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Kids Fiction 412
Like the title says...awesome!
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So, awhile back I got a somewhat cryptic email from an author (Dallas Clayton) who told me he had this awesome picture book for both kids and adults. He sent me a copy. The title, in fact, is An Awesome Book!

Now you can't find this book on Amazon or Barnes & Noble or anywhere other than Dallas's (very interesting) website (which is full of poetry and other cool things). I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical. I get a LOT of books across my desk and while there are definitely some gems in the self-published world, there are also a fair amount of stinkers (and to be fair, there are a lot of stinkers in the traditionally published world too, they just usually aren't as obvious). I probably shouldn't say that, but it's true, so there you go.

Well, I absolutely love this book. It has a great message, fun illustrations, and a general feel-goodness about it that I just really, really like. It truly is awesome. Awesomeness in a box (if the book came in a box, which I suppose it probably would when you ordered it).

There are places in the world, opens the book, where people do not dream...and then goes on to tell you of the things of which they do not dream (like rocket-powered unicorns) but of the stuff they might dream about (like furniture or matching silverware) and encourages readers to dream BIG (and I mean really, really big).

You can preview the book on the author's website. Go on, check it out. If you're like me, you'll like it. I plan on reading this to my son on a regular basis. I want him to dream big, impossible dreams. Because dreams are what change the world.
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