Desperate Tides, Desperate Measures (Talisman 5)

Desperate Tides, Desperate Measures (Talisman 5)
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Release Date
February 26, 2022
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Looks like our heroes can finally put an end to the nightmare that was Scarabadon, The Juggernaut. And it seems everyone’s favorite Synergist Knight and Master Dragon have fixed their Talisman issue too. Having thwarted every attack The Tyrant King has thrown at them to this point, The Alliance believes that they can endure any challenge as long as they remain together. Now, having the upper hand seems like the perfect opportunity to seek out more allies and even more of the realm’s mystical Talismans. Could this be a “happily ever after” for our ensemble of motley heroes? Or is this peace just a fool’s hope and just as temporary as the changing tides?

Editor review

1 review
Building to the ultimate showdown
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What worked:
The author’s sense of humor is a constant in his writing style. Oftentimes, the characters exchange sarcastic comments or playful jests at one another. An elemental named Mander is introduced to the cast of characters and he’s not overly impressed with humans. Rome and Krysta are becoming more affectionate and their friends don’t miss opportunities to make teasing comments. Julian is a Synergist Knight but he exudes fun and excitement whenever conflicts approach. He doesn’t mock his sister or Rome, his dragon brother, as much but he can’t totally stop himself from making amusing remarks.
The plot includes more fight scenes than in previous books as Darkbrand attacks continue to become more frequent and violent. All of the elemental talismans are finally located and creatures from The Void are aggressively trying to collect them. Rome and his alliance of knights and dragons have successfully thwarted those efforts so far but it’s becoming more difficult. The Nocturns that sometimes possess human hosts now wield more devastating abilities and weapons that are even able to penetrate Rome’s dragon scales. Minotaurs still lead bands of Garms against the alliance and they each have unique arsenals and powers. Rome learns the Tyrant King’s plans may not be as random as they first thought and the alliance may actually be playing right into his hands.
Characters are able to overcome their differences and distrust of others and join forces to defeat a common enemy. Since the beginning of the series, Rome and Julian have faced resistance every time they’ve encountered new dragons. The dragons remember the betrayal of humans so they initially abhor the idea of becoming allies again. In this book, the boys meet dragons from the sea whose leader is content to have his followers remain in their protected fortress. Julian’s cousin Jericho, another Synergist Knight, is finally forced to face his sorrow and anger toward his uncle when the two characters come face to face. In the end, all of the Synergist Knights and their dragons possess complimentary abilities that make them impressive, formidable defenders of the planet.
What didn’t work as well:
The resolution sets the stage for the next book as it builds to the series' climax. I like when books resolve issues before moving on to their sequels but this book ends “mid-spell” and leaves unresolved problems. The next book is sure to present an escalation of excitement that I assume will tie everything together.
The Final Verdict:
The author crafts an action-filled adventure between unlikely allies and a growing force of evil creatures. The blend of drama, humor, relationships, and unexpected twists is sure to entertain young readers. The book is classified as young adult, but middle-grade readers can enjoy it too. I recommend you give this book, and the series, a shot.
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