Featured Review: Wildbound (Elayne Audrey Becker)


About This Book:

Wildbound is the thrilling finale to Elayne Audrey Becker’s epic fantasy saga of forest magic and a kingdom on the brink of war.
With the assassination of Telyan’s king, the time for peace has passed.

Determined to make up for his failure to procure the stardust, Helos finds work as a healer at Fendolyn’s Keep, the historic garrison to which Telyan’s exiled royals―and half its civilians―have fled. Racing against the Fallow Throes’ ticking clock, he endeavors to repair his relationship with Prince Finley and dreams of his claim to a faraway throne, as the base around him prepares for war.

Half a continent away, his sister Rora is doing everything she can to reawaken the land and end Eradain’s slaughter of magical beings. Still reeling from the revelation that Eradain’s violent monarch is her half-brother, she journeys to the kingdom determined to infiltrate his court in disguise―and finds the seeds of rebellion are already stirring.

With a magical illness running rampant and the continent arming for battle, the three realms’ long-feared destruction seems inevitable. But the two shifters they believed would bring about Alemara’s ruin may in fact hold the key to its survival.



*Review Contributed by Connie Reid, Site Manager*

What I Loved: In the first book, Forestborn, Rora sees the vile prison that the Eradain kingdom is using to capture and torture magical creatures. She feels called to duty in this book and faces the danger to shut down that prison. It is very courageous seeing someone that doesn’t turn their back on injustice and steps in to stop it. She connects with the resistance to make a difference in her half-brother’s rule.
The first book was so good as Rora and Weslyn go from enemies to friends to something a bit more. I liked that Rora began to regard herself more during their time apart in Wildbound, but was very happy once their stories came together again.
I enjoyed Helos in the first book and grew to love his character even more through the alternating perspectives in the sequel. We were able to see his inner struggle with the traumatic events he endured in Forestborn. So many times, in books the characters go through trauma and then act like it isn’t a big deal. Helos tried to bury it but his reactions kept indicating that he wasn’t alright until he finally sought help from his friends to come to terms with his past.
Helos and Finley were separated by birthright and illness in the first book. Their relationship kept me turning the pages to see how it would be resolved. Helos matured greatly and like his sister found how he could help make the world a better place and pursued that path.
Final Verdict: This story was magical in its ability to take a fantastical world and make it real with our emotional investment in the characters. It touched on real themes such as ignorance leading to fear and prejudice. The prison could have parallels to any holocaust camp of World War II with how little regard for life the prisoners were treated. The reader was right there with Rora and Helos as they faced their inner and outer demons and grew to be who they were meant to be. This was a delightful duology that was very fast-paced and satisfying to read.



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