Another Little Piece

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Another Little Piece
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Release Date
June 11, 2013
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A reckless wish taken from the darkest desires of the heart…

A bloody razor engraved with the names of the girls who turned to dust…

An endless cycle that feeds of loneliness and craves destruction…

Together, these pieces form a twisted puzzle that Annaliese Rose Gordon has to solve. Trapped in a body that isn’t hers—with no memory of how she got there—she must unlock the secrets of her past in order to escape the horrors of her future.

A reckless wish taken from the darkest desires of the heart…

A bloody razor engraved with the names of the girls who turned to dust…

An endless cycle that feeds of loneliness and craves destruction…

Together, these pieces form a twisted puzzle that Annaliese Rose Gordon has to solve. Trapped in a body that isn’t hers—with no memory of how she got there—she must unlock the secrets of her past in order to escape the horrors of her future.

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Highly recommended, buying it in hardcover, putting it in my classroom and highly anticipating anyth
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Confession time: I do not read book blurbs. Well, that's not exactly true, When I discover a book name or cover that piques my interest, I read the blurb in order to confirm or disprove my first impression. However, there is usually a span of a couple of months in between requesting an ARC for review and actually reading it. In that time, I tend to forget anything that the blurb said other than the most basic facts. I also actively avoid re-reading the blurbs as they set up undue expectations or leave me waiting for a particular even to happen and ruin my entrenchment in the first part of the novel. Not reading the blurb is usually not a problem.

In Another Little Piece, however, I was expecting a very different novel. The first few chapters had me settling in for a contemporary fiction/mystery novel about how an abduction victim re-gains her memory of the horrific events of the year she disappeared. When the paranormal elements took over instead, I was pretty much blindsided. I went back several times to re-read the passage and make sure that I was not missing something. That is not to say that I was disappointed. Quite the contrary. The change, while unexpected, led to an incredibly unique story that examined the blurry line between good and evil and the desperate lengths to which the soul will go in order to maintain self-preservation.

I love that Anna was a self-proclaimed monster. I really enjoy reading books that turn the reader's idea of evil upside down and leave you siding with, essentially, a murderer (I'm looking at you Anna Dressed In Blood!). In recovering her memories, Anna discovers that she has been the perpetrator of some truly gruesome deaths and that she has made selfish choices time and time again. Despite this, and perhaps a little bit because of it, I loved her. I could see the great potential in the character and the horror of the choice that she is faced with.

In a YA novel with a great female lead, I am often disappointed by the boy(s). But not here my friends. There was a great connection between Anna and Dex, who had his own super-special stuff going on. I also really appreciated that the OTHER BOY, Logan was just a great guy and that, despite this, it was clear from the beginning that he was not the one for Anna. No love triangle here folks! I did feel like the choice to keep Frankie in child's body for most of the book made him a little laughable and not the frightening character that he could have been. This did take a little of the tension out of the story.

I am not sure if this book will lead to a series set in this world, but there is certainly room for expansion. There are a couple of side characters who could easily lead their own novel and I would love to see more of the mysterious Physician who acts as puppeteer behind the scenes.

A note on content: this one is gruesome folks. Blood, bodies and cannibalism just to start. There are also a couple of scenes that feature sex between teenagers, though nothing is really described graphically.

Highly recommended, buying it in hardcover, putting it in my classroom and highly anticipating anything else by Kate Karyus Quinn!
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Twisted Dark Awesomeness
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Twisted. Dark. And Awesome. Those three words essentially sum up Another Little Piece. Since I first heard the title and saw the enticing cover, I was anxious to read this one, and I am happy to announce that is doesn't disappoint.

Another Little Piece really deals in the weird - there's no other way to describe it. From the style and format, down to the story, Another Little Piece is a twisted sort of bizarre and I loved it.

I was captivated from the first page with this one - the format of the book is really neat. Short chapters with poems interspersed throughout. It really was intriguing.

Ah! I just cannot wait for another book from Katie Karus Quinn! This one was such a hit and I cannot wait for another fantastic story.
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Deliciously Dark
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Annaliese Rose Gordon doesn't know who or what she is. In order to know, she would have to search her past full of dark secrets. On her path to discovery, she must put together the pieces of her past "in order to escape the horrors of her future."

The story begins with Annaliese being interrogated on a hospital after she showed up unexpectedly after being nearly a year missing. Doctor Grimace and Gloom thinks something is off with her. " Out of those seven hundred and fifty-two brains, only four have behaved in ways that I could not understand...I determined after extensive testing that those brains are aberrations to the point of no longer being technically human." "Yours is the fourth brain. And makes you my first living monster."
And something is off, she isn't Annaliese but someone else living on her body. She doesn't remembers anything. She only knows that she needs to find herself. Anna Martin who is now living Annaliese Rose Gordon's life. Who may not be even human. "Annaliese was gone. Anna was dust. (They) might never be found." Her choices may be the only thing that will save her.

Annaliese doesn't seem like an evil person but something evil is surrounding her. An strange boy named Eric. An razor blade. Missing girls. A mysterious man known as the Physician. A birthday never to come. In all her past and her unknown future. In the present, while she struggles with her new life and body, her odd next door neighbor, Dex captures her attention. Dex has been on a lot of crazy and dark places since his best friend killed him self and his mom locked herself away from civilization including him. They both "have come a long distance" but together they would " finally find a safe place to rest."

Another Little Piece is a masterpiece. Dark and eerie. Mythical. Original. Mind-bending. Creepy. A whole new level of scary.
I love how Annaliese's poems reflect how she is so different yet so alike to Anna.

" I appear weak,
but I'm not always
what I seem to be.
This is not even close
to all there is
of me.
I dare you to
underestimate me."

I give the author my step of applause for giving the readers, something different on the paranormal genre. Something deliciously dark. It's a bit fragmented and in some part confusing but it totally worked for me. I "ate my heart out" reading this book. ? LOVE IT. A favorite. 5 Stars.

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Perfectly Creepy
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Another Little Piece is everything I THOUGHT I didn’t like in books, and yet, somehow, I managed to like this one. And not even like this one–I really liked this one, and I was on the edge of my seat and enthralled the entire time. I read this book over Halloween, and let me tell you, this book fit the whole mood and idea of Halloween SO well.

This book is very straight horror and is not for everyone. I’m surprised it was for me. It is completely bloody and has more gore than I’m typically comfortable with. I will admit I skimmed some of the harsher and more graphic scenes because there are some things I just can’t take, but none of them made me want to put the book down because I was too curious about the mystery of Annalise.

This book is not a book filled with easy answers. It keeps the reader in the dark for much of the time, though never too long to the point where I felt annoyed by lack of information. The girl in Annalise’s body is not Annalise–that’s all we know from the beginning, and the readers travel with Annalise–or rather, the person who is currently living Annalise’s life–and as she tries to decipher everything, so do we.

The writing and story is sparse, here, but for Another Little Piece, it works. And the title is very fitting as well. The entire story, I was so intrigued by Annalise’s life. And if you’re reading this and thinking I’m not saying much, you’re right. This is a short review simply because I cannot talk about the plot or most of the characters without giving the story away, and it’s one of those books you really have to read for yourself.

As I mentioned, though, as much as I liked this book, it is NOT for everyone. I say that often, but it is true of this book in particular. It is bloody. It is gory. It is horrifying and shiver-inducing at times. It’s written in a way that makes you more confused right before you get new information. I know many of the bloggers I follow did not like this one at all, for understandable reasons. Personally, however, I was drawn in right away and never really wanted to emerge from the world of the book until I had my answers.

Final Impression: If you’re looking for a good horror YA novel, I highly recommend Another Little Piece. Perhaps not for everyone(there’s a LOT of blood and body parts, let’s be upfront about that), but if you’re the type of reader who doesn’t mind going down a VERY windy road before reaching the conclusion of a heart-stopping story, Another Little Piece is for you.
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A Good Book
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Holy crap! What did I just finish reading?

Those were the words that floated out of my mouth the moment I finished reading this book at 2am this morning.A book really has to draw me in big time for me to stay up half the night devouring it. Another Little Piece definitely did that. First, lets just get this out of the way, this is not a book for everyone. Not everyone is going to devour this book like it's their last meal.But after a slow start, this book picked up steam and never looked back.

Normally I hate poetry in books but the poems that were in this book, worked. They were poems that Annalise wrote herself before she disappeared and they nearly always gave clues as to what was going to happen next.

The writing fit the story so well. At times it was disjointed but that made sense to me as Annalise felt disjointed herself. She didn't remember her life at all and she struggled to try to remember it. The writing was beautiful and haunting which, again fit the book so well.The use of the author's descriptive language was awesome.

I adored Dex, he was a wonderful surprise and he was good to and for Annalise which was awesome to see. There was a slight love triangle but I'm not even sure you can call it that because Logan was from the past and there was never really anything there between him and Annalise.

The paranormal elements were definitely a surprise as I didn't see that coming at all. Normally I shy away from paranormal elements in books, but it was done so well this time that I didn't mind it. It definitely added a layer to this book.

My brain literally HURT while reading this book. Not in a bad way, just in a I-gotta-know-what-happens-next kind of way. There were multiple questions I had throughout the book and every time a question was answered, another one would crop up. I mean that is a GREAT way to get people to want to keep reading, so kudos to Kate Karyus Quinn for doing that.

It was labelled as a bone chilling, spine tingling book but I didn't get that feeling. Yes there were parts that were creepy as all get out but nothing really bone chilling or spine tingling. I also didn't get many feels from this book. So those are the main reasons that I am giving this book 4 stars. Not everyone will love this book, but you should definitely give this book a try.
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(Source: I received a digital copy of this book for free on a read-to-review basis. Thanks to HarperTeen and Edelweiss.)
17-year-old Annaliese has been missing for over a year, and most people believe her to be dead, when suddenly she is found.

But Annaliese isn’t Annaliese. Not really, and not just because of the trauma. No, Annaliese is really someone else living inside Annaliese’s body, only she can’t remember how she came to be there, or what she really is. All she remembers is the cloying taste of blood, and that she only has until her 18th birthday to figure things out.
Who is the girl inside Annaliese? What happened to the real Annaliese? And when will this impostor remember who and what she is?

This was an interesting mix of paranormal and mystery, although I wished that the answers would have come quicker!

The impostor – who came to call herself ‘Anna’ was quite a mixed up character. She knew that she wasn’t Annaliese, but she didn’t know who she actually was. She referred to Annaliese’s parents as ‘the mom’ and ‘the dad’ because she was so sure that they were not her parents, and didn’t even want to wear Annaliese’s clothes because they didn’t feel like they belonged to her.
I felt a bit sorry for Anna in this respect because if I had been her I would have been seriously confused as well. It was so difficult for her to get along knowing that she wasn’t who she appeared to be, and not knowing who she really was, especially when it seemed that she must be some sort of a monster.

The storyline was mainly concerned with the mystery of who and what Anna was, and what would happen on her 18th birthday. I did like the mystery aspect of the story, but I thought that the pacing was just a little too slow, and the answers too long in coming. While hints were dropped, it seemed to take forever for the plot to move along, which got pretty annoying and made me less enthusiastic about this book than I expected.
The ending was okay, and I think I understand what happened, I’m just not sure that the ending was that satisfying. Maybe it was just because the book seemed to drag that made the ending feel less worthwhile after the 400+ pages it took to get there, or maybe I just wanted a different ending, but I didn’t really feel that Anna got a happily ever after.
Overall; an interesting YA paranormal/mystery story.
7 out of 10.
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Good horror, though too long
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Another Little Piece by Kate Karyus Quinn
eARC received from HarperTeen via Edelweiss
On Shelves Now
Reviewed by: Middle Sis Jenn
The Sisters Say: Dark, Gritty, and Unsettling

I love and hate horror movies. I love them because I like being on the edge of my seat, waiting for something to jump out of the dark corner; but I hate them because inevitably, as soon as the lights go out, here come the nightmares. So my solution? Never watch horror movies. So, I haven’t watched a horror movie in years, and I have started to miss them. And then lo and behold, horror starts becoming a trend in YA books! Problem solved. I love this growing trend because for some reason, books can be scary and thrill me without causing nightmares.
So when I saw Kate Karyus Quinn’s debt novel a couple of months ago, I knew it was one I was going to want to read; and it definitely delivered. Kate’s world was grisly—soaked in the blood of recklessness and evil. With every new memory Annaliese regains, the truth becomes more daunting and more grotesque. Fans of Kendare Blake will love this one.

From Chapter 1, I was pulled right into the twisted world of deception and brutality. Kate’s descriptions (while overly detailed at times) were hauntingly beautiful and terrible at the same time, and I found myself lost in a maze of shadows. Annaliese was a great mc for a horror novel because she had this brokenness to her that made you want to feel sorry for her, but at the same time, she had an air of coldness that sent my teeth to chattering. She was a completely unreliable narrator which made the tension much more palpable. I also liked that I didn’t take a liking to her. Does that make sense? She’s made horrible decisions in the past and there is a part of her that would scare the dark side of the moon. Her treachery and darkness made her a great character to both love and fear.

Now the bad guy (well, one of them) really disgusted me. I won’t say much about him because it’s too spoilery, but let me just say, he definitely triggered my gag reflex. His words and actions were manipulative and sociopathic; and seeing how much he enjoyed pain and suffering totally gave me the heebie jeebies.

The only thing that really bothered me was the length of the story. I really enjoyed it, but I got to a point where I wanted it to hurry up and end so I could see how everything was going to either work out or go to hell. I truthfully think it was a good 50-75 pages too long, and maybe that’s my attention span talking, but I had a hard time finishing it as quickly as I do other books. Most books I read in 2 days, and this one took me 4 days to complete. But then again, it might be because I couldn’t sit down and devour a book with so much grotesque imagery.
Overall, while it wasn’t my favorite ya horror that I have read, it was still a story that grabbed me and pulled me under. The ending was both somber and cathartic, though, so while I was still left with an unsettling feeling from the tragic decisions, I wasn’t left thinking, “Wow, sucks to be her.” If you are a horror fan, then you should definitely check this one out.
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Tragic and nail-biting ya horror story
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Another Little Piece is a debut novel by Kate Karyus Quinn. It's a story about a 17-year-old girl who stumbles out of the forest not remembering anything. The police officers tell her she's called Annaliese Rose Gordon and send her home with her loving parents. How did Annaliese disappear? Where was she for a year while she was missing? What happened to her?

Told in a first person point of view full of shocking discoveries, gruesome flashbacks and scary truths, Another Little Piece is never boring. There is always just another little piece missing and only person more eager than the me to solve the whole puzzle is the Annaliese herself. And I can bet that the ending will not be what you have expected.

Although I appreciated uniqueness and originality of Another Little Piece, sadly this is one of those young adult books that make me feel like a black sheep, in other words the book that I think everyone will love but me. :(

The start was great, the mystery and everything around Annaliese was so chilling and with shocking discoveries every 20 pages or so I was literally glued to the screen of my ereader reading like there was no tomorrow. But as the story developed it was inhabited with too much drama llamas for my taste. Seriously, could not just one character in this book be normal and ordinary? Everybody had some deep dark secret or tragic past...

Add to this too many plot holes in paranormal background of the story, some loose ends left hanging, feeling that ya characters in this book are having too much sex (no explicit descriptions of course) and you got me sighing and sadly concluding that this book was just not for me.

If you like ya horror novels about amnesia full of tragic characters and nail-biting mystery, and you are not put-off by some gruesome scenes involving blood then Another Little Piece by Kate Karyus Quinn might be the book for you. There is also this cute iconographic with similar books to help you decide.

Disclaimer: I was given a free eBook by the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for a honest review.
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Another Little Piece by Kate Karyus Quinn
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Normally I wouldn't post something more than two or three days ahead of its publication date, but since I didn't finish this one, I'm going to go ahead and post it.
For the longest time I was super excited about this. I made it to half way through and I just couldn't do it anymore. I'm most disappinted because I wanted to enjoy this. Especially when in the synopsis it mentions Stephen King, one of my favorite authors. Maybe when it comes out I'll give it another try, but for right now, I just can't get into it.
I didn't like the sub chapters and the awkward writing style was just really weird to me. Finally the only thing keeping me in the book was finding out what was really going on, but then even that didn't appeal to me.
I can see from other reviews that I'm not the only one who struggled with this, but there were also other people who loved it. Give it a try and you be the judge! It wasn't for me, but it doesn't mean that its not for you either!
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