth Norris

LIFE AFTER THEFT by Aprilynne Pike

REBOOT by Amy Tintera


a Rafflecopter giveaway

68 thoughts on “Giveaway: Win Dark Days Tour Signed Books!”

  1. Krista says:

    I would love them all but Reboot is something I am super excited for:D

  2. Jessica Lynn Piazza says:

    I would love to win either Reboot or The Elite!

  3. Rachel Patrick says:

    I already have [i]The Selection[/i], so any but that one!

  4. Tressa (Tressa's Wishful Endings) says:

    Reboot or Unbreakable. 🙂

  5. Lauren Zipp says:

    I would choose Reboot…Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Breanna says:

    Life After Theft

  7. Katrina Pierce says:

    I’m excited about Reboot and The Elite!

  8. Courtney Gendreau says:

    They all look so good!! Maybe the Elite or reboot

  9. Abigail Witt says:

    Definitely Reboot! Sounds amazing!!

  10. Mary Moore says:

    I already have copies of The Elite and Life After Theft, I think Reboot.

  11. Cohlina says:

    The Elite! 😀

  12. Cohlina says:

    Or REBOOT! ♥

  13. REBOOT all the way! 😀

  14. Chenise J. says:

    I’m dying to read Reboot!

  15. I am most interested in ‘Reboot’ by Amy Tintera since I’m currently reading a sci-fi book & I figured that books like that let me cooperate as reader because I wonder what might happen next and where does the story go. 🙂

  16. Nichol says:

    Reboot sounds really interesting!

  17. Amber Hsu says:

    I’d love unbreakable by Elizabeth Norris!

  18. Lucero says:

    I’m excited about [i]Reboot[/i]!!! 😀

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