Crank (Crank #1)

4.7 (44)
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Reader reviewed by Alexis

I think this book was so good. At first I was confused because it is written in poem form, but I got used to it and actually started to like the format. I think that this is one of the best books I have ever read. It is about Kirsten or Bree depending on how you look at it. I think that I would reccommend this to all my friends who haven't read it. Kirsten goes to her dad's for the summer and comes home Bree. I think if you like to read you would like this book.
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Reader reviewed by Kaylarene

CRANK is one of the best books I have read. For someone with teenage drug problems, this would be perfect for them to relate to and try to overcome the problem. The book is about a teenage girl named Kristina trying to find herself and finds Bree. Bree is her second person i would say. Not exactly an alter ego but she tends to do things good ol' Kristina would not. When Kristina goes to see her father for a couple of weeks she meets a boy named Adam. Adam introduces her to Crank and it ends up that she can not get enough of it. Bree comes out and meets some new boys back home at her mothers named Brendan and Chase. Both also do crank and she likes both. Turns out Brendan just wanted her body but Chase truly loves her. It is an awesome book and anyone should read it.
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This Is a Must Read
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Reader reviewed by ktirrell

Almost all of my friends have read the book Crank. First I read it then I gave it to my friend Jaclyn. I know the three girls that sit next to my in Spanish are reading or have read it. I absolutely recommend that you read this book. It is the kind of book you do not want to put down. When I first started reading it I said well I will read twenty pages and next thing I know I was on page two-hundred and thirty-seven. I could not put the book down. Each page is like a vacuum that keeps sucking you in and you think it would be easy to put the book down but you can not. The book Crank is about a teenage girl that the not so wonderful part of life is happening too. There is distrust, anger, sadness, and overall suffrage in her life. The only time she can achieve some happiness is when she gets high but after that few hours or when she wakes up there are all those feeling putting her back into her depression. It was not always like that though; she used to be a straight A student but that one time she ever stayed with her dad ruined her. If you like poems, and intense stories this book is definitely for you. I could read it over and over until I memorize it. Before I never liked to read and Crank opened up to show me that not all books are boring there are books for everyone. So if you do not like to read try reading Crank and if you do like to read try reading Crank. Crank is that amazing!
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Reader reviewed by becca

The perfect example for a teen of what not to do. It tells how drugs can ruin a young girls life and change it forever. This has inspired me to never even think about doing drugs for fear of my life going bad. I love the book and think every teen out there should read it
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Definitely mindblowing
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Reader reviewed by Megan

Crank is the story of Kristina, a "good girl" in high school. However, all that changes when she spends the summer with her dad. There, she is introduced to "crank" (meth) by a neighbor. The rest of the book is about her spiraling downfall, from that first trip with the monster to when she becomes pregnant from a rape. Written in a different style than most are used to, Ellen Hopkins delivers a mindblowing story.
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So Great
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Reader reviewed by bria

If you haven't read any of Ellen's work, you should definitly start with Crank. Crank is the story of a girl named Kristina who goes to visit her dad and gets hooked on meth. She falls in love with a bad boy who also does the drug but at the end of the summer has to go back home when she is now addicted to the drug. This book is not for teens who can't handle what really happens in life , but a great read non the less.
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awesome but depressing
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Reader reviewed by eama4444

This book was very well written in a unique-to-the-author format. It moves along quickly so any slow parts will be gone before they really affect your impression of the book. It is on a dark topic, so the overall plot is dark, but it is extremely well written so it just makes it more realistic.
It may not be for everyone, but I loved it so much that I've even payed full hardcover price for her next two books. If you want to read something a little less fictional here's where to start.
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Reader reviewed by erica

Crank, by Ellen Hopkins, is not only a phenomenal book, but it is incredibly moving and dramatic. Kristina/Bree's experiences with drugs and being around people she never would have before is an intense storyline, and the author's style really reaches out to the reader and makes them feel apart of Kristina's life.

As soon as Kristina meets Adam her inner risk-taking side breaks through, and she is known from then on to people she meets as 'Bree', and Bree is the polar opposite of Kristina. Kristina was an average girl with an average life, who played by the rules, was a little shy, and certainly not one to take deadly chances. Bree is the firey side of Kristina that is very spontaneous and just about goes searching for danger, never thinking twice about decisions.

Some may deny that Kristina's experiences are common among teens today, but the same choices she makes appear in many, many incidences for girls like her at all times. It may not prevent someone from experimenting with crank, but it definately tells you a lot about the effects it has on the person themselves, as well as their friends and family, and the gripping addiction that can occur from its use.

From the first line Kristina snorts to her ending up pregnant and addicted to "The Monster", you will not be able to put this book down.
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Interesting style of writing
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Reader reviewed by Kristen

This is the story of a good girl gone bad (yet again :P) Kristina (or Bree - her alter ego)makes some terribley life changing desicionswinds up an addict, and faces completely life alters choices. I couldn't exactly get into this book, but maybe it's just because I'm too much of a good girl myself. The style in which this book was written (poem/diary type) was really interesting and I thought was an excellent way of represtenting this all, although I do not think this book is meant for just anyone to read.
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Awesome Book!
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Reader reviewed by Kady

This book was awesome. Although it was a little hard to follow at first, I really got into this book. It really opened up a new door for me. It gave me an outlook on how drugs and lies could and can affect your life. This book showed me how to be more open-minded and how anything and everything you do effects your life in one way or another.
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