Review Detail

Kids Fiction 384
All About Baby Wolves
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Under a full moon, a mama wolf raises her pups. They start out whining and unable to see until they grow and develop enough to explore their surroundings. Slowly, they get more and more adventurous but wolves are pack animals so they always tend to stick by one another.

FULL MOON PUPS is an engaging story that teaches children some facts about wolves and how they live in the wild. The illustrations are cute and I love the details of the environment and the wolves' fur. Even though a full moon only happens roughly once a month, they're tied to wolves. When we think of full moons, we think of wolves so I love how the author incorporates it into the story so children can learn about what wolves really do under the night sky. In the back of the book, there's an author's note about the family dynamics of wolves and some more interesting facts about there. There's also a chart and an explanation of the phases of the moon.

Final Verdict: I would recommend this to fans of wolves and nature. While being educational, this book is also just an adorable, sweet story about family and the adventures of wolf pups.
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