Evernight (Evernight #1)

4.1 (28)
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Reader reviewed by sara

i really liked the twist in the middle of the book...up until then you have the impression that bianca is a normal girl.  I loved that because i didnt see it coming although reading through the book again there were clues as to what bianca really was.  another book about romeo and juliet,  true love seperated by hate.  great book! a must read!
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Wow! Loved It!
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I really liked this one. However, I did not care for how the big secret was revealed. But I can not clarify without giving it away. All I will say is this book was worth the money. Typical teenage story...Parents find a better job...uproot the family to another location...child goes to a new school. Expect that this school is filled with vampires. Bianca knows she won't fit in with the in crowd and when she meets another outsider, Lucas, she suddenly doesn't care. He is rebellious, courageous, and sweet. But Bianca has a secret, one just as big as Evernight's, and it could tear them apart.
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Reader reviewed by Beth

I thought that this was a good book.  I enjoyed the slightly different take on vampires because it's hard to find an original way to present them.  The plot is somewhat predictable, but yet there are also some surprises.  The second book, Stargazer, is also something worth reading.
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Evernight by Claudia Gray
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Reader reviewed by cosmicdustbella

When the story begins in Evernight, Bianca has just left the small town where she's spent her whole life. She's a new student at Evernight Academy, a creepily Gothic boarding school where her classmates are somehow too perfect: smart, sleek and almost predatory. Bianca knows she doesn't fit in.

Evernight Academy is an extremely exclusive boarding school that has just began to relax its entrance requirements, allowing in new students. The new kids stick out like a sparkly vampire in the sunlight. All are aquard and nervous about the first day of school.

Bianca has been shy to the point of pain her whole life, and being at Evernight makes no difference, until she meets a boy named Lucas. Though he is also a new student, he shows every bit of confidence and perfection of the alumni, though he is determained not to be the typical "Evernight type". There's a connection between Bianca and Lucas that can't be denied. She would risk anything to be with himbut dark secrets are fated to tear them apart... and to make Bianca question everything she's ever believed to be true.

Claudia Gray has created a wonderful novel about fantacy, love, betrayal, and mystery. Just when you think that you now what will happen, she is able to shock you in a way that you would never be able to predict. Through the novel you feel mixed emotions, fright, romance, horror, betrayal, sadness, anger, and more. The author mixes real life issues with the enchantment of magical creatures. The shock and cliffhanger at the end will have you rereading the book again and again just so you can try to guess what will happen in her next novel.

Reprinted here with author's permission
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Watch out, Edward and Bella!
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Reader reviewed by Nina

When it comes to books about vampires, I didnt think anything could possibly be better than the Twilight Saga. That was before I discovered Evernight, which may well become Twilights rival, at least from my point of view.
The book takes place at the mysterious Evernight Academy, a school filled with secrets. Bianca, the main character and narrator of the book, is forced to attend school here by her parents. On the night before classes, she attempts to run away to prove to her parents (who will be teachers at Evernight Academy) that they shouldnt have brought her here. On her mission, she meets Lucas in the woods near the school. Lucas and Bianca are drawn to each other from the very first time they meet. It seems as though they are the perfect couple, until their secrets start leaking out&
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Awesome vampire book!
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Reader reviewed by Bookluver-Carol

Bianca wants to escape.

She's been uprooted from her small hometown and enrolled at Evernight Academy, an eerie Gothic boarding school where the students are somehow too perfect: smart, sleek, and almost predatory. Bianca knows she doesn't fit in.

Then she meets Lucas. He's not the "Evernight type" either, and he likes it that way. Lucas ignores the rules, stands up to the snobs, and warns Bianca to be carefuleven when it comes to caring about him.

"I couldn't stand it if they took it out on you," he tells Bianca, "and eventually they would."

But the connection between Bianca and Lucas can't be denied. Bianca will risk anything to be with Lucas, but dark secrets are fated to tear them apart . . . and to make Bianca question everything she's ever believed.
Well I was very excited when I got my copy of Evernight. I heard and read a lot of good things about it. The first 145 pages or so of the book were kind of boring. We really didn't know what Bianca was until around page 146 but that's when the book got really interesting.Afterwards the book was really good. It's so much better than some vampire books I've read. It has romance, twists, vampires, ancient battles, and so much more.The characters were well developed and the plot towards the middle was amazing.I really enjoyed reading this book. I stayed up all night finishing it. I can't wait for it's sequel Stargazer. Claudia Gray's debut novel is a must read.

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Romeo and Juliet at an isolated prep school?
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Reader reviewed by Brenda

Shy Bianca has to leave her happy and normal suburban life when her parents accept teaching jobs at Evernight Academy, their alma mater. Bianca feels like an outcast among the rich, smart and jet set students at Evernight. Sparks fly when she meets Jared, who also doesnt seem to fit in. But no one is who he or she seems to be in this striking gothic novel.

This is an intriguing and well-written novel with a number of surprising twists and turns. Biancas character is particularly well characterized and your sympathies are with her at every turn. Jarad is mysterious and appealing at the same time not always an easy thing to do.

I really enjoyed this, the authors first novel Ill be watching for a sequel.
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The best book I've read this year
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Reader reviewed by www.vitadei.blogspot.com

Sometimes by reviews have stories to go a long with them. This book definetly does. A few months ago, I heard about this book and I was interested-I mean, I love vampire books as you all know, and any new vamp material is good material. As time built up to me actually reading this book I had found that my expectations of it rose as well. Now, I have learned from expierence that having high expectations equals huge let down(I am looking at you Phantom Menace), so when I finally started reading it, I tried to prepare myself for it not being what I imagined
I didn't need to.
This is the first book I have ever read that has ever "lived up to" what I imagined it to be in my head. Of course, many you simpathize with the" it sounded good on the back cover" syndrome-I do too. Many books just don't turn how you imagined them originally in your head. Not that these books are bad but sometimes they just aren't what you saw or wanted out of the book.
Evernight, however, suprassed all of my expectations of the book. It seriously was the best book I read this year so far. One of the best debutes I have ever seen from an author, Ms. Gray makes it seem like she has written numerous teen novels. Now, I will have to re-read it like 5 times before it can be considered but I think I may have a new favorite series to watch out for.

Onto the novel itself, It's about Biana a girl attending Evernight because her parents teach there. She decides to run away to prove a point when she runs into( or away from) Jared/Lucas- a fellow student. Sparks fly and before you know it, Biana is pulled into a love story with twists and turns that have a Romeo and Juliet-esque feel to them

The characters themselves are quite interesting. You of course sympathize with Bianca and feel for her throughout the book. You will also fall in love with Jared/Lucas-He has a bad boy attitude but not in a way that makes you hate him. His character will through you for a loop so be prepared.

In conclusion, it is an amazing read. You must pick this book up! I You will be hooked from the prolouge on.

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