It's Your Time to Shine

It's Your Time to Shine
Co-Authors / Illustrators
Age Range
Release Date
March 05, 2024
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Inspire readers to go off into the world as the bold and brave person they are with this empowering board book that tells them now is their time!

It’s your time to shine.
Show the world who you are:
a bright rising star!

Growing up means there are times for feeling your best, succeeding, feeling uncertain, and failing—and everything in between. Things may be ever-changing but this moment, right now—whether it’s a regular day or a pivotal occasion like a graduation—is the reader’s time to take charge.

Editor review

1 review
inspirational board book
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
IT'S YOUR TIME TO SHINE is an inspirational and giftable board book. The book features a poem about life that is intended to encourage young children to be themselves and enter the world boldly and confidently.

What I loved: The illustrations here are lovely and tell the story of growing up and the many adventures had along the way. The character changes and has experiences that will resonate with young readers throughout. The poem is cute and inspirational with a giftable book feel that would work well at times of change and accomplishment. The book talks not only about the good times but also some of the tough ones that life throws your way - in vague terms, keeping a hopeful and positive tone throughout.

What left me wanting more: As a small thing, the rhythm changes several times throughout the book that can create some verbal stumbles. The rhyming pattern likewise does not feel fully consistent. While most of it reads pretty smoothly, it can feel awkward in places.

Final verdict: IT'S YOUR TIME TO SHINE is a charming and inspiring board book that makes a great gift at times of growth/change, such as graduations or entering a new school. A solid pick for all ages.
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